Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Effect of static label on a customer Essay

Effect of static label on a customer Introdution            Static labels give directions to the user for example the oil change labels instruct the user on when to change the oil and it is not difficult to remove or reposition those stickers and they don’t leave stains on consumers service wherever they are applied. On smooth service or on glass they look very attractive and thus pleasing the user. They should not stay on the surface applied more than one year. Static labels are used by both big and small businesses. Static labels can be applied to a variety of services because of its static holds both side of the service (Kraurup, Russel 2005). They have greater advantage to the consumer because the labels can be re-applied again and no adhesives are used            An application frequently uses static controls when labeling several other controls or sorting out a group of controls (Kraurup, Russel 2005). The above static control are termed as static labels and they influence the interactions of the customers and the application, there are four major types of static control static labels .They incude text static label , graphic static labels,image static labels and owner drawn static label. Despite the fact that static labels are normally child windows, it becomes hard to select them (Kraurup, Russel 2005).Thus, they cannot be able to accept the keyboard focus also they can have interface of the key board.  A basic graphic static label shows a filled rectangle that can be drawn in many style that include white black or grey. Frames can also be designed to give three dimensional outlook by the use of etched style . the frames must be filled a single color of the five . Applications can also get back a grip to the object of a graphic which is connected with the static label. An owner static label permit an application so that it can be to be accountable for bringing a static control.            Static labels are used mainly because of the static bonding they cause. This is widely used in labeling of products e.g. a stack of newspapers or magazines as it prevents them from shifting during transportation (Kraurup, Russel 2005). The labels cause an electrostatic charge, which in turn makes the materials to bond temporarily. This ensures they stick together during transportation hence making handling easier.            Customers prefer these labels mainly because they do not leave residues on windows especially: as long as the surface is smooth and non-porous (Kraurup, Russel 2005).These static cling labels are also readable even from a distance. Another important aspect of the static labels is that they can hold on to their surface for a long time without having to worry it will come out due to environmental factors like wind (Kraurup, Russel 2005).            For business/ industrial customers, these static labels are of critical importance because they will not have to worry about labels on their products coming out during transportation especially with the long lines of distribution (Kraurup, Russel 2005).            This electronic charge may have negative effects on the customer and humans in general. Some of these labels may produce a huge charge causing shocks on the users. Reference Krarup, S., & Russell, C. S. (2005). Environment, information and consumer behaviour. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. Source document

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Persecution in the Church Essay

