Monday, September 30, 2019
Japanese American Concentration Camps
World War 2 was not officially initiated until German Nazi's invaded Poland on September 1, 1939. America did not get Involved in the war until December 7, 1941, Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, war was not declared on Japan until the following day. December 11, 1941 Germany declared war on the united States. The war was now In full force, with America raging war against the Japanese and the German Nazi's.Back home In America, they to were taking action to protect their homeland. In February of 1942, President Roosevelt signed an executive order to relocate all Japanese Americans. This occurred because of the bombing of Pearl Harbor, Many feared that the Japanese were attempting to â€Å"Remain loyal to their homeland†and were acting as spies. Even without concrete evidence, President Roosevelt signed for them to be relocated. These camps were still located on American soil and were not death camps.The camps were concentration camps, a place where they go to basically do hard labor all day. Many Japanese American families sold their homes and assets, here was no guarantee that their lives would continue as normal upon their return. Their homes sold for fractions of the price they were actually worth, even Japanese vets of WWW were forced to leave their homes and assets behind. It did not matter If the families were born and raised In America and had never been to Japan, the fear of an invasion was to great to allow a possible security issue be lose. Until the camps were finished the Japanese Americans were held in stables at local racing tracks. Ten camps were completed and the camps were built in remote areas of seven western tastes : Arkansas, California, Wyoming, Colorado, Idaho, and Utah. The housing was poor, Tarpaper Barracks were the housing for the Japanese. There were communal mess halls for family to dine with one another, the children had to attend school and the adults had the option to work for 5$ a day.The Japanese definitely were not living hig h class, but the camps they were located to where heaven to the Jewish In Germany. The plan for the camps was for them to be self sufficient, by farming for food. The solo was not Ideal for this plan however. The homes were not heated or lolled during seasonal changes and the food was made army grub style. The Japanese Americans were not allowed to leave because security would not hesitate to shoot one who tried to escape. There was armed security that stood round clock watch over the Japanese Americans. 27,000 Japanese Americans were wrongfully relocated into concentration camps, when challenged by Fred Sauerkraut, the Supreme Court showed little to no sympathy and said it was war time necessary for the camps. The government and the people without a Japanese bloodline agreed that it was simply for the time of war. The camps never got to be the point of the horrific f the Nazi's camps and that was greatly appreciated, but the act in itself was considered wrong and In history is labe led as a bad move In American history.January 8 1945, the first families were released from the camps. Most families had nowhere to go and nowhere to work. A lot of Americans would not hire Japanese Americans due to their own racism that grew because of the war. In 1988 the court tried to apologize for the wrong act of putting the Japanese Americans into compared to what the families had to go through during and after the camps. In hope America will stoop low enough to concentration camps again.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
A Soldier’s Conviction
You people must know that the life of army personnel is not an easy job. Our fingers bleed with the thorns of the branches that give us roses. We pay the penalties for the benefits that we accrue as army personals. The foremost reason for which I joined the army is the gift of honor and dignity that this job gives to the soldiers.From time immemorial nations distribute these gifts to the men who lay their lives for the sake of the glory of their country and for the safety and protection of the lives and wealth of their countrymen. I desired that gift and so I joined the army. I got it.My family has to bear the pangs of separation from me. Though they don’t work for the army but they suffer because I work for the army. The nature of my work takes me away from them for days on end.My son is just five years old, he loves me and feels proud of me for being an army personnel, but he wants to spend a great deal of time with her mother that she cannot afford for being an army personn el. He hates bad guys because he thinks that they are the reasons for which armies are given birth in this world.In army, people are not allowed to choose their dating partners of their will and liking. The routine of their job forbids them from doing so. My job doesn’t allow me to date with a civilian as he is not able to understand the hardships, problems and tight schedules of army life.We don’t have a big deal of spare time to spend in understanding our intended life-partners or friends. We are required to be ever ready to move at any time to any place.In this job we see people dying, wounded, brutally massacred and killed. These horrible scenes strongly affect our sensibilities and we suffer spiritually and mentally because of them. This job provokes us to mistrust the people and be ready for the worst. I have to follow so much rules and regulations in this life that I feel like a robot. I am so trained that I cannot mix and talk freely with the civilians.Yes, if you want job security and stability you can have it in army. It is a fact that now a days, in civilian jobs; people are sacked from the jobs on petty issues and small mistakes. In army we enjoy the stability of the job, as government stands guarantee, and we don’t fear that we might be kicked out on trifles.No doubt we, the soldiers, are made strong physically and mentally. I can dare to challenge anything in life because I am a soldier. We feel proud that we can be part of history by serving in operations. Take my example; I am a part of the history as serving in the operations against the Iraqi freedom AOR.My job made me eligible for many benefits such as low or zero markups on many different kinds of loans, many discounts and very attractive insurance policies. I get many traveling, dining and hoteling benefits. I enjoy many holidays here. My health is well taken care of for being army personnel. It is not just that they send you out in the field to die a dog’s deat h. They care you very well in the field as well as out of the field.No doubt army serves you well but disturbs you as well. Â
Friday, September 27, 2019
Action Learning and Governance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Action Learning and Governance - Essay Example He must be a person who can understand the need of the hour, possesses insight for the future, can plan rationally and can get the work done by the subordinates satisfactorily. He is no more an authoritative director who was supposed to give orders and merely direct subordinates as in the past. Today's fast growing world has new and revolutionary demands for leaders. A leader today has to be a charismatic being who does not shy away from doing work himself, rather enjoys putting valuable effort in the teamwork. Action Learning helps in producing such leaders. The practical approach of the Action Learning motivates the leaders to indulge in the work themselves to better perceive the situation. It makes them realize that they cannot win a war by standing on the edge. They will have to step into the arena to understand the demands of particular events and to decide and direct their subordinates accordingly. They will have to observe their own actions, analyze their motives and scrutiniz e their own experiences in order to find out the ways to improve their performances further. Thus, action learning teaches men to use their insight along with their knowledge and intelligence to perform better. And these very attributes have let Action Learning emerged as one of the most influential and valuable tools that is used worldwide for developing leaders nowadays. Now the question arises, which leadership style is to be followed that is most compatible with Action Learning (Gold, Thorpe, & Mumford, 2010). Let us first analyze the classical Leadership Styles offered by Kurt Lewin in 1939. According to Lewin, â€Å"there are three basic leadership styles: Authoritarian, Participative and Delegative†. The Authoritarian style asks the leaders to be autocratic and solely decide the course of action. Being the lone task master, such a leader shows less creativity and has to take the full accountability of entire group’s future prospects. Delegative style asks the le aders to let the workers do as they wish and offer no guidance. On the other hand, Participative style of leadership supports an environment with close collaboration of the leader and the workers. It is a productive situation where the actions are mutually analyzed and where the decisions are made together. The leader uses his intelligence and superior knowledge whereas the workers use their experience to find out the solution of every problem. Action learning only conforms to the Participative style of leadership to some extent unless the leader does not back away from the work himself and contributes his share willingly (Marquardt, 2004). . Today, there are numerous leadership styles in use that give rather detailed specifications of the duties and responsibilities of the leaders and the subordinates. One of these is Situational Leadership Style proposed in 1950 that supports the use of a style alterable according to the situation. The Emergent Style believes in the rise of a lead er from the subordinates who can comprehend their problems easily. The Transactional Style lays emphasis on the strict follow of the rules and regulations whereas the Transformational Style focuses the change in four variables: our self, others, groups and organizations. This style believes on the charisma of the workers and the vision of the leaders to be the road to success. Strategic leadership supports the notion of creating an atmosphere of competition among the subordinates to urge them to work harder. Team Leadership Style is a newly emerging style that lays stress on the importance of team work. 'Faceless Boss' is also a newly proposed style that diminishes the need of a prominent leader among a group to make the members feel comfortable in sharing their
Strategic Management - Stakeholder analysis Essay
Strategic Management - Stakeholder analysis - Essay Example (Drucker 1973:140). Sony Corporation also had its strategy firmly rooted in the Japanese style of management which was based on long term orientation and planning, collective decision making, accountability and responsibility, bottom up process of decision flow and informal organisational structure. (Koontz 1974. 58). This strategy had also dictated its culture based on informal, familial, traditional relationship between the various stakeholders. However in the new economy this was losing its relevance. In line with the changing business environment Sony Corporation has had to transform its strategy, announced formally in 2005, it identified a few core sectors as electronics, games and entertainment. ( Thus the company is no longer only in the, â€Å"business of electronic information†. In line with this approach, the company has also adopted the new organizational model of business groups, abolishing the company system for better horizontal coordination and synergy for specific products. This organizational structure is said to be designed to eliminate, â€Å"corporate silos†and generate better cross functional support for business decisions. ( In line with this the culture has grown to a more formal, demanding and result oriented one of accountability. The key stake holders of Sony have been identified as shareholders, customers, employees, suppliers, business partners, local communities and other organisations. ( Considering the interests and demands of the stake holders, both long and short term, their influence on Sony’ s strategy will determine its overall organizational effectiveness. Sony keeps the interests of all its stakeholders uppermost. The corporate governance policy ensures a uniform approach towards stake holders across the company. ( Considering the stake holders one by one, we find that
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Business law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 14
Business law - Essay Example In Saudi Arabia, supreme religious councils order how Islamic law should be applied and have authority over legislation. On the other hand, the IUS law is derived from, statutory law, common law, court rules, administrative law, and constitutional law. Statutes provide enactments of legislative bodies of the US and are more specific in dealing with issues than the constitution. Common law, sometimes called case law provides laws or decisions by courts in personal cases. The US’ court system consists of judicial branches of the state and federal governments charged with the interpretation and application of the law. The system is divided into two administrative split systems, the state and the federal, each acting as independent of the legislative and executive branch. It is a dual court system inherited from the colonial period. In comparison, the court system of Saudi Arabia or the Sharia court system includes the basic judiciary of the nation and its lawyers and judges make up the ulema, which is the country’s religious leadership. Besides, there are extra-sharia state tribunals that handle conflicts related to particular royal decrees. The final appeal from both the government tribunals and sharia courts is to the king. All tribunals and courts follow sharia rules of procedure and evidence. However, this system has been criticized for being arcane, slow, and lack of some protection of justice and of being unable of dealing with wor ld issues. The court system in Saudi Arabia has no jury trials and their courts consider few formalities. In the United States, a right to appeal is guaranteed by the statute or an underlying legal or constitutional principle. An appellate court must listen to the appeal. The appeal by permission or leave needs the appellant to get a leave to appeal. In situations like this, the appellate court and the lower court may refuse or grant the appellant’s command to appeal the decision of the
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Geography Question-Answer Format Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Geography Question-Answer Format - Essay Example The Stone Age advanced to be more diverse and altered by progressive use of the tool. Besides, there is certainly a lot of evidence for the use of wood throughout the Paleolithic Age. Wood was used for making ladders, lighting fire, as a pigment (charcoal), drying wood and as digging sticks. One of the distinguishing features of the Paleolithic age was building of shelters and use of clothing which made habitation in unfriendly environment much easier. This became a permanent feature of man during this period. Secondly, one of the features that distinguished the early society that distinguished human from the other surviving non-human primates was their ostensibly omnivorous diet. Furthermore, humans had advanced communication skills by a way of coherent speech. Through communication and usage of words as symbols, hominids cold organize themselves into a culture with an identity. At the early stages of settlement, human beings discovered fire and its usage. Moreover, the early societ y diffused seeds and nuts onto the vegetation for plantation activities. Interestingly, through hunting and gathering activities, human’s occupation had a dramatic effect on the animal population causing migration and even extinction of some great mammalian species. It can be argued that the low population densities of the hunters, gatherers and scavenger human groups were attributed to the introduction of pastoralism and agriculture (Goudie). The second phase is plant cultivation, animal keeping and metal working. Historically, humans began to domesticate animals and to gather food plants rather than just hunt animals. Although it is now recognized that some hunters and gathers had significant leisure, there is no doubt that through the controlled breeding of animals and plants humans were able to develop a more expandable and a reliable source of food; thereby, creating a solid and secure basis for cultural advancement. It opened doors fro
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Merits and Drawbacks of Central Bank Independence Essay
Merits and Drawbacks of Central Bank Independence - Essay Example Money is important in the economy of a country due to the several functions it serves. Since central banks are charged with critical roles, it becomes challenging for most countries to decide whether the mandate of the central bank should fall under the control of the executive or whether the institution should operate autonomously and independently. This paper discusses focuses on the independence of central bank and discusses the merits and drawbacks that are associated with an independent central bank. The theoretical case for central bank independence is founded on the notion that price stability is critical and is the main objective of any monetary policy. However, politicians of a country are mainly not interested in fully safeguarding this major objective of the monetary policy since their concern is focused on the short term and politically dependent central banks. To address this, it becomes vital that the main objective of monetary policy is entrusted to agents that have a long term focus and who are not politically elected by the masses. Theoretically, central bank independence is considered to a solution to three major problems. First, this is considered to have the capacity of making it difficult for fiscal authority and policy to have relative dominance on the monetary authority and policy. Additionally, based on the models of political business cycles and partisan cycles, central bank independence is considered to provide protection to society against the distortions th at business or partisan cycles can result into. Finally, basing on the dynamic inconsistency theory, central bank independence is considered an effective way of addressing dynamic inconsistencies in monetary policy.