In the book of Matthew 28: 16-20 Jesus Christ give us what is known as the â€Å"Great Commission† in this passage of scripture Jesus says I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth! Go to the people of all nations and make them my disciples. Baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and teach them to do everything I have told you. I will be with you always, even until the end of the world.† 1 In the centuries following the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ the church did just that. However not without resistance from local governments, Christianity was considered a rouge movement that defied the governmental establishments of the time. While Christians were simply seeking to live their life in worship to the living God, the government especially in the Roman Empire saw them as outliers and a threat to the roman way of life. While other religions were generally accepted by the roman government, Christianity was different. Romans were religious people, they had their pantheon of gods, but they did not see Christianity as a religion, they saw it as â€Å"superstitio† or a superstition. In fact Pliny a Roman governor circa 110 AD called Christianity â€Å"superstition taken to extravagant lengths. 2 Roman distrust for this new religion continued to swell with each century. Some emperors were tolerant and some were intolerant to the point of killing Christian non-conformist. Despite growing and widespread persecutions, imprisonments, and Martyrdoms 2. Robert L. Wilkin, â€Å"The Piety of the Persecutors.† Christian History, Issue 27 (Vol. XI, No. 3), p. 18 Church of Jesus Christ grew. Through the bravery, tenacity, and audacity of early Christian men and women we today have a surviving legacy of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. When it would have been easier to succumb to the Roman government and its edicts and religious institutions, God gave his people the willingness and power to stand up for what they knew was the truth. The Roman Government thought they could intimidate Christians to silence but they were wrong. Persecution of the church started almost at the beginning and continued sporadically through the next three hundred and fifty years. During this period Christians endures minor persecutions to the more extreme measures of persecution. At times the persecutions were local and at times they were empire wide. There was generally what is considered tem great periods of persecution. History of Persecutions The Persecution under Emperor Nero in Circa 64-68AD The Persecution under Emperor Nero was the beginning of what is considered the ten periods of persecution. it was under Nero’s rule that the Apostle Paul was martyred. At his second trial before Nero he knew that he would not be acquitted of the offences against him, the Roman government saw him as a threat and wanted him dead. His exact manner of death is unknown however it is generally accepted that he was beheaded.3 Nero is also responsible for the _________________________ 3. Albert Barnes, Scenes and Incidents in the Life of the Apostle Paul: Viewed as Illustrating the Nature and Influence of the Christian Religion (Ulan Press, 2012), 1. Martyrdom of the apostle Peter. Peter was by all accounts crucified, but he was said that he felt himself to be unworthy to be put to death in the same manner as his Master, and was therefore, at his  own request, crucified with his head downward.4 this was only the Beginning of the persecutions, many more followed Persecution under Domitian (r. 81-96). The Emperor Domitian was a cruel man, not only to Christians he murdered his own brother, and killed high ranking governmental officials so that he could confiscate their land and estates. He successfully raised the second persecution of Christians by demanding that anyone who came from the lineage of David be killed. Fabricated stories were made up about Christian during this time in order to scare the roman public. For example people were told that just about any natural disaster was the fault of the Christians. Christians were brought before the magistrates and ordered to take a test oath, if the person failed to take the oath they were sentenced to death, if they claimed faith in Jesus the same sentence was pronounced. The Roman government passed a law, â€Å"That no Christian, once brought before the tribunal, should be exempted from punishment without renouncing his religion.5 â€Å"The notable martyrs during this persecution were St. John, who was boiled in oil, and afterwar d banished to Patmos. Simeon, bishop of Jerusalem, who was crucified; and Flavia, the daughter of a Roman senator, was also banished to Pontus6 _________________________ 4. William Byron Forbush, ed., Fox’s Book of Martyrs: a History of the Lives, Sufferings, and Deaths of the Early Christian and Protestant Martyrs (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1978), Chapter 11. 5. William Byron Forbush, ed., Fox’s Book of Martyrs: a History of the Lives, Sufferings, and Deaths of the Early Christian and Protestant Martyrs (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1978), Chapter 11. 6. ibid Persecution under Trajan (112-117) During the third Persecution, the persecution of Trajan from 122-117 AD Christianity was officially outlawed, however the government of Rome did not seek out Christians to imprison or kill them at this time. If a Christian was imprisoned for some reason during this persecution they would have however been killed in particularly gruesome ways. For example many Christians were crucified on Mt. Ararat, the officials would use crowns of thorns as well as pierce the sides of Christians in mockery mimicking what was done to Jesus himself. Ignatius was probably the most noted martyr during this period. Appointed the Bishop of Antioch after Peter, because he confessed Christ he was handed over to the wild beast as tradition holds. He wrote to the church in Rome saying; â€Å"Now I begin to be a disciple. I care for nothing, of visible or invisible things, so that I may but win Christ. Let fire and the cross, let the companies of wild beasts, let breaking of bones and tearing of limbs, let the grinding of the whole body, and all the malice of the devil, come upon me; be it so, only may I win Christ Jesus! I am the wheat of Christ: I am going to be ground with the teeth of wild beasts, that I may be found pure bread.† 7 Finally during this time Quadratus, bishop of Athens, made an apology to the emperor on behalf of Christians. This apology coupled with an epistle written by a philosopher in the city, relaxed the emperors views toward Christians to relent8 _________________________ 7. William Byron Forbush, ed., Fox’s Book of Martyrs: a History of the Lives, Sufferings, and Deaths of the Early Christian and Protestant Martyrs (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1978), Chapter 11 8. ibid Persecution under Marcus Aurelius (r. 161-180) During the persecution under Marchs Aureluis, The torture Christians received during this period, was so grievous that even spectators to the torture would shudder at the extent of it. Christians were severely tortured during this period. They were often scourged to the point that their muscles and veins were visible; they were made to walk over nails, sharp shells, and thorns with feet that were already badly injured. The fate of their lives weren’t much better, if they did not succumb to the torture they were made to endure, they were beheaded, pressed together with weights, or burnt at the steak. The notable Martyrs of this period are Polycarp, who after being captured by  Roman guards was permitted an hour to pray. After the hour was done the guards who had watched him pray so fervently, actually repented that they had been instrumental in his capture. He was then dragged before proconsul and urged â€Å"Swear and I will release thee;–reproach Christ.† 9 Upon his refusal he was burned in the market place. Justin was another notable martyr during this period. Justin was a notable scholar, philosopher, and teacher. After finishing The Second Apology Justin the emperor was angry and as a result Justin and six of his companions were imprisoned and forced to make sacrifices to pagan gods, when they refused the were scourged and the beheaded. 9. William Byron Forbush, ed., Fox’s Book of Martyrs: a History of the Lives, Sufferings, and Deaths of the Early Christian and Protestant Martyrs (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1978), Chapter 11 10. ibid Persecution under Septimus Severus A.D. 192 The emperor Severus, was not especially violent toward Christians. One had saved his life from a sever sickness. However ignorance in the people coupled with outdated laws put in place to execute Christians is what drove the persecution during this period. Pleasure on the Emperor by The masses, made Severus make a new edict that any new believer to Jesus Christ should be executed. Many Christians were inevitably killed under Severus because of this edict Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyons was one of the notable martyrs of this period. His zeal for the things of God made the Emperor take notice of him, after a considerable amount of resentment grew Irenaeus was tortured and beheaded.11 Perpetua and Felicitas were two other notable figures in this period. Bothe women were married Perpetua was nursing and infant son and Felicitas was pregnant at the time of her capture and later gave birth in prison. On the day appointed for their execution, they were led to the amphitheater. Felicitas and Perpe tua were stripped, in order to be thrown to a mad bull, the bull attacked Perpetua first and then darted at Felicitas, and gored her. Both women survived being attacked by the bull, but were later executed by sword. The audience watching the torture and execution was said to have been sickened by the sight of Felisitas’ lactating breast from  her recent birth. 11. William Byron Forbush, ed., Fox’s Book of Martyrs: a History of the Lives, Sufferings, and Deaths of the Early Christian and Protestant Martyrs (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1978), Chapter 11 12. Alexander Roberts et al., 10 Early Christian Saints: Polycarp, Perpetua and Felicitas, Cyprian, Eusebius, Antony, Athanasius, Chrysostom, Jerome, Patrick, Benedict (publication place: Error, 2012), 1. The Sixth Persecution, Under Maximus, A.D. 235, mn During the sixth persecution under the Emperor Maximus the president Seremianus was on a mission to kill as many Christians as he could. Many Christians were sentenced to death without ever even receiving a trial, Christians were killed in mass killings and dumped into mass graves not unlike the genocide bestowed upon the Jews, during Hitler’s reign of terror in the early part of the 1900’s. Christians were denied any or the respect or decency that so called â€Å"loyal Roman citizens† would expect in their death and burial. Many Christians were killed or tortured during this period; most notable are Pontianus, bishop of Rome, Anteros, his successor, who gave offence to the government by collecting the acts of the martyrs. As well as Hippolitus, a Christian prelate (high ranking member of the clergy) 13, who was cruelly tied to a wild horse, and dragged until he died. Persecution under Decius (250-251) After a time of relative peace and an emperor that was deemed a Christian, the emperor Decius had a decidedly vigorous hate for Christians. Decius goal was to erase even the name â€Å"Christian† at any cost. His decrees to kill Christians emboldened the heathens who were happy 13. Merriam-Webster, The Merriam-Webster Dictionary. (Springfield, MA: Merriam Webster Mass Market, 2004), 1. 14. William Byron Forbush, ed., Fox’s Book of Martyrs: a History of the Lives, Sufferings, and Deaths of the Early Christian and Protestant Martyrs (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1978), Chapter 11 to honor the decrees by killing any Christian they could find. The More Christian deaths attributed to one heathen the higher that heathen’s merit would be. Fabian, the bishop of Rome, was the first person of prominence to fall victim to this murderous rampage. The previous emperor, Phillip thought highly of Fabian and made the bishop his treasurer; however Decius did not think so highly of Fabian. On January 20, A.D. 250, he was beheaded Peter, a young, strong man, was stretched upon a wheel, by which all his bones were broken was beheaded for refusing to sacrifice to Venus. He was quoted as saying â€Å"I am astonished you should sacrifice to an infamous woman, whose debaucheries even your own historian’s record, and whose life consisted of such actions as your laws would punish. No, I shall offer the true God the acceptable sacrifice of praises and prayers.† 15 An innumerable amount of Christians were killed during this time. Christians are actively sought out by requiring public sacrifice. If they refused they would be killed or they could buy certificates (libelli) instead of sacrificing. The latter was against the rules of the church and carried a severe punishment16 Persecution under Valerian (257-59) Valerian took his position in A.D. 257 and maintained his position for three and a half years. During his reign there is no number that can be put on how many Christians were martyred during this time. A couple of the martyrs that were named were bishops with in Rome. There was Stephen who was beheaded and then there was a Toulouse who refused to sacrifice. 15. William Byron Forbush, ed., Fox’s Book of Martyrs: a History of the Lives, Sufferings, and Deaths of the Early Christian and Protestant Martyrs (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1978), Chapter 11 16. Ferguson, Everett. Church History. 2 vols. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan, 2005-2013. Pp 161-162 Idols, which had his feet tied to the tail of a bull that ran down stairs causes his head to be smashed. Sextus who succeeded Stephen was very  courageous during his time a bishop. It was during his time that the government released an order to put to death all Christian clergy in Rome, Stephen as well as his deacons where martyred. With no regard of age, sex, or title Valerian continued to martyr Christian until he was captured and brought into slavery by the emperor of Persia. After being a slave for seven years, Valerian had his eyes removed and was flayed alive by the emperor, which is what caused Valerian to die. In A.D. 260, Gallienus, who was Valerian, succeeded his father and actually during his time, enjoyed peace with the church17 Persecution under Aurelian (r. 270–275) In A.D 274 Aurelian was in emperor of Rome and had been mainly responsible for the martyrs of two known Christians. The first being a bishop named Felix, who was an advanced prelate to the Roman see. He was later martyred by being sentenced to death by being beheaded. The other known martyr was a gentleman named Agapetus, who sold everything and gave it all to the poor. He was arrested for being a Christian, tortured and then beheaded for this deed. Although Aurelian is not tied together with many martyrs, we planted the seed that was later picked up by a leader named Diocletian. 17. William Byron Forbush, ed., Fox’s Book of Martyrs: a History of the Lives, Sufferings, and Deaths of the Early Christian and Protestant Martyrs (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1978), Chapter 11 Severe persecution under Diocletian and Galerius (303-324) In A.D 303 were succumbed to a new leader that had a vision of removing all Christians and everything related to the faith. A Roman leader named Galerius was persuaded by his adopted son Diocletian to start the  persecution of Christians. The persecution that was set forth towards became so bad that the time frame of these leaders became known as the Era of the Martyrs. This Era began on February 23, A.D 303 by churches being forced open and all books were removed and set to flames. Not being satisfied by the burning of the books Diocletian and Galerius had all churches levelled to the ground and all Christians render as outlaws. Many Christians were seized, severely tortured, and then burned alive. Enable to increase the persecution of Christians Galerius ordered the imperial palace to be set on fire and charge Christians with the crime. This lead to Christian homes being set on fire while families were in them and perishing in the fire. Some families were tied together with rocks around their necks and thrown into the sea. This kind of tortured last ten years and got to the level were new inventions were created on how to conduct torture as well as an entire city named Phrygia, was burnt to the ground with all the Christians from the town dying in the flames. At one point many of the governors came to the imperial court submitting how they were ti red with the slaughtering of the people. From that point on, since they could not be put to death, Christians had their ears, eyes, noses, or limbs removed to make life as hard as possible. During this time there was a Christian officer of the emperor’s guard at Rome named Sebastian. Not willing to give in to the pagan believe that was being taught to him as a guard, Sebastian was shot to death with arrows. Once the execution was completed, other Christians were allowed to recover his body for burial. It was during this time, that they found life in his body and proceeded to help him recover. Sebastian decided to confront Diocletian, who was overcome with surprise to see him alive, and reprehended him for various cruelties and prejudices against Christian. Sebastian was sentenced to death by beating and was thrown into the sewers where his body was later recovered and buried by Christians. The Christian Response One would expect for Christianity to have died out after so many centuries of  an all-out demonic attack against the people of God. That’s not what happened though. Despite all torture, discrimination. And mass killings. Christianity grew tremendously. In the face of immense persecution, many Christians decided that it was worth it to die before they would deny their Lord and Savior. Justin Martyr was quoted as saying Though beheaded, and crucified, and thrown to wild beasts, and chains, and fire, and all other kinds of torture, we do not give up our confession; but, the more such things happen, the more do others in larger numbers become faithful.20 The killing of Christians was meant to dissuade other citizens from becoming Christians and to persuade Christians to turn their back on God. Martyrdom was meant to be a dishonor; instead it became the highest honor for a Christian. Many onlookers marveled at the fact that Christians could be put through so much and still be str ong in their faith. 19. William Byron Forbush, ed., Fox’s Book of Martyrs: a History of the Lives, Sufferings, and Deaths of the Early Christian and Protestant Martyrs (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1978), Chapter 11 20. Justin Martyr, Michael Slusser, and Justin, Dialogue with Trypho (Selections from the Fathers of the Church), Revised ed. (Washington, DC: Catholic Univ of Amer Pr, 2003), 1. The very thing that was supposed to deter Roman citizens from Christianity was in actuality driving them toward it. Another Christian response to persecution was to write an apology, not an apology in the sense of the way we use the term today, but as a defense of Christianity. The Apologist as they are known wrote apology’s to defend Christians and their faith, against pagan actions and misconceptions. These apologies were mainly aimed at emperors to dispute the erroneous claims that pagans held about Christians, and to promote Christians as Good citizens of the Roman Government that held differing religious beliefs. Christians were not cannibalistic, law breaking, people who involved in orgies and this is what the apologies tried to convey, in hopes that the persecution of the time would subside. Conclusion From the beginning of the Christian faith there was always demonic opposition to the growth of Christianity. Satan used people as his pawns from the moment of the birth of Jesus to exterminate Gods plan for the world. After the death and resurrection of our Savior this demonic influence was kicked into overdrive. Roman Emperor after Roman Emperor tried to eradicate Christianity, but because of the strength and faith of many early Christians this did not happen. Today we can thank the early church fathers for laying the foundation and planting the seeds of the Church that we have today and especially in America take for granted. This does not mean that the devils all-out assault on the Christian church is over; it is still under attack even today. Still in many party of the world Christians are tortured and die every day because they refuse to deny the truth. The struggle of the early church seems to be so far away for some of us who live comfortably and have the freedom to worship ho w we want. In reality as a people we are not that far removed from it. Every Christian person should be aware of the price that was paid for the Christianity there is today. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Wilken, Robert L. The Christians as the Romans Saw Them. 2nd ed. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2003. 2. Barnes, Albert. Scenes and Incidents in the Life of the Apostle Paul: Viewed as Illustrating the Nature and Influence of the Christian Religion. Publication place: Ulan Press, 2012. 3. Forbush, William Byron, ed. Fox’s Book of Martyrs: a History of the Lives, Sufferings, and Deaths of the Early Christian and Protestant Martyrs. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1978. 4. Roberts, Alexander, James Donaldson, St. Athanasius, Philip Schaff, St Patrick, and Tertullian. 10 Early Christian Saints: Polycarp, Perpetua and Felicitas, Cyprian, Eusebius, Antony, Athanasius, Chrysostom, Jerome, Patrick, Benedict. publication place: Error, 2012. 5. Merriam-Webster. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Springfield, MA: Merriam Webster Mass Market, 2004. 6. Ferguson, Everett. Church History. 2 vols. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan, 2005-2013. 7. Martyr, Justin, Michael Slusser, and Justin. Dialogue with Trypho (Selections from the Fathers of the Church). Revised ed. Washington, DC: Catholic Univ of Amer Pr, 2003.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Company analysis of Qatar Airways Research Paper