Monday, September 23, 2019
RELIGIOUS EXPERIENCE & COMMUNITY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
RELIGIOUS EXPERIENCE & COMMUNITY - Essay Example nd methods to use to reach their end in their faith, while in a little tradition, the practitioners are limited to each other and the knowledge that has been passed down from one person to another. A prime example between the two traditions can be seen in Catholicism, the difference between the Pope and the other followers of the religion. The Pope has studied it in the sense of the greater tradition - through books, training, and practice; the other practitioners, the ones that attend the church are those that practice the little tradition. The Pope practices Catholicism the way it was intended to be practiced, yet the church-goers do what can be informally considered "second best". There are those still that do not attend a church, but practice in the ways that they were taught by others, by traditions passed down to them. The differences lie with the clergy, the smaller groups, and the individuals. As there is very little distinction between the different ways that Catholicism can be practiced, even between the Pope and individuals of society, there is hardly a noticeable effect. Each person and each group practices how they are able to; in a way, changing the traditions is necessary, as it allows each person or each group to fully understand the finer points of their religion. Some people would not get out of books what the Pope is able to, so they work with what they have an easier time understanding. In the same sense, the changes are good - they help to bring people closer to that religion. When a person realizes that cannot achieve something one way, they improvise with another way that they are comfortable with. Many religions are seldom what they had originally been, owing to the fact that not everyone was fortunate enough to study it in the great tradition, so they resorted to what they
Sunday, September 22, 2019
American Association of Medical Assistants Essay Example for Free
American Association of Medical Assistants Essay Introduction Throughout the medical community there are a growing number of organizations whom offer certification exams for those looking to enter the medical assisting field or other allied health profession. Few of these organizations offer the high standard of quality and largely respected and recognized credentials as that of The American Association of Medical Assistants (AAMA) and The American Medical Billing Association (AMBA). The American Association of Medical Assistants The American Association of Medical Assistants (AAMA) is a non-profit organization that was founded in 1955 by The Kansas Medical Assistants Society. Over the last fifty-seven years the AAMA has been steadily growing with over 20,000 members to date. The goal of this organization is â€Å"to provide the medical assistant with education, certification, credential acknowledgment, networking prospects, scope-of-practice protection, and advocacy for quality health care.†(AMAA, 1996-2012, Mission and Core Values) The AAMA administers the CMA certifications exam that is overseen by the National Board of Medical Examiners. This exam includes approximately 200 multiple-choice questions which are broken into a total of four 40-minute sections. The maximum allotted time for completion of this exam is 195 minutes. The certification that comes along with passing this exam is known to be the premier credentialing when it comes to the medical assisting field due to the AAMA’s diverse and on-going training requirements even after the CMA exam has been successfully completed. Each and every person that has earned the CMA(AAMA) credentialing must complete sixty hours of Continuing education units in the three required categories every five years and hold a current CPR certification at all times in order to recertify their membership and credentials with the AAMA. â€Å"The CMA (AAMA) exam is the only one credential that requires candidates to be graduates of a programmatically accredited medical assisting program†(AAMA, 2007-2008, Occupational Analysis of the CMA(AAMA)) An individual whom has earned this prestigious credential, possesses not only general medical office and administrative skills and knowledge but is also certified to perform numerous clinical duties as well. The training and versatility that is held by any individual whom earns the title of CMA (AAMA) makes them an asset to any medical office setting. American Medical Billing Association The American Medical Billing Association (AMBA) was founded in 1998 by Cyndee and Larry Weston whom have been the owners of a medical billing center in Davis, Oklahoma since 1989. Over the years, they have seen the start of many medical billing associations that were more self-serving and for-profit companies rather than out to serve the needs of their joining members. The Weston’s made it their mission to design an organization that would work for the needs of the small biller, thus AMBA was born. â€Å"AMBA is dedicated to helping its members become successful Certified Medical Reimbursement Specialists†, (American Medical Billing Association, 1998-2012, Information on Joining AMBA) which they do through medical billing certification, online training courses, coding certification prep and webinars, to name a few. AMBA also holds a certification exam, the Certified Medical Reimbursement Specialist exam and has been for the past 10 years. AMBA is the only organization that offers an exam that is specifically designed for the medical billing professional. â€Å"Although there is no state or Federal requirement of a medical billing professional to become certified to practice medical billing,†it is the goal of AMBA â€Å"to provide a professional certification exam that upholds a high ethical standard of knowledge that recognizes the competency of a certificant.†(American Medical Billing Association, 1998-2012,Certified Medical Billing Specialist) This exam includes a wealth of information such as ICD9, CPT4, HCPCS coding, HIPPAA. OIG compliance, insurance claims, billing, denials and appeals and much more. The exam itself is taken online and consists of over 800 questions with a minimum grade of 85 in order to receive certification, which is then valid for 1 year. The CMRS is broken down into 16 different sections which must be completed with 45 days of the start date of your exam. AMBA does require those whom have passed the CMRS to complete 15 continuing educations units per year in order to recertify. As the CMRS is the only exam of its kind, those whom earn this credentialing have the proven knowledge and skills thus giving them an edge in their field. Medical Terminology Medical terminology creates a standardized communication between all of the numerous professions that make up the medical community. â€Å"Medical Language is the key to a successful career in healthcare. If you want to â€Å"walk the walk†then you have to â€Å"talk the talk†of medical language†(Turley, 2011, p. 2) As I pursue my education and aspire to one day become a medical administrative assistant, I realize the importance of having a strong grasp on medical terminology in my field. For any person in or looking to enter a position in the medical field, being able to fully understand medical terminology is vital to their success, and an asset to not only themselves but those whom employ them as it can aid in communication to other medical professionals and also to the patients, increase the quality of care, and reduce liability. Conclusion Both the American Association of Medical Assistants and the American Medical Billing Association offer high quality and well regarded credentialing to those in the medical assisting and billing fields. Having a large knowledge base of medical terminology will aid in the completion of the exams given by these two organizations and also in working towards a successful carrier in the medical industry in the future. References American Association of Medical Assistants (1996-2012) Mission and Core Values. Retrieved September 28, 2012 , from American Association of Medical Assistants. American Association of Medical Assistants (2007-2008) Occupational Analysis of the CMA (AMAA) Retrieved September 28, 2012, from American Association of Medical Assistants. American Medical Billing Association (1998-2012) Information on Joining AMBA Retrieved September 28, 2012, from American Medical Billing Association (AMBA) American Medical Billing Association (1998-2012) Certified Medical Billing Specialist Retrieved September 28, 2012, from American Medical Billing Association (AMBA) Turley, S.M. (2011). The Structure of Medical Language, Medical Language Immerse Yourself (2nd ed). (p. 2) New Jersey: Pearson
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Integrative approaches to psychology and Christianity Essay Example for Free
Integrative approaches to psychology and Christianity Essay This book tells about the integrating Christianity and psychology. The author discusses integration a combining the two books of God. According to Entwistle (2004), â€Å"the book of god’s Word referred to the Bible, and the book of God’s works reflects His deeds written throughout His creation. (p. 166). †He includes five models of integration in the book which are: enemies, spies, colonialists, neutral parties, and allies as subjects of One Sovereign. The enemies model sees Christianity and psychology as enemies that need to be kept totally separate. The spies model has one discipline going into the other to take only what works for them. Psychology would enter the Christian world just to take the religious concepts that will work well with psychology. The colonialist model has one discipline colonizing or taking control and prominence over the other. Religion works with psychology as long as religion is superior to psychology. The neutral parties model has both disciplines coexisting and recognizing each other as long as they respect each others’ boundaries. Psychology recognizes that religion has good concepts to offer but it will not encroach on the religion’s domain. The allies as subjects of One Sovereign model have both disciplines working together to help people. It uses psychological and theological concepts together to gain a better understanding of the truth. According to Entwistle (2004), â€Å"God gave birth to the subject of psychology (human behavior) when he created human beings. God granted us the foundations of theology when He gave us His Word (p. 175). †The book tells us that there are two books of God: His word and His works (Entwistle, 2004). Psychology deals with God’s works and theology deals with His word. Our job as Christian counselors is to interpret both books and integrate them together so that we can use both books to help our clients. If we find something that does not make sense between both books, there is a conflict that needs to be resolved before we can use it. At this point, we need to go back and reread and study both books to see if we can find the discrepancy. Entwistle (2004) says that god gave us both books, but we have to interpret them ourselves. The problem is not with God’s books, but it is the way we interpret them. Human understanding of God’s books is based on our worldview (Entwistle, 2004). To properly integrate the two disciplines, we need to have a good understanding of both. We cannot just know theology or psychology and expect to integrate them well. We need to have a working knowledge of psychological theories and concepts as well as a working knowledge of God’s word. We need to remember, though, that our knowledge is only as good as our interpretation. God’s works have been affected by the fall into sin, and as a work of God our interpretations will be colored by the fall as well. I think this book has a lot of good ideas and concepts to it. I found it interesting to discuss the two books of God, because I had heard the term and knew what it meant, but had not really thought about what it included. I also liked the models of integration and their explanations. They were explained well enough that anyone could follow them easily. Some of the things that bothered me the most about the book and its ideas are: the idea of interpretation, the definition of integration, and where do we go from here. If we are the interpreters of God’s two books and we know that the fall and sin have colored our interpretations, how do we know if our interpretations of the books are correct? Can we interpret either book accurately? If our interpretations are wrong, can we do more harm than good to our clients? Is the definition of integration complete enough to help us know what we need to help others? When we use the current definitions of integration, do we get a complete picture of what integration means to both disciplines? With all of the models of integration, where do we go next? How do we make progress in the integration process? Can we ever integrate to a point where we can agree on most aspects of a model, or will there always be disagreement between the disciplines? These are all questions that I think are important to consider about integration. I think that integrating Christianity and psychology can benefit a Christian client by allowing us to address spiritual matters and use spiritual techniques for healing. It is important to remember that religion and psychology are both parts of God’s truth to us and can be used to help ourselves and others. When the two disciplines are integrated, we have many more options than when we use one or the other discipline separately. Finally use of both disciplines can help us reach people of faith as well as people who are not Christians, if we can use them both carefully and competently.
Friday, September 20, 2019
The Differences Between Athens And Sparta History Essay
The Differences Between Athens And Sparta History Essay Athens and Sparta may be on the same country and even on the same continent, but many differences can be found between these two city-states, They were close together on a map, yet far apart in what they valued and how they lived their lives (White, 2010). Some of the things they have differences, are the types of government each of then used to rule their cities. The education may have some similarities but at the end they differ in little things, as the military organization. The citizens on these two cities were in some part similar but also a little different as many of the things I had already talked about on the above. Both, Sparta and Athens did different things for their benefits and this things gave them the opportunity of unite more and the formation of a new government call democracy. There were three types of governments used by this two cities; monarchy, oligarchy and democracy. Each of them with different characteristics and that it identity and differ them from each other. Monarchy for example, is a type of government that consists that a king or a queen are the ones that rule the city, making everyone do what they order to do. Oligarchy, on the other hand is a government in which a small group of citizens gather together and they are the ones that control the taking of decisions (White, 2010). This were the types of governments that Spartans and Athenians used to control they cities, which at the end created the formation if a new government called democracy; a system of government in which citizens vote to make governmental decisions. On Sparta, the people that could be citizens were only the men and they need to be 30 years old. No women were allowed to be considered a citizen and of course they were only used to be housekeepers. Some of the women in Sparta owned lands and that was one the reason they were the freest women in Greece. Like in here, this author says: Citizen women were free to move around and enjoyed a great deal of freedom. Spartan women could own and control their own property (Unknown Author, Lets Compare at the time of Pericles, about 475 430 B.C).On Athens, the wealthy noble people that owned land were the ones that were consider citizens. One similarity between this two cities, were that no women where consider citizens but on Athens they werent allowed to own land. They also divided themselves into common people that didnt own land and the helots, which were free Greeks that had lived in Sparta before they were conquered. Not all the things between Sparta and Athens were completely different, there were some things which they had similar things. For example, on the way of government they both had a person or persons which were the ones that control the city and the things they were suppose to do. For example, Both Athens and Sparta had an Assembly, whose members were elected by the people. Sparta was ruled by two kings, who ruled until they died or were forced out of office. Athens was ruled by archons, who were elected annually (White, 2010). Their military tactics and movements werent completely the same but they both had an army that Ortegà ³n 2 could help them. Also the weapons they used were similar, as helmets and swords. The educations for these two cities were similar in the way that they teach things, not the same things but they learned things. Also this education was mostly for men in both of the cities. Some differences they had on the things I just said were notably marked and they were constantly seen. On their government for example, the Spartan form was called oligarchy, but it had elements of monarchy , democracy, and aristocracy(Unknown Author, Athens vs Sparta). They had a king which went with them to war and all the things they assisted, but he wasnt the one that took the decisions; the citizens were the ones that decided things. Instead on Athens, they used the democracy as they way of governing, which for them was more organized, but they were impartial because only the wealthy noble people were the ones that could vote. On their military part, Sparta only focused themselves into teach their people to fight and know how to defend themselves, instead Athens gave the options to men to take the decision if they wanted to join the army or not and study another thing. At the end, both of these city-states helped to the formation and evolution of the democracy, which in now days are used in most of the countries around the world. Sparta in somehow used the democracy but only a little group and even more in a group of old men which they didnt had knowledge of the things that were happening. Athens, on the other hand already used the democracy but a very restricted way which limited the common people to vote. Both of this forms of government opened the eyes of many tyrants and rules which at the end, when Greece united for the fight of power between Persia. It evolved and in a way it expanded around, giving new options to the world. Ortegà ³n 3
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Is There Any Solace For The Lonely :: essays research papers
Is There Any Solace For The Lonely? Our culture is too civilized to allow the physical torture of criminals. Therefore, solitary confinement is used as an alternative punishment for prisoners serving time. Solitary confinement seems like a joke, being alone in an enclosed room with no human contact for a few weeks. Yet, being alienated and lonely are very effective methods of psychological torture. In fact, the sense of loneliness is so overwhelming, it tends to drive criminals mad. The problem with loneliness is that it does not just affect prisoners in solitary, it can overwhelm anyone at anytime. What was once an emotional state of being that only afflicted the elderly, is now commonplace for the youth of tomorrow. Many are looking for deeper insight about the causes of loneliness in adolescents, which is defined as a "sense of absence or loss even in the midst of a crowd" (Jain 1). The best source for a greater understanding about loneliness is poet, Brian Brennan. His poem "Under Solace Tree&qu ot; reveals how social gauntlets and adolescent alienation are the primary causes of loneliness. Social gauntlets are the primary differentiation between adult and teenage loneliness. Adults are not as likely to undertake social "tests" to try and fit in. Older individuals usually have discovered who they are and accept it. The problem with youngsters is that they are still looking for acceptance and a sense of belonging. As a result, the "in-crowd" develops unspoken tests and tribulations for newcomers who wish to join. Such trials could be as discreet as being a good athlete, in order to be accepted into the "jock" crowd. On the other hand, "burn-outs" would not trust you, or even remotely invite you into their "club" if you refused to smoke marijuana with them. Social gauntlets are used to weed out those that are deemed "not worthy" to join, from those that are. When a new member is accepted, it acts like an ego boost for that individual, thereby increasing their self-esteem. Although, the self-image boost lasts only as long as the group, leaving the youth worse off than before when it disperses, because now they have sacrificed their independence for acceptance. On the other hand, failing to pass social gauntlets will have detrimental effects on the flunky. It will cause loneliness, the feeling of an ache more painful than any physical wound (Jain 2).
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Use of the Sun and the Moon in Rime of the Ancient Mariner Essay
Both Sun and Moon play significant roles in this old poem, in a symbolic and supernatural way, in order to reinforce the mood that Samuel Taylor Coleridge has attempted to create in his use of old legends and superstitions. The role that the sun and moon play in this tale of cursed sailors is an old one, retold over and over the years that Coleridge adapted for his own.      Although mentioned several times before, the Sun makes its first significant appearance in the seventh stanza of the second part. Before then, one will find both Sun and Moon mentioned many times purely for the reader’s enrichment. The repeated mention leads the reader to believe that it will soon become important by foreshadowing without making it of any greater appearance than mentioning it to describe the scenery in the aforementioned place in the poem. Here Coleridge describes the Sun as â€Å"The bloody Sun, at noon†. This use of capitalizing such a common word as Sun only goes further to tell the reader to keep an eye out for something not quite right there. For those unfamiliar with old sailors’ traditions, they may either skip right over this passage, or read too much into it as a sign of impending doom. An old phrase arises from the history books to describe this perfectly that reads, â€Å"Red sky at night, sailor’s delight, Red sjy at morning, sailor take warning.†When one takes a closer look at this, they might see that it describes storm patterns, but when one realises that t...