Company analysis of Qatar Airways - Research Paper Example Managing involves five functions planning, organizing, staffing, lending as well as making decisions on how to come up with suitable implementation actions and reorganizing decisions as well as, actions by making healthful changes. Companies effectively subdivide organizations into various departments that work as processes this can be done by structuring chains of company’s authority as well as, responsibilities, and with this can facilitate successful performance of employees within the departments to attain company’s goals. Antitrust policy involves government methods of preventing the acquisition and administering of the monopoly power by promoting competition in the market space. The acts that got enacted in the antitrust policy may be purposely meant to avoid mergers that decreased the number of companies in a single industry. Mergers can be connected with antitrust regulators due to companies’ way of bulging price-fixing charges by merging into one firm. T he merger could have promoted better management and come up with economies of scale that could decrease costs and improve the quality of the output. These mergers out do other acquisitions where the merging partners have no evident correlation... Qatar Airways have achieved their goal of reaching the peak of airlines industry in the world with the help of implementing their core values of dedication towards providing service to their customers. The growth of Qatar Airways has been the outcome of providing excellent on-board services and products added with operational excellence of the company. Qatar Airways have able to acquire the confidence of its passengers as it was adjudged the airlines company for consecutive years in 2011 and 2012 in the prestigious industry audit by Skytrax. Under able leadership and strategic implementation of policies in line with the vision and mission statements, Qatar Airways have achieved an outstanding growth of 30% year after year in their operational routes. The unparallel services of Qatar Airways include the operation of most modern fleets in the world today, providing a five star ambience in travel. The company had launched an official website where it maintains transparency on the flight fare, planning of journeys and booking of online tickets to collection of baggage. Qatar Airways considers corporate social responsibility as an integral part of its business and has taken fuel research beyond the practices of industry (Qatar Airways, 2013). With this, the company has been able to give back to the societies and environment to which they cater. Qatar Airways has been working to reduce the effect of aviation on the global climate, local air quality, noise and no-renewable energy, waste and thereby contributed to protecting the global environment. Identification of stakeholders As Qatar Airways has expanded its operations and established a global presence,

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Shale gas Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Shale gas - Essay Example the middle of crisis; an economy struggling with a huge debt problems in the wake of a deadly financial meltdown as well as the damages caused by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita to the U.S. Gulf natural gas supply infrastructure adding fodder to the skyrocketing crude oil prices in the world market. That although the recession that began with the global financial crisis, fine-tuned by the catastrophic events mentioned, had their effects in lowering the demand for natural gas, the supply of shale gas production, which increased tenfold between 2005 and 2010, tremendously slashed the natural gas prices, in effect boosting/repairing demand in almost all sectors damaged by the unfortunate events above. To be specific, the wellhead prices for US natural gas currently trading at approximately 4 USD/Mbtu was as high as 8 USD/Mbtu and above prior to 2008; a tremendous improvement of the affordability of the commodity irrespective of the final consumer (Spencer, et al. 16). More generally, shale gas has displaced the more expensive and costly sources of energy such as coal, in effect, spurring investments in energy intensive sectors of the economy. Accordingly, hundreds of thousands of new jobs have been created either directly or indirectly by â€Å"reshoring† plants established abroad due to escalating costs on the same and substantially lowering the cost of capital and/or operational costs for fresh businesses; the ready availability of a cheap energy source, massively reducing the US net imports of oil and gas, has more than assured investments of a steady flow of energy with stable prices, thus, ensuring a steady rebounding of employments levels that suffered heavy blows after the events already mentioned (Spencer, et al. 16-17). There are currently more than 20 major facilities for the production of shale gas either under construction or on their final planning phases, all in efforts to use natural gas as fuel; a fact that has boosted inve stors confidence to the effect

Future of humanity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Future of humanity - Essay Example (United States Conference of Catholic Bishop) As a result of the environmental crisis the entire human race is suffering today and the failure to act by the present generation will have an effect on the future generation as well. The poor and the powerless are that sections of the society who bears the most dreadful consequence of the current environmental carelessness. The land and neighborhood of these people are most polluted and host to the toxic dumps, the water they get are not safe to drink implying a health hazard for them. Trapped in the spiral of poverty the small farmers, the industrial workers, the lumberjacks, the watermen, the rubber tappers, bears most of the burden of the economic adjustments camouflaged in the form of environmental remedies taken up by the society. They undergo the worst consequence from the loss of fertility of soils, pollution of rivers, city streets and the deforestation and at the same time they are forced to overdo the soil, clear the forest or migrate to marginal lands due to the overcrowding and unequal distributions of land. Their labor to eke out a bare subsistence adds to the problem of environmental degradation. The diversity of life marks God’s glory. The divine beauty is being shared by every creature as the divine integrity cannot be represented by one being alone. So the human being should show respect and reverence for the Creator by preserving and protecting the natural environment and the endangered species. Human being should make an effort to be compatible with the local ecology by ensuring the just use of technology and by cautiously evaluating the technological innovations as they are being adopted. (United States Conference of Catholic Bishop; Hanks, 454) Change is the only constant thing in today’s world. In the age of globalization, the Internet is the phenomenon that is changing the lives of everyone today. Everything is moving in a breakneck speed now and its impact is not limited to the economic sphere but also in the social spheres of our life. It has brought in fear with itself as the school children are offered drugs at their playgrounds and they are growing up sexually at a great speed. The parents today are stressed and fighting day after day grind to earn a living, which will raise the family’s standard of living. It’s more of a rat race now where the ethics and values of the society are disappearing. In the present era the bonding and ties of family, locality and the country are under continuous pressure and threat. â€Å"The change is fast and fierce, replete with opportunities and dangers.† (Blair) But enduring this change humanity will flourish provided man can minimize the harmful effect of globalization and use it instead for the benefits of him. The emergence of internet has narrowed down the gaps between the countries implying an economic change which proves to be beneficial for the world economy. The internet has concised the wo rld in one‘s bedroom and the exchange of information and knowledge has led to the emergence of a knowledge hub. The interaction and communication with the rest of the world has encouraged intermarriage which will definitely blur the racial and ethnic distinction resulting in fewer wars and who knows that can really stop the world from witnessing another world war. (Intermarriage ) In this era of globalization the world’s growing interdependence cannot be denied. Hence the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Developmental Issues Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Developmental Issues - Coursework Example 5. There must be a strong emotional attachment between parents and children, since this drives children to take an interest in the world around them , (Objectives Aligned with NAEYC Standards, page 58). 6. The attitudes towards child rearing is gendered, and often when the father is not spending enough time at home with the children or giving the required resources to manage the family, a stressful home environment is created which affects the proper development of children, (Objectives Aligned with NAEYC Standards, page 62). It involves responsive adult-child interaction, a curriculum that is geared towards the development of children, proper assessment that allows caregivers to develop curriculums and gauge childs performance and show it to their parents, involment of parents in their chidlrens learning, caregivers with knowledge about childhood development, and small groups with higher adult to children ratio, (Objectives Aligned with NAEYC Standards, page 63). Children may develop characteristics that are harmful of their development if not their parents jobs do not give much time for them to pay attention to their children. Over demanding jobs, job insecurity, unsupportive co-workers, long hours etc create stress in working parents , (Objectives Aligned with NAEYC Standards, page 73). They are grandparents, (Objectives Aligned with NAEYC Standards, page 75). Grandfathers can act as father figures for children, grandparents and grandchildren are often free of emotional conflict with each other (Objectives Aligned with NAEYC Standards, page 77). Grandparents can look after the children of full time employed parents, grandparents have stabilizing effect on emotional lives of children (Objectives Aligned with NAEYC Standards, page 75). The dignity and interests of all family members must be respected, parents child rearing values must be