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Plato/Education Essay
Having knowledge is important in every society, whether it be a totalitarian society, or a democratic society. In Plato’s Republic, Socrates and his interlocutors discuss how to educate children. Is it right to keep them censored, or should they be allowed to study all and every subject(s). The education of children is very important because they are the future of the society. They are the possible rulers, philosophers, guardians, and so on. So, it is important to shape them wisely. This concept is no different than what shapes our society today. It is well known that one of the many qualifications of a good leader is that who can improve the country’s educational system. Why? , because the youth are our future leaders and teachers. A parent would rather pick a private school over a public school, and a job interviewer would look more highly on a private school graduate over a public school graduate. You can say that education is important in today’s society, as well as Plato’s society. The youth can be educated in many different ways, either by keeping them in the shadows, or exposing them to the light. this means that the future of the society can be either ruled by a person who is oblivious to the society’s past, or by a person who has been fully exposed to the society’s history. If a person is censored from education, then they love their life as a perfect world. this is best described when Socrates says that a Guardian should be a person who â€Å"must be gentle to their own people and harsh to the enemy. †(375b-c). Socrates wants to educate these Guardians to be noble, righteous, and tentative to their every word, like a robot. He wants to educate them by making them obedient. He also believes that repressing their knowledge of music/narratives, and physical strength will make them grow into smarter adults. Socrates believes that a censored society is a better one. He believes that the city will prosper if it is concealed and trained. He says that people are most limber in their youth. So, he goes on to show that music/stories, and physical training are all things that are stressed in the youth of children. Music begins with stories or tales. â€Å"We won’t admit stories into our cities- whether allegory or not.†, this shows that he wants to cut down the telling of tales because he says that children absorb these tales in a literal sense rather than a hypothetical one. He says â€Å"You know, don’t you, that the beginning of any process is most important, especially for anything young and tender. It is at this time that it is most malleable and takes on any pattern one wishes to impress on it. â€Å". (377b) It’s not that he wishes to rid off all stories, but just censor them so that they all depict a good message, and show no violence or hate. Also, he believes that only moderate melodies are acceptable. (399d) Socrates goes on to say that music and poetry are important, but should only be taught when a person is old enough to tell the difference between right and wrong. After his discussion about music and narratives, he goes on to discuss the physical body, and how it affects one’s mind. â€Å"†¦ a fit body doesn’t by its own virtue make the soul good, but does the opposite. †(403d) This is exemplifies that being having a good soul will make a good body, and that a healthy body leads to a good intellect. This was achieved by gymnastics at the time. So, all in all, a good education can consist of gymnastics and good music. But, isn’t society today based on telling the whole truth and learning everything possible? Our society in the Unites States is democratic, which means that we choose our leaders. To do this, we have to be well-educated in our county’s history. So, in every school music, English, history, and math are required for every student to learn. This is because the government wants people to be well-educated so that they can understand what goes on in society. That is the reason for newspapers, to keep the society informed. This is different from what Socrates believes to be the best way to educate children. We believe that knowledge is at its best when everyone is educated with everything, and Socrates believes that knowledge is at its best when it is cleaned up and censored. So, what is the best way to be educated? Is it to censor society into a â€Å"perfect†one, or is it to teach everything wholly and hope that great wisdom derives from this? Socrates’ idea about society is much different from what society has evolved into. What would become of today’s society if the music and poetry of Socrates’ time was censored into disappearing? I think that people should be taught everything in their youth, because improvement can only be made from mistakes, and also, a perfect society would be a boring one. NEW PAPER Blair KhokerPhilosophy 101 Education? How? Having knowledge is important in every society. In Plato’s Republic, Socrates and his interlocutors discuss how to educate children. Is it right censor what they learn, or should they be allowed to study all and every subject(s). In today’s society the term ‘children are our future†is said a lot. It is important to shape the children of our society wisely, and the educate them well. A parent would rather pick a private school over a public school, and a job interviewer would look more highly on a private school graduate over a public school graduate. You can say that education is important in today’s society, as well as Plato’s society. The youth can be educated in many different ways, either by keeping them in the shadows, or exposing them to the light. this means that the future of the society can be either ruled by a person who is oblivious to the society’s past, or by a person who has been fully exposed to the society’s history. If a person’s education is censored, then they love their life as a perfect world, because they don’t see the big picture. All they see is what others let them see. This is best described when Socrates says that a Guardian should be a person who â€Å"must be gentle to their own people and harsh to the enemy. †(375b-c). Socrates wants to educate these Guardians to be noble, righteous, and attentive to their every word, like a robot. He wants to educate them by making them obedient. He also believes that repressing their knowledge of music/narratives, and physical strength will make them grow into more just adults. Socrates believes that a censored society is a better one. He believes that the city will prosper if it is concealed and trained. He says that people are most limber in their youth. So, he goes on to show that music/stories, and physical training are all things that are stressed in the youth of children. Music begins with stories or tales. â€Å"We won’t admit stories into our cities- whether allegory or not. â€Å", this shows that he wants to cut down the telling of tales because he says that children absorb these tales in a literal sense rather than a hypothetical one. He says â€Å"You know, don’t you, that the beginning of any process is most important, especially for anything young and tender. It is at this time that it is most malleable and takes on any pattern one wishes to impress on it. â€Å". (377b) He wants to censor children from hate and violence . Also, he believes that only moderate melodies are acceptable, because they are calmer and won’t bring about radical behavior. Socrates goes on to say that music and poetry are important, but should only be taught when a person is old enough to tell the difference between right and wrong. After his discussion about music and narratives, he goes on to discuss the physical body, and how it affects one’s mind. â€Å"†¦ a fit body doesn’t by its own virtue make the soul good, but does the opposite. †(403d) This is exemplifies that having a good soul will make a good body, and that a healthy body leads to a good intellect. This was achieved by gymnastics at the time. So, all in all, a good education can consist of gymnastics and good music. But, isn’t society today based on telling the whole truth and learning everything possible? Our society in the Unites States is democratic, which means that we choose our leaders. To do this, we have to be well-educated of our county. So, in every school music, English, history, and math are required for every student to learn. This is because the government wants to educate people about their country, so that they can understand what goes on in society. That is the reason for newspapers, to keep the society informed. This is different from what Socrates believes to be the best way to educate children. We believe that knowledge is at its best when everyone is educated with everything, and Socrates believes that knowledge is at its best when it is cleaned up and censored. So, what is the best way to be educated? Is it to censor society into a â€Å"perfect†one, or is it to teach everything wholly and hope that great wisdom derives from this? Socrates’ idea about society is much different from what society has evolved into. What would become of today’s society if the music and poetry of Socrates’ time was censored into disappearing? I think that people should be taught everything in their youth, because improvement can only be made from mistakes, and also, a perfect society would be a boring one. Word Count: 790.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Ikea Global Business