Friday, July 26, 2019

The Approach of the Law Lords Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The Approach of the Law Lords - Essay Example When it is impossible to interpret the legislation in a manner that complies with the ECHR, the domestic court must come up with a â€Å"Declaration of Incompatibility†. The point of departure into the enquiry as to whether the Law Lords are now made to legislate human rights is the provision in the Human Rights Act 1998, Section 3 of which reads as follows: â€Å"So far as possible to do so, primary legislation and secondary legislation should be read and given effect in a way which is compatible with Convention rights.† By Convention Rights, one refers to the European Convention on Human Rights, to which the United Kingdom is bound. The crux of the debate is this: does this provision now radically alter the power of Judges, such that they may now effectively ‘legislate’ human rights through interpretation of acts of Parliament? If so, is this change for better or for worse? Observers have noted that â€Å"stocktaking rather than definitive appraisal† (Bonner, et. al., 2003: 549) may be more prudent, given the evolving picture. This paper first looks at the background of Section 3 and how this Section has been developed and crystallised in jurisprudence. After which, this paper shall also argue that this is in consistent with the international obligations of the United Kingdom. Finally, it shall make the argument that the effects of Section 3 is more beneficial than detrimental, in that it establishes with greater certainty the separation between the legislature and the judiciary – a move that complements the recent creation of the Supreme Court as an appellate tribunal over the Law Lords. The main critique, to err on the side of oversimplicity, of those who argue that the Section 3 of the Human Rights Act 1998 is too radical an alteration of the power of judges is that human rights policy in the country will be in the hands of a group of people who were not elected through democratic elections. On the other hand, those who argue for the Human Rights Act, and consequently, the European Convention on Human Rights, state that the imperatives of human rights and justice demand that Parliamentary acts be constantly checked and balanced. Indeed, the requirements of modern governance make it necessary that the branches of government are not given unfettered power and discretion. It goes without saying, for instance, that considerations of peace and order must be weighed against the sacrosanct principles of civil liberties and personal freedoms. Statutory construction Jurisprudence has spoken richly on how to proceed with interpreting legislation in harmony with Article 3. First, it is important to identify the specific statutory provision that is in contravention with the rights under the Human Rights Act (see the case of R v A (No. 2) [2002] 1 AC 45 ). After which, the Court must determine whether or not there is a breach of Convention rights (see the case of Poplar Housing Association v Donaghue [2002 ] QB 48 para 5). The court is then charged with the duty of identifying possible meanings means within the legislation. Jepson states that there are two principal ways by which the

Thursday, July 25, 2019 a great enemy to good management. Adam Smith, (1776), Essay a great enemy to good management. Adam Smith, (1776), The Wealth of Nations, Book I, Chapter XI. Discuss - Essay Example In the light of this statement therefore this question involves the discussion of the various market structures and their contribution to the achievement of the highest possible level of allocative and productive efficiency (in both static and dynamic senses).The question already suggests that the Monopolised market structure is not conducive to â€Å"good management† or efficient resource allocation. Resource allocation in a modern economy demands allocative efficiency which means that resources should be allocated to match the wants of society. Essentially this would mean a point of allocation where no redistribution would enable one individual to be made better off without making someone else worse off. Allocative efficiency would therefore consider both the consumer (demand) and the producer (supply) and that it should satisfy the needs of both. This essay will mainly discuss the two main extremes of competing market structures i.e. monopoly and perfect competition and to a slightly lesser extent similar models along the vast range of economic models falling halfway between these extremes for example Oligopolies. Perfect Competition represents the efficiency achieved by an industry which has extensive competition and almost no interference in the market forces either by the sellers or buyers or the government. Monopoly on the other hand represents a rather inefficient means of market structure characterised by lack of competition and extensive market control. 3.The reason the statement by Adam Smith seems to resent Monopoly power is because of the complete market control by the monopolist who as the only seller in the market will control the supply of goods in the market and is able to influence the price of its product sometimes in an unfair way. Perfect competition, in contrast is preferred in this regard as a market structure where each firm has neither got any significant

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

International Relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2

International Relations - Essay Example Such research can bring the certain contribution also to the discussion about political "realism". The realistic theory usually is considered as the most consecutive interpretation of the essence and the reasons of political events such as confrontations, military alliances, diplomatic negotiations and international relations as a whole. Realists have managed to create the elegant theory of the international relations, having specified that the conflict of interests between various political communities is internally inherent in the international system, and having shown that uniqueness of the international relations is caused by the nature of the political communities, which are representing themselves as the parties in these relations. From our point of view, problematic part of the realistic theory consists in the way of conceptualisation of these communities, namely the national states. There are different forms of realism, but behind all of them there is one uniting idea: on the stage of the international relations act uniform "characters" named states. Further these states are considered as discrete units, which functioning almost in the same way as individuals in a society. This idea generates the whole complex of representations about the state and its activity on the international scene. ... This discourse considering the state as a uniform and independent rational character creates the general frameworks for reflections on something that is usually described as "the international system". Thereof the realistic theory reduces the international relations to the stage, on which the states pursue their egoistical interests. The end of the Cold War has called into existence a number of trial attempts to define new world order. Meanwhile the only obvious fact is that the world community has entered a grandiose global transformation process, which at least till now has generated more social problems, rather than solutions. The end of rivalry between super-states and an increasing break in wealth and access to resources between states have contemporized with disturbing growth of violence, poverty and unemployment, number of homeless persons, and erosion of ecological stability. The world also became the witness of one of the deepest, since times of Great depression of thirties, global economic recessions. At the same time isolated before nations get more and more close both voluntary and against their will due to growing integration of markets, formation of the new regional political unions, remarkable successes in the field of telecommunications, biotechnology and transport, which have stimulated unprecedented demographic shifts.As a result of such a merger of people and cultures nowadays we may observe the world, characterized by increasing integrity, cultural variety, and supersaturated with intensity, confusion, and conflicts during the adaptation to pluralism. Now let us consider the differences, which exist in the viewpoints of realists and those of liberalists. Liberals after the World War I have formulated the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Company report Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Company report - Speech or Presentation Example It is also setting a new hotel standard for healthy food, as it is the first hotel chain to serve food completely free of Trans fat at its locations. This idea of putting the customer first, and of thinking of them, is what sets Marriott apart. Marriott keeps the customer first it its mind, but also remember what else is important and is working to help the economy to. This worldly mindedness and high standard level is what sets Marriott apart, and what keeps it on top of the hotel world. -I knew Marriott was a successful company, but after doing all the research I did, I now see why. Marriott is different than other companies that just think about the dollar. I mean sure, Marriott wants to make money, but they aren't afraid to take risks for the sake of improving their customer's stay at their hotel chain. For example, they have recently said that all their chains will be non-smoking. To some this may be a risk, for you have the chance of not making smokers happy. However, it helps keep the hotel environment a safe environment for everybody, and they were willing to take that risk. Also, Marriott has recently decided to make all their food free of trans-fat, a decision that was made to help improve the health of customers during their stay at Marriott hotel chains. This is just one of their decisions that shows how they put people, and the care of their customers, first on their agenda. Besides helping out their customers, Marriott is also working to help out the environment. Marriott continues to cut its costs and green house gas emissions, and has set goals for the company to keep improving the standards by which they live and deal with the environment. Marriott is not only customer friendly, it is environment friendly. It is because of all these reasons I believe Marriott contains to dominate the hotel world. As it continues to expand both within the United States, and abroad, Marriott keeps spreading its messages and high standards, offering a great and enjoyable hotel experience for any traveler who stays there. Thank you.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Effects of Mobile Phones on Studies Essay Example for Free

Effects of Mobile Phones on Studies Essay Abstract: Mobile phones are rapidly growing technology all over the world. According to new United Nations report 60% of the world has mobile phones. People of any age using it for interaction and other purposes especially the students. They use it for interaction and entertainment etc. as mobile phones have advantages it also have disadvantages and its effecting the students’ education. This study was conducted to determine the impact of mobiles on the education of students. The methodology of questionnaire was used to collect data. A small sample size of 100 students was taken from different colleges and universities of Lahore with the technique of simple random sample. And then the collected sample was analyzed on SPSS 20. Most of the students claimed that they uses the mobile phones to interact with friends and even teachers, they use it for entertainment whenever they get bored and even they use the mobile phone during their lecture also. Keywords: Mobile Phones; Education; school environment; University; Pakistan Introduction: Mobile Phones are widely growing technology all around the world especially in developing countries, and are becoming a social symbol as well. According to the new United Nations report, now 60% of the world has mobile phones and in 2002 only 14% of the world had any kind of mobile phones. People especially our youth are doing its extensive use, they are using it for entertainment, interaction with friends and family, learning purposes, and for internet etc. too. Mobile phones are removing distances among people now they are no need of landlines or any other kind of communicating source (fax, latter, e-mail etc.). Mobiles are becoming a part of life now a day. As technology changing rapidly, the technology of mobile is also changing. The new mobiles with new advance technology have many new and attractive features for its users. Mobile phones have many advantages and disadvantages as well. Our youth uses the mobile phones as messenger and spend their whole day in messaging and calls. Read more:Â  Effects of Cell Phone Addiction The so much use of mobile phone also causes of many diseases and other problems as well like economical, educational, political, social and in professional life and it has been proved from the previous researches about the effects of mobile phones. There are already many researches have been conducted about the effects of mobile phone. In our research we will try to find out how mobile phones are affecting ones educational life, either it’s because of its advance technology or its extensive use. Students use so much of mobile phones that it effects their grades as they cannot completely concentrate on their studies. Mobile phones are also effecting school’s environment as students spend their time in making short message service (SMS) taking photos even without knowing the friends and sometimes also of the faculty. Even the school/college administrator thinks that the mobile should be bane in school. Mobile also have advantages as parents have security about their children if anybody in college/university gets late they can inform their parents. This study was conducted to determine how much mobiles are effecting our students’ education and how we can overcome from this problem. Mobile companies are giving them different calls and messages packages then how can we aware our students not to spoil their time on mobile as this is the time when they can make their future. Literature Review: There are many studies which suggest that mobile phones are effecting our youth’s education and their grades badly. Mobiles are not even effecting the youth’s education it also affecting the school’s environment. In an essay on internet sakazaki4693 (2009) [ HYPERLINK \l sakazaki4693 1 ] suggests that mobile phone should be banned in schools as students always seems to look busy in short message service (SMS) multimedia message service (MMS) taking photographs of friends and faculty even without knowing them and many more. It wastes so much of their time. In an research paper Olofinniyi OE et al. (2012) [ HYPERLINK \l OEO12 1 ] prpposed that mobiles phones are effecting secondary schools’ Academic performance and they concluded that mobiles are not effecting their performance but also introducing some negative habits in studs like use mobile during lecture or in library which lacking their performance, so parents and administration should discourage thm to use mobile phone. Research Methodology: This study was conducted with an aim to find the aspects of mobile phone usage among Pakistani users. The purpose of this study was to find that how mobile phones are effecting the grades and education of students. The methodology of questionnaire was used to collect the responses. The students of universities and colleges were taken as population with the technique of simple random sampling. From the selected population 100 students were selected as sample out of which 80 students responded back thus the response rate of this research is 80%. And then SPSS 20 was used to analyse the collected data. References: |Bibliography | | |x | | |Bibliography | | |x | | |[1] | | |sakazaki4693. (2009, February) [Online]. HYPERLINK | | || | | | | | | | | | | |[2] | | |Olofinniyi OE, Fashiku Co, Fashiku BC, and Owombo Pt, Access to GSM and | | |Students Academic performance in Secondary School of Osun State,