Resource Based View This view focuses on Value, Resource, Imitability and Organizational factors (VRIO) of capabilities and resources deposit within the firm. Ikea has out performed its competitors since the time it was born. Below is the analysis of Ikea based on VRIO analysis- Value – When different companies enter into the industry dominated by a single firm. Then, the firm dominating needs to focus on its value adding capabilities and resources. Ikea is a firm that has been dominating the industry in which it’s operating.The reason behind this success is the firm has some valuable resources and capabilities. For example. the firm has strong long-term commitment with the suppliers, which has been beneficial for the firm to get its products at lost cost and the company specializes in recycling five of its waste materials. It is known for its franchising missions, unlike other companies it does not get into the international markets via joint ventures or partnerships b ut through agreements.One of them is, in 2001 it entered into an agreement with Musicmusicmusic, Inc. to introduce industrial sound service. Rarity – This means the firm needs to have certain resources and capabilities, which are not available by the others. Ikea possesses huge real estates for forests that are under its responsibility and management. The firm has adopted environmental conservational culture that does not allow it to accept timber, plywood, layer glued wood and veneer from forest of high conservation value. Also you can read Business Ethics ComprisesThe company is popular for its designer products and classical furniture that range from Egyptian art to Asian style. Point to be noted is that the firm imports curve wood and bamboo heavy lacquers from China using which furniture is made by using high quality craftsmanship, which is all sold at a low cost. This makes the firm to have rare quality products which are most demanded by customers and therefore, giving a competitive advantage.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Australian And Chinese Health Care Health And Social Care Essay
There are different wellness attention systems around the universe, such as Australian and Chinese wellness attention systems. Over the old ages Australia has faced turning demands on wellness support because of technological alterations, turning patient outlooks and an aging population. The Australian Government financess pharmaceuticals ( PBS ) and cosmopolitan medical services known as Medicare, they besides provide fiscal aid to public infirmaries, aged attention installations for the aged. The new Australian Government elected this twelvemonth will confront issues in the support and bringing of wellness attention. Internationally Australia ‘s wellness attention system ranks good, as Australia has low rate of infant mortality and high mean life anticipation. It is now a job as the wellness system is under force per unit area because of ageing population, the increasing of chronic unwellness ( because of fleshiness ) , and the wellness service administration is acquiring out dated. There are people that are advantaged and disadvantaged in wellness attention, and they remind wellness suppliers and the authorities that there can be no room for satisfaction, in respects to Australia ‘s wellness attention system. During the past 20 old ages China has undergone rapid alteration with a displacement from a planned socialist economic system to a state with more market influences [ 11 ] , and therefore a turning non authorities wellness attention sector [ 12 ] frequently in footings of little patterns outside the infirmary [ 13 ] . The Chinese authorities has made economic development a top precedence, at the disbursal of public wellness ( lift entree to wellness attention for the 800 million people populating in rural countries ) . The major alterations are the turning inequality in entree to wellness attention, increasing costs of medical attention, and the diminution of preventative programmes in some countries [ 15 ] . There is a demand to reorganize the public wellness system by beef uping connexions between the assorted public wellness administrations [ 14 ] . The Chinese authorities has progressively recognised the importance of puting in wellness, and bettering wellness attention services has become a cardinal component in economic development programs. China is besides confronting jobs that are apparent in Australia. This is because of increasing economic growing, alterations in life style that are now act uponing the form of wellness and diseases [ 16 ] . China besides has a big aged population, but unlike Australia China has a policy of one kid per household and no aged attention by the authorities like Australia supplying aged attention installations. It is therefore of involvement to compare the influences on the administration of wellness attention of a quickly altering society, as in China, with Australia and its comparatively unchanged construction despite social alterations.DiscussionAustralia has an country of 7,692,024 kilometers squared with a population of 22,446,815, which means 3 people per square kilometer. While China has a population of 1,328,474,000 on an country of 9598094 square kilometer covering 7.2 people per square metre. China holding such a large population requires much more support and installation to suit the population. Therefore, Organisations within the Chinese wellness service are divided into different degrees to let them to run better, but this besides introduces some common issues. Many jobs beset the Chinese wellness service is the irrational collocation of wellness resources, unjust privileges, the hold in implementing wellness steps in the countryside, and deficiency of authorities committedness to wellness. The development of basic wellness service administrations faces unprecedented challenges. In some towns, wellness forces are merely paid the basic pay, and sometimes this can non be paid on clip, which reduces the enthusiasm of wellness workers. The major issues faced by the Australian wellness attention systems are the support of modern engineering, in order to purchase new equipments, money is needed which will come from increased revenue enhancement. The willingness of physicians and other wellness professionals to work drawn-out hours has diminished as the wellness work force ages, and as persons seek to equilibrate work and household life. There are serious deficits of general practicians, tooth doctors, nurses and some cardinal allied wellness workers. Deficits are more important in outer metropolitan, rural and distant parts, particularly in Autochthonal communities, and in peculiar countries of attention, such as mental wellness, aged attention, and disablement attention. Access to wellness services is going less just. Another of import issue is that the patients ‘ out-of-pocket costs have grown 50 % in the past decennary and now, for some, show a ample barrier to needed attention. In Australia, most of the duty for wellness attention is by the federal authorities, in contrast to China where cardinal authorities has the chief duty. In China the entire wellness outgo is still increasing, from 74.4 billion in 1990, 202.6 in 2001 to 342 billion in 2006, while the cost in Australia is about 103.2 billion in 2008. Therefore, with great outgo rate, China is still considered as a state under development. China besides has a low gross domestic merchandise ( GDP ) of 4.5 % , whereas Australia has a GDP of 9.4 % significance Australia has a higher economic end product towards wellness attention. The Australian Health and Medical Service Act gives patients many rights and chances to act upon their attention through audience with wellness attention staff, while Chinese wellness statute law focuses on the rule of keeping patients ‘ independency but does non hold a particular jurisprudence to protect patients ‘ rights. Chinese patients have limited rights, for illustration, in the pick of intervention, but the jurisprudence besides states duties of the patients, e.g. cooperation with the physician in diagnosing and intervention, paying for medical intervention, detecting ordinances prescribed by infirmaries, etc. Therefore, the attitude of wellness attention staff to patients in Australia is based on a humane and understanding attitude towards each person, while in China the accent is on keeping the patient ‘s independency, and altering the construct of the wellness service from intervention to bar. In both states the focal point has changed from a biomedical to a bio-psycho-social theoretical account, with a more holistic position of the person, and from intervention inside to outside the infirmary. However, in Australia the development of quality confidence has progressed farther as a consequence of the higher developmental degree.DecisionIn decision, the analysed wellness attention systems showed unsimilarities in statute law, administration, and finance, but the two systems are based on similar critical premises, i.e. , uniting managerial-organisational efficiency with the humanitarian-egalitarian ends of wellness attention, and both of them are continuously determined to supply better wellness attention for all, but in a point of position Australian health-care services are good organised and good financed. Through international comparings, new attacks in the field of wellness attention can be found, and appropriate modern steps can be adopted in order to accomplish greater economic systems and more effectual programmes to back up the population.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Side Kicks
The poem, â€Å"Side Kicks†has many different meanings. when you read the poem the surface meaning gives an explanation ot what a side kick is and does. It goes over the basics of a side kick. If you were to look at the deeper at the meaning of the poem, you would find something more. The poem talks about how a side kick isnt given the gift of good looks It also talks about sidekicks being brave and putting others before themselves. At certain times the sidekicks put themselves in front of bullets for others. They remind us ofa part of ourselves that depend on others (our herffs).The theme for this poem Is loyalty and being humble. In the poem, It talks about the side kick being loyal to the hero, not ever wanting a hero to die, and being humble around everyone. I was almost is tears when I came to the realization of the deeper meaning of the poem. The tone for this poem is kind of sad and yet touching at the same time, The poem mentions many names but doesnt give or mention the name of the main character. Through the characterization that the author gives us, we can find out a lot about the character.For example, the character seems to have a lot of knowledge so I assume me will be someone older. would assume sme was or Is a side kick because of their knowledge ot sidekicks and their feelings. It sounds like the main character relates well with sadness of death or a great loss because, s/he explains it well in the poem. I believe that Ronald has maybe put this part about death In the poem because some hero of his might of died at the time. Or maybe he noticed one of his student's hero was lost and decided to write about it. The characters tone in the poem seems to be sad and depressed.An example would be in the fifth paragraph f the poem which says (Website 3): Who could sit In a darkened theatre, listen to the organ music (Ilke a funeral) and watch the best of ourselves lowered into the ground (like a casket being lowered) while the rest stood up ther e, tears pouring off that enormous nose. (sad for the lost of their hero) In the first 2 lines when it refers to a darkened theatre with organ music, I picture it as a funeral hall. In the next sentence as he talks about the best of ourselves being lowered Into tne ground. I see tnls as our neros casket Delng lava to rest. nen tne ero is being buried, Ronald Koerge paints us a picture of a side kicks emotion when one is caught crying for their hero. In the last 2 sentences while he's talking about tears pouring off that enormous nose, I see it as a side kick being sad for the loss of their hero. The mood is set up so well that it makes you want to cry. The author uses a simile and a metaphor to tell a story in the poem. Ronald wrote this metaphor â€Å"a yodel of a voice or ears big as kidneys†to compare side kicks to heros. He describes side kicks voices as usually weak or unsure, as opposed toa eros voice which is usually strong, powerful and leading.Also using this simile â€Å"ears as big as kidneys†to describe how a hero's image or looks appear perfect or flawless, unlike a side kick with all its imperfections. There are two main symbolisms in the poem. The first symbol being the side kick, which symbolizes a child. The second is a hero, which symbolizes a parent. At the end of the poem it talks about how side kicks remind us of a part of ourselves that is like a child, never wanting to grow up and always wanting to look up to our hero's parents) for help and guidance.The poem also talks about how a side kicks' outward appearance is not perfect like a hero's, but they don't care or get Jealous of a hero because they look up to them for support or guidance. It talks about a side kick being sad because the best of ourselves (herds) lowered into the ground (funeral), tears pouring off that enormous nose (sad for the loss). This poem was written as a free verse. By not adding all the other sound effects, it made the poem more relatable. The fr ee verse style made the poems meaning deeper and more personal.To add any sound effects would ruin the poems impact it would have to its readers. Ronald Koertge has done a lot in school, both teaching and learning. He has also written books about teens and young adults (Website 1, 2). He noticed that everyone has a need for a hero and that there is a side kick in all of us. He talks about sidekicks and what they are. But even deeper, he tells how hard it is to be a side kick and what a side kick goes thru. The author also tells us how sidekicks remind us of our selves, the part that never wants to grow up and always has to depend on others.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Auditing Contemporary Accounting Research
Auditing is the assessment of the books of accounts in order to ensure the future of any business entity. Audited assessments may not be pure and may be influenced by risks such as inherent. These risks are known as financial assessment risks which include control risk, inherent risk and detective risk. Various theories have been developed by financial frameworks to guide and help solve such risks at different financial review process stages. The scope of this paper contends to the review of inherent risk within a telecommunication company known as One.Tel Company. The paper further looks into various factors which may be the cause of accelerating rate of inherent risks as seen within the organization mentioned. There are other hypotheses such the area of going concern which has been discussed within the paper as well. Inherent risk is one of the assessment risks being experienced by the auditors during financial statement preparations of a given institution like Inherent risks occurs as a result of fraud or oversights during financial report analysis (Menon and Williams 2010). This kind of risk may be controlled when various hypotheses and control measures are utilized accordingly. The risk is subject to accelerate and ranks high companies as a result of the various inherent factors discussed below.  Inherent factors leading to increase of inherent risk at the financial report stages in Company according to the given report. Lack of enough directors to administration the company The geographical market separation influencing the company sales abilities Incompetency as a result of new recruitments on going in the company Influx of several companies joining telecommunication industry Newness of into the industry Stiff competition in the industry from other stable telephony providers The expansion in inherent risk in One.Tel Telecommunication Company may be as a result of the insufficiency of administration abilities by the directorate identities who are new to the framework. In the events of few individuals with numerous obligations the rate of an increased inherent risk always stands high as the personalities are more likely to make mistakes.  One.Tel is working all around in the overall business sector. In the last trading period the association amassed a total of $M 678.2 from the arrangements in the overall business division. The association accumulated $M 429.4 from Australia, $ 144 million from the UK, France $ 15.1 million, $36.6 from Netherlands, $M 39.2 Hong Kong in conclusion $13.2 million from various parts of the world. This information shows the clumsiness on net offers of the association in the overall business segment (Al Nawaiseh and Jaber 2015). The association is a starting affiliation which infers new workforce enrollments who must grasp to the business structures of operations. Exactly when new characters are brought on board there is likely hood of oversights provoking extended inborn dangers. (New agents may be unfaithful to the evaluator to cover their idiocy inciting an extension in the intrinsic danger. There might be affectations for relationship to distort the budgetary report amplifying the inalienable risk. The motivations can be either from inside environment or the outside environment (Kerler and Brandon 2010). A valid example the shareholders' worth is extremely uncommon by virtue of One.Tel Telecommunication Company (Dusenbury et al. 2000). The Company has got shareholders' estimation of $M (365.6) which is seen to be abnormal. Such kind of recordings may be as result of longing for extended advantage by the association who may distort figures to procure a prize. Combinations in business and intense conditions would be foreseen to influence the inherent danger risk of a given substance like in the media transmission industry. The association is going up against strong competition from stable media transmission firms like Telstra owning 57% of the total supplies, Optus 31% and Vodafone owning 115 of whatever is left of the bits of the general business (Humphrey and Miller 2012). If there should be an occurrence of such firm competition, inalienable danger of little association joining the business revives at a higher speed. There is an inconceivable number littler scale transporters joining the business inciting an arrangement of compact supplier benefits and reduced expenses. The surge is as an eventual outcome of high competition, diminished earnings, expenses and low wage period per association inciting high inherent risk. The association has as of late joined the business in this way experiencing budgetary is exceptionally obvious that all the more consistent economies like that of Optus, Vodafone and Telstra are not slanted to dangers appeared differently in relation to various associations joining the systematic one. Less consistent economies attract high natural danger since there is nonattendance of business organization and operations inside a given industry inciting high characteristic danger. The gathering or the commentator evaluates the variables of the threats through sensible appraisal Evaluation of risk results into two sorts of threats which for this circumstance is an inherent risk. The recognized risk is a section of material misrepresentation of the cash related verbalization motivated by a couple of variables (Wilks and Zimbelman 2004). Variables relating to deception can be recognized in the midst of procedure change process while those component that prompts an expansion in inborn as a result of blackmail are identifiable by method for the AU demonstration 316. The above recorded elements coming as a consequence of misrepresentation can be distinguished and oversaw at a lower preliminaries of appraisal. Components prompting an expansion in inherent risk at the bookkeeping level Several abnormal transaction for the period ended Weakness of advantages for misfortune or misappropriation Conclusion required in deciding record parities As demonstrated by the books of records given the association is running more on liabilities than the advantages. In the event that the Ratio of liabilities to assets is high the rate of natural dangers climbs (Elder and Allen 2003). Company is experiencing wild augmentation in liabilities as showed in the books of record, current liabilities has extended in terms of finance in the late one year provoking an extended innate danger at the accounting level. This has been as an outcome of a development in the game plans, measure of got capita and the records payable. There is diminished rate of pay into the association provoking an extended characteristic danger. The abnormality of the figures in the receivables have reduced and the association needs to examine it from the edges (Allen