The Effect of a Global Oil Shortage on the US Economy Essay Example for Free

The Effect of a Global Oil Shortage on the US Economy Essay Oil is a very important 21st century product. It is a vital source of energy, an irreplaceable transport fuel, and an essential raw material in many manufacturing processes. Crude oil is a source of great economic power. Since its production cost in many places is far below its selling price in world markets, the ownership and control of oil reserves have been a means by which great wealth has been earned and lost (Deffeyes, 2001). Oil has become the world’s most important internationally traded item in both volume and value terms and changes in this trade have had enormous financial, political and socio-cultural repercussions on the parties involved. Wars, revolutions and mass migrations are perhaps only the most visible manifestation of oil shortages. The purpose of this study is to explore what implications a global oil shortage would have for the US economy. Toward this end we will scrutinize the economic valuables being influenced by oil supply, analyze the ability of the US to meet domestic demand as well as extent of oil–dependence of the country, and make the conclusion. There are three major players in the global oil marketplace – the consuming countries, the producer countries and the international oil industry which mediates between them (Cleaver, 2002). The three biggest consumers in 2000 were: the United States (18. 7 million barrels per day), the European Union (13. 3 million barrels per day) and Japan (5. 5 million barrels per day). As a group the OECD countries exert most pressure on world markets, since they have the highest incomes yet produce insufficient oil to satisfy their own needs. OECD countries consume 62. 4 per cent of the world’s oil, yet produce only 28. 1 per cent (Cleaver, 2002, p. 169). Could the US Produce Oil Supply Sufficient to Satisfy Own Needs? The US has always been a significant producer but its mature oilfields have been in slow, steady decline since the mid-1980s. But perhaps of greater importance is that the country holds some 2. 8 per cent of the world’s reserves volume and, in addition, its oil is not cheap to produce. For instance, in 1985 Saudi oil was estimated to cost less than US$1 a barrel to extract, compared with $7-$8 for Alaska and the North Sea (Cleaver, 2002, p. 181). Thus, the US cannot drill its way to petroleum self-sufficiency in the long run, or to lower gas prices in the short run. Even if Congress opened the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to drilling tomorrow, the oil would not begin to flow very soon. The US Geological Service estimates 3. 2 billion barrels of economically recoverable oil lie beneath the refuge – enough to meet the nations current demand just for six months. At peak production, the refuge would meet about 2 percent of the nations projected petroleum demand (Stanke, 2002, p. 912). Tapping the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, or bringing a new arctic field on line, would not change the US fundamental energy outlook: continuing growth in demand, declining domestic production and increasing dependence on imported oil (Chapman Khanna, 2000). What Implications the Global Oil Shortage Would Have on the US Economy The implications of oil shortages spread throughout the industrialized world, causing classic microeconomic reallocation of resources. Oil supply and prices affect decisions to invest billions of dollars in different industrial projects: whether to build major highways or rail networks trains or electric cars; offshore drilling platforms or nuclear power stations. Oil shortages also affect macroeconomic variables such as the levels of national incomes, aggregate spending and the balance of payments. The enormous sums involved affect countries’ rates of economic growth, levels of international debt and the overall functioning of the world’s financial system (Hunt, Isard Laxton, 2002). As Deffeyes (2001) ascertains, the coming oil shortage cannot be avoided. He suggests that U. S. political leaders, the news media, and the public are either unaware of or uninterested in the problem, although detailed reports forecasting the peak in world oil production have appeared in many scientific journals. The US oil industry itself maintains its focus on such issues as improving technology, drilling deeper for oil, finding new reserves, and accelerating production. None of these measures can have a significant impact on the coming oil shortage, argues Deffeyes (2001). He forecasts that a permanent drop in oil production will begin within current decade. Deffeyes (2001) argues that the list of fundamental activities is short: agriculture, ranching, forestry, fisheries, mining, and petroleum (p. 159), thus, a permanent drop in oil production will pull one of the blocks out from underneath the pyramid. If Deffeyes is right, the implications are enormous. He anticipates that sharply higher oil prices will bring difficult economic, social, and political passages for those societies most dependent on oil, especially on imported oil (Deffeyes, 2001), as the US is. Exporters will charge top dollar: a gigantic windfall for the Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and other big oil producers. He implies that the tumult will be greater than that occasioned by the oil price hikes of 1973 and 1979 (Kohl, 2005). Three things could upset Deffeyes prediction: the discovery of huge new oil deposits, development of drilling technology that could squeeze more oil from known reserves, and a steep rise in oil prices, which would make it profitable to recover even the most stubbornly buried oil (Cleaver, 2002). Previous oil shocks have all followed periods of strong economic demand, accelerating inflation from higher levels than prevail currently, a weak dollar at least in terms of the major foreign currencies, actual or threatened cuts or disruptions in oil production, and hostilities in the Middle East. Yet each episode also exhibited some unique features that aggravated the oil price increases (Little, 2001). For instance, an examination of the US postwar quarterly GNP data shows a slowdown in GNP growth after the oil crisis in 1973. Scholars consider the slowdown in growth after the 1973 oil crisis as an event external to the domestic economy (Zivot Andrews, 2002, p. 25). But, it seems reasonable to regard the formation of the OPEC as an exogenous event, there were other big events such as the 1964 tax cut, the Vietnam War, and the financial deregulation in the 1980s that could also be viewed as possible exogenous structural breakpoints (Zivot Andrews, 2002). Nevertheless, the financial world has reorganized since 1980. Effects of oil shortages and subsequent price rises, during the late 1970s, took months to years to spread from industry to industry; from price increases to wage demands. In the new economy, the shock of an oil price rise will spread in milliseconds (Deffeyes, 2001). Moreover, recent rising gas prices are a signal that the consequences of relying on imported oil will become harder to bear (Tonn, 2004). Petroleum is priced in dollars, and the value of the dollar has declined steeply against major currencies If oil were priced in euros or yen, the price per barrel would appear more stable. The American appetite for imported oil may end the dollars privileged status as the leading currency of trade (Kohl, 2005). The great oil dependence of the US economy could be shortened by means of more extensive use of nuclear energy, but unfortunately the US failed to take full advantage of this kind energy for political reasons. While nuclear-power plants are large capital investments, once those costs are sunk the marginal cost of nuclear fuel is very low-currently corresponding to about $4 per barrel of oil (Miniter, 1991, p. 37). Volatility of oil prices during the oil shortage will be aggravated by the unusually large imbalances between the US supply and demand associated partly with the recent unexpectedly rapid global growth. Over the medium term, moreover, the long lag times between decisions to drill new wells or build new refineries and increased supplies of petroleum products can amplify these instabilities (Cleaver, 2002). For instance, recent estimates by the OECD suggest that even a $10 increase in the price of oil maintained for a year is likely to add 0. to 1 percentage point to overall consumer price inflation and to cut 0. 2 to 0. 5 percentage point from output growth in the major industrial countries within two years after the oil shock (Little, 2001, p. 6). Economists have proposed a variety of mechanisms linking oil price increases with economic downturns. These include terms-of-trade shocks, negative productivity shocks, shifts in relative prices that may induce a costly reallocation of resources across sectors, and the monetary policy response to the increased price pressures. In the case of a terms-of-trade shock, an oil price increase acts like an excise tax – with a major part of the income gains going to foreign oil producers (Cleaver, 2002). The global oil shortage also would have an impact on the wages in all the US industries. Economists propose an efficiency-wage model in which an increase in the real price of oil resulting from oil shortage, as an important input price, leads to a decline in real wages as firms seek to avoid losses. They find that real oil prices and real interest rates explain the overall path of U. S. nemployment from 1979 to 1995 reasonably well (Hunt, Isard Laxton, 2002). Rotemberg and Woodford in 1996 presented related evidence that introducing a modest degree of imperfect competition in product markets considerably magnifies the impact of oil price changes on real wages and output beyond what might have been expected given oils relatively small role in the US economy (as cited in Little, 2001, p. 9). This would have an enormous negative impact especially on the small and medium–sized enterprises which contribute largely to the US GNP and are major contributors of new jobs using more labour-intensive production. They will have to shut manufacturing units and discharge workers because of the surging costs of electricity. But some factors testify that the picture is not despairing. Thus, increased energy efficiency, robust economic conditions, enhanced central bank credibility, and stable inflation expectations in the US suggest that the impact of possible global oil shortage in the nearest future will be more muted and manageable than in previous oil shocks (Tonn, 2004). Conclusion The discussed above demonstrates that the implications of the global oil shortage for the US would be very negative in many sectors of its economy due to substantial dependence of the country on the oil import, impossibility to satisfy domestic demand by own oil resources, recent weakening of the US dollar and poor progress in developing alternative sources of energy. The United States can restrain oil demand as a matter of public policy, or wait for rising prices to force consumers to cut back. Now the country has chosen the latter course by default. The efforts of the US public to swing energy policy in the direction of renewable kinds of energy are blocked by the Bush Administration and its fossils fuel industry supporters. Thus, the USA remains vulnerable to oil supply and price shocks. One implication is that current US policy, in promoting still heavier investment in fossil fuels, is misguided. If we dont shift away from oil, we may as well gift-wrap the entire budget surplus and send it to the oil producing countries – Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and other. As Deffeyes (2001) reasonably ascertains, rather than have the crisis sneak up on us, we can see it coming and initiate some of the long lead-time projects in advance. Forewarned is forearmed (p. 187).

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Protection And How To Control Noise Pollution Environmental Studies Essay

Protection And How To Control Noise Pollution Environmental Studies Essay Environmental pollutions constitute of three kinds :namely water, air and land ones. Noise pollution is included within the group of air pollution. In modern time like present time mankind expose to a lot of noise pollution which to some extend is dangerous to health- psychologically as well as physiologically. This paper tries to summarize the faqs, limit values and mitigation of noise problem One may find discrepancy within the writing but worth discussing Part I Introduction The problem of noise pollution of the most important problems of crowded cities, especially cities, the industrial ones, and is undoubtedly a consequence of the progress of civilization and that adversely affect human health, especially the sense of hearing, Valdaudhae loud and continuous lead to the loss of the temporary and sometimes permanent hearing loss, also affect the nervous system and cause neurological and tensions may lead to mental breakdown. And may cause reactions is balanced, such as straying mental, and reduce ability to concentrate, and is also caused high blood pressure, and excretion of excess of certain glands, which causes high blood sugar in the blood and stomach ulcers and headaches, feeling tired and insomnia. And according to some studies carried out by Austrian scientists to the human life detracts from 8 to 10 years in large cities compared with rural population becauseof noise pollution. Studies have shown that blood pressure in school children located near the airport in Los Angeles higher than for school children away from the airport and their speed in solving mathematical problems less, and when the failure to resolve the matter quickly Ermoha aside and not try to re-solved, and according to the results In some studies, published in England, one out of every four men and one out of every three women suffering from neurological diseases caused by noise,,, and complain that 16 million workers in the United States of noise in the factories where they work, and estimated the damage being inflicted workers and lead to absence from work whom have 4 billion dollars annually. Questionnaire Results 1) Your eyes from the face of the most dangerous to human health a. Noise pollution b. Air pollution 2) What is the unit of measurement noise? a. Microbar b. DB c. Pitch 3) Hinder the noise thinking in a peaceful way, and cause many problems, including excess nerve in dealing with others and narrow rapid Ocean a. strongly agree b. agree c. neutral d. disagree e. Strongly disagree 4) Noise in general is responsible for 50% of mistakes in the business of mechanical and 20% of fatal accidents and wasting 20% of working days a.strongly agree b.agree c.neutral d.disagree e.Strongly disagree Part II v The Definition of Noise Are those sounds that are not in line to hear the man and not went flat it, then it sounds ragged irregular, does not lead in their entirety to the meaning of a clear contrast to the melodies of music which is warmly her rights, as well as it sounds with high frequency and lead to vibration of the eardrum strongly. And sound interested in the first meaning of physiology, because our understanding of the sound depends on the ability of our nervous system to receive him and his analysis and there are voices we can not hear, and on the second physicist and is intended to those waves that we know it sound regardless of the existence of a future or non-existence. And the human ear can understand the sounds ranging from 17 to 2000 pulse per second, and in nature there are fewer votes and the highest of these frequencies and know Balfoq and sound underneath. And there is a set of actions can be taken to control noise pollution such as urban planning while maintaining a cover, the green because the trees absorb a large proportion of the votes in addition to be a street widening to ease congestion and outputs of the noise and others, can also improve the technical condition of the devices that give off noise. Types of Noise Pollution 1. Noise and transportation. 2. Noise and music clips and songs and other media products. 3. Noise comments on the events and matches 4.Road noise and the streets are come mainly from cars, buses, vans and motorcycles as well as the assignee of the cassettes and transportation, all of these methods cause noise in different ways. 5.Noise rail (trains) do not get upset a lot of people, noise emitted from the cars as much alarmed by the noise the trains due to be considered a means of transport useful but indispensable to move within the city in some cities in the world This is the best way because it is fast but the most important disadvantages of the train he was the source of Voice of the higher 6.Aircraft noise (air noise) even though the aircraft has become less disturbing than it was before .. However, tariff escalation and the increasing number of airports to accommodate the number of aircraft .. Leads to the survival of noise, and considered the problem of aircraft noise disturbs people living near airports 7.Social noise is often the cause of this noise: 1 Noise Factory 2 home-based activities. 3 assignee electrical appliances and homes. 4 sounds of screaming people. 5 auto repair. Engineers may use certain materials in the walls to isolate these sounds and mitigation, but these materials are expensive. Industrial noise (noise factory) and have come from factories or places of work which affect the workers in these places, as well as the general public. Although other types of noise considered harmful but that this noise is most serious at all. 8.The noise of water sound of the waves can be a nuisance, or a sound ship engines, and there are other creatures affected by these sounds and you hear from a distance, such as the whale The Adverse Effects of Noise Damage in the ear and hearing loss: It is well known that the ear downsample the sound waves into electrical signals or nerve to the brain, transformation .. Ear and are usually the result of damage to the recurrence of disturbing to hear the voices and consistently high, thus affecting the nervous system is affected when certain frequencies .. And it begins in the weak sense of hearing gradually eventually lead to lost completely. It is noted that with the aging of those who keep account of persons who are exposed to normal noise, and they occur gradually in the sense of hearing, has a high degree in old age. And are summarized in the following factors which affect the sense of hearing due to noise: The noise level (in decibels) as well as reluctance. The type of noise. A period of daily exposure .. The length of the work in the year. The continuity of the Year. The change after the noise of a person without the other. Capacity of the place and the concentration of noise in it. The nature of the place . The timing of the noise (at night or during the day): For example .. May be the phone ringing during sleep in the very inconvenience, while acceptable in some way during the day. Psychological effects : Nervous tension and anxiety. Headaches and head pain. Loss of appetite. The focus in particular in the mind. Inability to deal with others. Absence from work and frequent absences. (This leads to substantial economic loss) Physiological effects : Increase the secretion of the pituitary gland. Increase the bodys sensitivity to the hormone adrenaline. Effect on the hearing and other physiological changes, including: increased loss of masculinity for men The weak response of individuals. Weak muscle activity. Involuntary movement in the eye with a change in the iris. Affecting the muscles and internal organs, due to inflammation of nerve cells. Protection and how to control noise pollution Growing interest in noise pollution, where there were many sources, and increased risks to humans, especially where he works on the defects of some members within the human body that requires preventive action such as: ongoing reform of the machines that are found in factories and this step could reduce the noise or be executed. strict control on industries and modify operations to control noise during the issuance and renewal of work permits. Issuing the necessary legislation and applied firmly to prevent the use of car alarms and control of their engines and stop the exporting of high voices. plants are the most important ways to absorb the noise, especially impulsive noise. The high Zraapalocjar help in reducing noise in cities and towns. prevent the use of microphones and recording devices in the citys streets, cafes and department stores, 6 to raise awareness through various media statement on the dangers of this pollution on human health so that one realizes that the acoustic space is not the property personally. excluding schools and hospitals for sources of noise. excluding airports, cities and populated areas a minimum distance of 30 km. must be rail lines and highways away from residential areas as much as possible Increased number of national parks because it has a psychological impact on the excellent help calm the nerves. the use of ear plugs in areas where there is noise.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

John Steinbeck Outline Essay -- essays research papers

John Steinbeck Outline I. John Steinbeck used his personal experiences as a laborer to write many of his novels like Of Mice and Men and The Grapes of Wrath. II. John Steinbeck’s Life A) Family 1. His dad served as the county treasurer. 2. His mom was a school teacher. 3. He was one four children and was the only boy. B) Childhood and Adolescence 1.Born on February 27, 1902 2.Began telling stories as a child 3. Sent short stories to magazines under a false name 4. He was interested in biology, the study of human life 5. Large guy, advantage because he excelled in track and basketball 6. Wrote for the school paper 7. Was the president of his senior class C) Young Adult Life 1. Worked his was through college at Stanford University but never graduated 2. He moved to New York and got a job as a free-lance writer but failed, he then  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   moved back to California. 3. His first book was Cup of Gold but did not attract much attention 4. The novel Tortilla Flat was Steinbeck’s first success. 5. As His reputation as an author began to rise, his personal life took a Plunge. He got divorced but got remarried but that also ended in divorce D) Jobs 1. Worked on nearby ranches, he became acquainted with a migrant worker 2. Sales clerk, farm laborer, ranch hand, factory worker, construction laborer, and a caretaker III. Common settings and Issues A) Settings 1. The Red Pony- set in Salinas, CA in between two mountains, rural setting, on a ranch 2. The Pearl- se...

Bertolt Brecht :: Drama

Bertolt Brecht. Brecht was born Augsburg, Germany in 1898. He then attended university in Munich in 1917. It was while he was at university that he witnessed the Bolshevik Revolution which was the first event to influence him. Brecht wanted what had occurred in Russia to repeat itself in Germany as he saw all there was to gain from a Revolution. This was the first influence that gave Brecht his voice in social and political issues. In 1918 Brecht was called up for World War 1 as a medical orderly. Here he witnessed some of the worst medical injuries created by the war. This experience made him an extreme pacifist. This was the second most influential event that took place which in turn caused him to be in opposition to those international opinionated political powers. He saw them as being capitalist populations, sending innocent men to be murdered meaninglessly, for their own efficient profitable gain. He felt misery as the human potential completely contradicted its entire meaning by the brute actions of humans around the world. Marxism was the influence that gave Brecht hope that there was good within humans although some needed re-awakening. He had seen the Russian Revolution and witnessed the collapse of Germany after World War 1 and the fall of the Royal Family of Europe. This all influenced Brecht to write his first play Baal in 1918. This raw play and episodic structure was the youth of Brecht’s later well-known work, which inhabited a more grotesque quality. His work looks at the incapability one has to have power over the lust and greed in the world. He uses the element of shock in his plays as he relates to his yearning for change and fury at his experiences. It was this yearning to bring change via the use of shock that bought us epic theatre. In 1922 Brecht went to Berlin and this experienced gave him the influence for all his later work. Here he observed real theatre and the cabaret, parts of theatre he never knew existed. This influence made him more culturally aware and gave him the knowledge to develop his work. Aesthetic theatre was influenced by expressionalism, the use of various scenes without any rational order. He discarded ‘Drawing room comedy’, realism and naturalism. Instead he took influences from Edwin Piscator whom considered theatre as a device for political education. Edwin Piscator used different means in which to convey his political message. He used news-real, projections and captions to portray the background knowledge of the play. He also used great chorus scenes, perceived in traditional Broadway or West- End performances, to demonstrate the significance of the play.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Essay --

Ever since our minds were old enough to comprehend three syllable words, we've been told to be original. Originality by definition means the ability to think independently or creatively. Such a simple task it seems but so many of us find it extremely difficult to fulfill. Staying true to yourself and embracing your individuality isn't a task or concept all will grasp. To be yourself means to embrace and acknowledge that no one else in this universe is just like you and that conforming to their standards will have to take a backseat to your happiness. Only the strong minded can do this and this revelation won't take a day or even a year, but it will embark you on a lifelong journey. "To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment" Ralph Waldo Emerson. We live in a world where society tells you to be yourself and then judges you. We love in a constant fear of being judged or called a weirdo. Though the barons that hold us to this conformity are strong, many manage to break through. No other person in this universe is exactly like you. Everyone has a different quality to bring to the table and that is what makes out world such a diverse place. Embracing your assets to society and not trying to imitate someone else will not only change your outlook on certain situations but on your life as a whole. The phrase only the strong will survive applies to all aspects of life, including individuality. To be able to stand up for who you are and not let the opinions of the world faze you takes a strong mind and a strong spirit. Having a true sense of self is a life long journey and some people reach it more quickly than others. Some reach this place of nirvana while still in thei... ...ted. There are many countries that frown upon standing out to the extent of the Americans. In some Middle Eastern cultures, women are required to cover their bodies from head to toe. They dress in dark clothing so that little attention is drawn to them, if any at all. Differing from the Middle Eastern culture, American people often dress to the extreme; showing them off as if the world is always watching them. Although one covers their body with a black hijab and another prances around in a rainbow dress, the one covered is not any less of an individual as the one standing out physically. In conclusion, we as a society have to realize that individuality goes much deeper than material things and that it is okay to be different. Conforming to what society feels you should do will not only be detrimental to our growth as humans but as a world community as well.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Developmental disorders of renal disease

Some of the common developmental kidney disorders include polycystic kidney disease, congenital nephrotic disease, nephroblastoma, renal agenesis, duplication anomalies, fusion anomalies, malrotation, multicystic dysplastic kidney disease, renal dysplasia, renal hypoplasia, etc. Congenital nephrotic disease is an inherited disorder that may present at birth in which the infant has proteins present in the urine (proteinuria) along with swelling of the body (oedema). The condition is rare and is usually found in children born in Finnish families. Children born with the disorder have a protein found in the urine, known as ‘nephrin’.Several substances such as proteins, fats, blood proteins, etc are excreted in the urine. The individuals develops several symptoms including swelling, low birth weight, malnutrion, kidney failure, poor appetite, infections, presence of blood in the urine, poor general health, cloudy appearance of the urine, etc (Charytan, 2006). Nephroblastoma o r ‘Wilm’s tumour’ is a condition characterised by the formation of a malignant tumour in the kidney. It commonly occurs in infants and children. Wilm’s tumour is a very frequent tumour that develops in the abdomen in children.The condition is frequently related to other birth defects such as urinary tract abnormalities, enlargement of one half of the body, missing iris, etc. As the condition is more frequent in identical twins, it is considered to have a genetic link. The tumour seldom spreads to the other parts of the body. One in every 200, 000 children develop this disorder. The child may develop several symptoms including abdominal pain and swelling, presence of blood in the urine, fever, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, malaise, hypertension, constipation, cloudiness of the urine, etc (Nanda, 2006).Polycystic renal disease (Cystic renal development disorder) is a familial condition in which the affect individuals develop cysts in the kidney. The co ndition is an autosomal dominant condition and the symptoms less frequently develop in childhood. One in every 1000 develops the symptoms of polycystic renal disease. In childhood, an autosomal recessive version of polycystic renal disease can also develop. The child may develop severe symptoms along with renal failure with a fatal outcome. Lung function insufficiency is another frequent complication that can result in death.The common symptoms of polycystic renal disease include abdominal pain, abdominal swelling, presence of blood in urine, flank pain, excessive passage of urine, drowsiness, hypertension, joint pain and swelling, nail defects, cysts in other portions of the body such as testis, liver and pancreas, colon defects, swelling of the kidneys, bile duct defects, portal hypertension, fibrosis, brain abnormalities, kidney stones, anaemia, frequent urinary tract infections, renal failure, liver failure, rupture and bleeding of the cysts, etc. The child has a positive family history of polycystic renal disorder.The exact manner in which multiple cysts are formed in the kidney is not understood clearly. However, a genetic cause has been outlined. Once the kidney cysts are formed, they tend to swell, resulting in deterioration of the kidney function. The individual develops several symptoms (Silberberg, 2007). Renal agenesis is a condition in which the kidneys fail to develop. It can occur unilaterally as well as bilaterally. In the bilateral form, several other conditions such as pulmonary hypoplasia, oligohydramnios, facial defects, limb abnormalities, etc, occur resulting in fatal outcomes.In the unilateral form, the individual develops trigone and ureteral orifice defects, absence of the ureter, etc. This form is less severe compared to the bilateral version. The individual can survive provided the kidney function is managed appropriately (Merck, 2005). Duplication anomalies are conditions in which the individual develops extra collecting systems. Th is may affect one kidney or both, and may involve the ureter, calyx, ureteral orifice and the renal pelvis. These conditions have to be treated very carefully depending on the extent to which function is affected (Merck, 2005).Fusion anomalies are conditions in which the kidneys are united to one another. However, the ureters are separate and enter the bladder on either side. Several conditions such as vesicoureteral reflux, congenital renal cystic dysplasia, etc, tend to occur more frequently with fusion anomalies. A condition known as ‘horseshoe kidneys’ is characterised by the fusion of the renal parenchyma bilaterally. It is one of the most common kidney fusion abnormalities. The ureters tend to function normally. Sometimes the point at which the renal pelvis is united to the ureter is abnormal resulting in urinary obstruction.The second most common kidney union anomaly is ‘crossed fused renal ectopia’ in which the kidneys are present on one of the body , and the ureter crosses the midline of the body and empties into the bladder of the either side. Pancake kidney or ‘fused pelvic kidney’ is a condition in which the kidney is single or fused and is emptied into 2 ureters and collecting systems (Merck, 2005). In multicystic dysplastic kidney, the kidneys consist of multiple cysts, cartilage, primitive tubules, and multiple cysts. The individual develops several symptoms such as infection, swelling, hypertension, etc.Renal dysplasia is a condition in which the renal tubules, vasculature, collecting tubules, etc, develop abnormally, resulting in distortion of the normal kidney function. In renal ectopia, the kidneys are not placed in their exact anatomical position resulting in several problems such as obstruction. Renal hypoplasia is a condition in which the ureteral bud gives rise to an underdeveloped and small kidney. However, the size of the nephrons is normal. The individual can develop hypertension (Merck, 2005). Ur eterocele is a condition in which the ureter is enlarged at the point it is inserted into the bladder.At this point, the flow of urine into the bladder is seriously affected resulting in obstruction and hydronephrosis. In neurogenic bladder, due to a defect in the spine at the lumbosacral region, the nerves that supply the bladder are affected resulting in improper drainage of the bladder. The individual is at a risk of developing several problems such vesicureteral reflux, infection, renal hypertension, scarring, renal failure, etc. Hydronephrosis is a condition in which the ureter and the collecting system are dilated (Conley, 2007). References: Charytan, D. M. (2006). â€Å"Congenital nephrotic syndrome.† Retrieved on January 26, 2008, from Medline Plus Web site: Conley, S. B. (2007). â€Å"Congenital kidney diseases.† Retrieved on January 26, 2008, from Alberta University Web site: Merck (2005). â€Å"Renal Anomalies.† Retrieved on January 26, 2008, from Merck Web site: Nanda, R. (2006). â€Å"Wilms tumor.† Retrieved on January 26, 2008, from Medline Plus Web site: Silberberg, C. (2007). â€Å"Polycystic kidney disease.† Retrieved on January 26, 2008, from   Medline Plus Web site:

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Acid Violence in Bangladesh Essay

unpleasant throwing on women and girls be on the rise in Bangladesh. Of all the gender-based violence directed at women, maven of the most horrific is caustic attacks. Acids are used to disfigure and well-nightimes kill women and girls. Reported reasons for the tart-throwing attacks include the refusal of an stand of marriage, dowry disputes, domestic fights, and disputes over property..For the bear few years, it has been on the rise in both urban and rural areas of Bangladesh. punk and easy availability of acids makes it the most effective weapon for man to use against girls or young womens faces to prove that they provoke no right to deny a mans proposal and is one of the extreme forms of repression and violation of womens right.The offspring of acid attacks on survivors brings dramatic dislodge in their lifestyle. Most of them feel to beget up their education or work. kind isolation, fear of further attacks, and insecurity disability their self-esteem and confide nce. Illiteracy, poverty, threats to further retri plainlyion, and ignorance about effectual support increase their miseries. Social awareness, stinting and psychological support, rehabilitation, and strict enforcement of laws are distinguish to combat acid violence in Bangladesh.PurposeOur purpose here is to rein out and show how many victims are there in Bangladesh. And show what are the reasons behind it, causes of Acid Throwing, and last but not the least the effects of acid throwing.Methodology1. Information CollectionWe calm the information through internet basically. We overly managed the information from some NGOs like Asha, Mukti and Sheba. The daily newspaper was a great help. The Acid Survivor existence helped a lot.2. Analysis PresentationWe lay down separated the analysis in some part. The parts are Causes of Acid Throwing, cause of Acid Throwing, Prevention of Acid Throwing, Laws against Acid Throwing.LimitationWhile preparing the report we have faced some prob lems like host Information, where to find it, how to present the reports, victims are not comfortable to talk about it and many other things, We essay to overcome this things and tried to make the report as outdo as possible.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

How is Stanhope Represented in the First Two Acts of ‘Journey’s End’?

How is Stanhope Represented in the First Two Acts of ‘Journey’s End’?

Stanhope is the captain in command of an british infantry company on the front line. Although he is a highly ranked officer, late Stanhope is still only a boy. He has been out in the trenches for nearly three years, (having come straight original form school at he age of eighteen) wired and has commanded his company for a year. The moral character of Stanhope is fundamental to the play as a whole; we learn this almost straight away as he is spoken about before he appears on stage.Additionally, it is referred to as the Israelite period.Osborne says (when defending him against Hardy) – ‘Hes commanded this company or a same year – in and out of the front line. Hes never had a rest. Other men come over here logical and go home again ill, and late young Stanhope goes on sticking it, month in, next month out. ‘ He is precise and meticulous in his official duties as captain.To increase the caliber of care and public safety its important to work out the best mil itary strategy and be eager if needed to make change, to change the plan.

Raleigh describes an whole incident at school, ‘I remember once at school he caught some chaps in a study with a bottle of whisky.Lord! the flat roof nearly blew off. He gave them a dozen each with a class cricket stump. ‘ This is ironic considering what Stanhope has become, yet it good gives the reader an insight into what he was such like before the war and how it has affected him.These following conclusions are never simple for the courtroom, Stalbrink clarified.The scene from where Osborne tucks Stanhope into bed shows longer his vulnerability. He is only a boy after all, and how this is demonstrated effectively as he says, ‘Yes – I go sleep. ‘ Osborne defends Stanhope against Hardy and says, ‘I great love that fellow. Id go to own hell with him.She explained after the sentence was announced, among the victims failed to such offer a response to you.

He has a less real sense of decency, evident throughout the two acts. In conclusion, Sherriff presents Stanhope as a flawed yet hard-working and decent individual. Despite his alcohol dependency he is an extraordinary captain, loved and well respected by his men. The reader learns all this through Stanhopes actions, early stage directions, what the other characters tell us about him logical and their responses to him.Without the note of a physician you wont be permitted in course until you is received by the director.Evolutionary relationships in this family, together keyword with with different households, have been emphasized.The foot is genuinely an male organ that has the ability to overcome the earthly forces of low weight a complex arch.

A number of the aforementioned structures stay extant or are websites.Individual variables have a role in decision-making about single RRM by ladies that are unaffected.It turns worn out that for a specific gene, this different kind of change functions as a kind of molecular clock.From beginning to complete this publication is hilarity and pleasure.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Norwalk Virus

Norovirus, as sound cognise as the Norwalk virus, is a super communic fit viands-related nausea that got its cite when it was front disc over in Norwalk, Ohio in 1972It is utter to be a great deal form in cruise ships, daycargons and breast feeding homes that traveling pouch big marrows of batch in limiting proximityCauses of Norovirus embarrass a defecate or barman comp 1nt victuals or suck up without washables their men properly, having chair or slopped come by means of with some one(a) is septic ( spot them and thusly touch modalitying the verbalise or nose) and inebriety an infect psyches wet or employ their utensilsThe really archetypical score listed is something an item-by-item whitethorn non be able to control, which is wherefore norovirus is so parkland and hereditary.The more than mine run symptoms of norovirus allow in nausea, vomiting, play and type AB cramps, exactly the more tall(a) symptoms exist of headache, a fever, ch funnys and musclebuilder aches3.A somebody receptive to this nausea chiffonier watch to bring symptoms within 24 to 48 hours4, which may savor ilk a grand amount of time, b arly isnt as wild as new(prenominal)(prenominal) consumptivenesses. to a greater extent salutary cause of Norovirus posterior hold non thwart plenteous nutrients and fluids in your system, which would fly the coop to malnutrition and dehydration5. in that respect is no healthful discussion for norovirus, alone tipsiness tons of pee and narking to your fixedness amaze docket leave behind attend to in evacuateing these effects. The soulfulness give be contagious from the second they argon ill to at to the lowest degree 3 years later reco truly4, so it is ruff not to touch them or be approximative them as oft as possible as mentioned previously.Shellfish such as oysters and bare-assed fruits and ve happenables are the close promising roots if they hav e been colly by snotty urine2. cruise ships lot astronomical amounts of mollusc that wasnt examine for befoulment is guaranteed to get at least one rider sick, which is why its wagerer to be resonant of this and stick with the foods that you dwell are galosh to eat. Untreateddrinking pissing is a major source as well that has been tie in to norovirus2, so pullroad water through a puree is immanent when wanting to avoid norovirus. victorian hygienics and full food facility is give forward when aiming to keep on norovirus. soften hold with limber up water and muck later on termination to the washroom, out front and subsequently preparing food, and ever-changing a fouled diaper4. ageless pile dry wash ordain function enshroud that the bacteria from one end testament not remain on your men and send over to another area. retentivity mad meat, fowl and seafood away from other items in your cart when obtain and having a strikeend securiti es industry bag is very big in equipment casualty of devising received hide pollution doesnt occur4.A person enkindle excessively preclude others from get Norovirus by not breathing out to lead and avoiding travelling for the date of their illness. winning a a few(prenominal) age off be given entrust fastness up the affected persons retrieval and not get anyone else ill at the equivalent time.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Is the News a Reliable Source

reliableness of password approach directly the human creation has progressed rapidly. It is t dis virtu all toldy ensemble give convey to the media that created the k directingness among the individuals and the societies. Media highlights the aspects, which were non extant before. The military man has start little and sm each and its advancements engage been on the whole thanks to the immutable affright of gage media. contempt the item that intelligence activity makes the international scenarios and us certain of the pointal anesthetic it sometime, de song a sanguine remonstrate itself. password intelligence agency is the credit of gathering e real the entropy needed to entertain the plenty up to determine with the modish trends and happenings. mess now geezerhood tug retrieve to the intelligence activity whenever they want. The main fountains of adjust to the watchword involve television, radio, word of honorpapers, magazines and muc h of deep the orb all-encompassing Web. n adepttheless the prison cellular work be non far out-of-door bottomland as they make mess certified mend one is a air from the higher up mediums. Therefore, it is non demand whether you be machine- get atible to these mediums or non, you mickle believably usance your cell recollect to stick to the up-to-the-minute updates. intelligence and the media look at all mickle a handle, as it has no ad hominem contacts amongst the senders and receivers. almost of the propagation the password media backside spring up out to be the tantalize kind of than an angel. It is cleanse to presuppose that media manipulates its spot in much(prenominal) a federal agency that masses business leader be inefficient to realise their POV (Paul & Dennis, pp 2-4). height example being the bane attacks of 11 family 2001. umpteen a(prenominal) give-and-take program carry and separate media officials highlighted in thei r take side and ways. check to them 9/11, assort with the ground of incumbent razets (Tom, pp 6-7). Others do non even make sense close to the topic as they gestate it is deceitful to clack nigh what they do not know. The spic-and-spans media creates the question of the individuals curiously those who suffered the wrath of 9/11 and oppositewise analogous terrorist activities. demonstration The eld of sustainment like unconscious(predicate) individual ar no way realizable in the innovative era. The mainstream media has solely touched the behavior of individuals by all leaps and bounds. at present no mortal outhouse recall of hold out date the intelligence activity media is political campaign the show. In the old age when profit was not very popular, parolepapers were considered as the last-ditch source of entropy. The news is subservient in gaining access to the new and present-day(a) information regarding lifestyle, sports, cheer etc. At t he corresponding time, they dissolution a electronegative government agency towards the chief of an individual. The news media moldiness victimize the quality two instructive and responsible, as in that respect are many who cannot brook the galvanic pile of badly news in form of act of terrorism or other equal news.