et al.2006). The rate of pay period through the receivables has reduced from small amount into a higher value in the last ended period. The rate of an expansion in the characteristic danger is high at the bookkeeping level when we make exchanges which require new preparing. In case of such case the evaluator of a business substance like One.Tel Telecommunication Company may commit errors prompting an expansion in inalienable danger. The benefit report gave indicates high rate of shareholders being brought into the association. This has been seen through the development in shareholders' quality. The association has issued an extensive measure of shares to get wage for the operations. Right when there is high shares being issued it happens into an extended inalienable rate at the books of records (Blay et al 2011). The rate of association borrowings have enlivened in the last trading period. Right when an association is chipping away at the reason of commitments the rate of inherent danger in the books of records upturns. The event of tremendous exchanges the middle of the exchanging day and age has a conceivable expansion the inalienable danger. Precisely when another exchange happens unequivocally towards the end of an exchanging period, there are high odds of slips in the books of records. Such different operations might be a test to the examiner and agents and may understand high characteristic hazard (Haron et al 2009). Right when an exchange is attempting, analysts may perform wrong strategy in the records in this way increment the trademark danger. A valid example the advantage and incident record given in the occasion that shows bizarre trade which has exceedingly extended. These peculiar trades may be as a delayed consequence of fakes achieved by weight from various environment. In the event that the arrangement amid an exchanging period is convoluted, it is likely that there will be an expansion in innate danger. Regarding One.Tel Telecommunication Company, the books of records shows complex sorts of exchanges, for example, the shareholder's disparity, stores and profit might be hard to comprehend prompting high innate danger at the bookkeeping level. The sort of judgment made by the evaluator amid the way toward adjusting of reviewers is prone to impact characteristic danger. In the event that the record report on a given exchange might be actuated by a few variables inside the organization (Gaganis and Pasiouras 2007). These judgments can be influenced by the sort of operation and the administration weight. The weakness of the organization's advantages for misfortune or misappropriations prompts expanded intrinsic danger at the bookkeeping level. Amid the exchange passages, it is apparent that straightforward misappropriation of a benefit result into quickened characteristic danger. Case in point taking scattering of an advantage for obligation may prompt an expansion in the innate danger (Herd and Lavelle 2014). There are several factor according the given financial report leading to the area of going concern. The area of going concern is based on accounting and audit report from the previous trading period. The financial reports from the company indicates the rate instability the company is experiencing. The company’s books of accounts indicates an increased rate of borrowings performed by the organization in the recent trading period (Carson et al. 2012.). It is clear from the above trade that the rate of going concern depends more on kind of benefit and misfortunes in the money related declaration. If there should be an occurrence of low benefit era, the nature of going concern stays low, when the sorts of a benefit is medium or high, the going concern is either low or high. Intrinsic danger in the association's cash related clarification is regarded to be high since the association works in a significantly controlled industry (Sanni and Zainab 2011). Regardless of the way that the suspicion may be correct, it is hard to coordinate the going with conditions that may provoke the going use of a going concern. The method for a running stress in run with depends on upon the utilization of the stipulated cash related framework. The way of productivity of a business impacts the way of the going worry as either low, medium or high. The organization is additionally having refundable shares of from the shareholders’ value. Regardless this clarifies the present circumstance the business and the need of going concern. media transmission organization chiefs and the review group ought to clarify conclusions whether to leave the business or continue in light of the going concern (Normah 1999). The area of going concern in this case is seen to be high based on the following issues. The company is running in debts, there is high rate of risks, poor management as a result few board managers and high share being issued to the public. Financial risk assessment is very important for the growth of any given business entity. It is clear as seen in the above discussion shows the relevance of the Nature of auditing performed in the business. The company is clearly running in negative indicating the need for the application of the area of going concern (Zainab et al. 2013). It is upon the audit team and the company board of management to make decision based on the area of going concern. The area of going concern is one of the hypotheses developed by GAAP frameworks. The area of going concern applied to any business depends on the relation of profit and losses. When the company is running at a loss the rate of going concern becomes proportionally high. Zainab, A.N., Sanni, S.A., Edzan, N.N. and Koh, A.P., 2013. Auditing scholarly journals published in Malaysia and assessing their visibility. arXiv preprint arXiv:1301.5379. Normah, B., 1999, August. Malaysian serials: issues and problems. In 65th IFLA Council and General Conference, Bangkok, Thailand (pp. 1-8). Sanni, S.A. and Zainab, A.N., 2011. Evaluating the influence of a medical journal using Google Scholar. Learned Publishing, 24(2), pp.145-154. Carson, E., Fargher, N.L., Geiger, M.A., Lennox, C.S., Raghunandan, K. and Willekens, M., 2012. Audit reporting for going-concern uncertainty: A research synthesis. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory, 32(sp1), pp.353-384. Menon, K. and Williams, D.D., 2010. Investor reaction to going concern audit reports. The Accounting Review, 85(6), pp.2075-2105. Blay, A.D., Geiger, M.A. and North, D.S., 2011. The auditor's going-concern opinion as a communication of risk. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory, 30(2), pp.77-102. 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Thursday, September 12, 2019
Studying Broadcast Media. What Is The Difference Between Game Shows Essay
Studying Broadcast Media. What Is The Difference Between Game Shows Like Deal Or No Deal And The Weakest Link - Essay Example At present, distinction among two genres is getting blurred as reality television shows are mingled with these forms, thus presenting to the audience a game show experience with all elements of emotional appeal associated with reality TV (Holmes, 2006, p.53). 1990s have experienced a shift from the conventional adoption of US based television programmes in the UK broadcast media. After success of Who wants to be a Millionaire? (ITV, 1998-) British television paved the way for new innovative programmes in quiz genre especially The Weakest Link (2000 - ) as well as Deal or No Deal (Channel 4, 2005-). Both these shows being originally produced in UK helped TV industry to generate massive revenues by exporting the concept abroad. Game shows and quiz programmes have the inclination towards intermingling two slightly different genres in a single show Deal or No Deal the emphasis is laid on the relation between the participants all integrated against a single banker making the format of the show half like a lottery game and half like a reality TV(Holmes,2006). The Weakest Link was produced by BBC. The emergence of this programme changed the quiz show genre in terms of game structure as tone of compeer was totally opposite to the traditional format, being more â€Å"nasty†(Holmes, 2008, p.109). ... The programme has been able to attract audience as questions motivate people to think that they also might be able to answer them. The concept of chain links is well anticipated but ramped values could be more influential is value gap is increased between two consecutive links. The ultra serious outlook of Anne Robinson adds interesting element to an otherwise predictable show format(UK Game Shows, 2010). Deal or No Deal format can either make contests millionaires or they have to leave empty handed thus all depend on the risk choices they make during playtime. The show had its origin by the Dutch production center named Endemol with first telecast in Netherlands in the year 2002. The show is broadcasted by Cheetah Television West, previously renowned as Endemol West of Channel 4. First programme was aired on October 31, 2005 and the show is in progress till date . The format of Deal or No Deal was then reproduced in almost forty countries encompassing United States (Holmes, 2008, p. 27). British television media exported format of The Weakest Link to Western Europe, New Zealand and Australia (Waisbord, 2004, p.361). Deal or no Deal gained international fame in 2006, improving public interest in game shows but still it did not threaten the popularity of knowledge based games (Holmes, 2008, p.55). In a broad sense both these programmes belong to the reality television. This genre make use of unscripted drama created on screen, in spite of professional actors, ordinary people participate in a contest situation where some monetary rewards are in store for the winner. Common programming formats include game and quiz shows (Hill, 2005, p.41). There exists a clear
Distinguishing between an Offer and an Invitation to Treat Essay
Distinguishing between an Offer and an Invitation to Treat - Essay Example An invitation to treat comes in when something is displayed in a shop window or a catalogue mentioning prices of goods. Normally this is not an offer; hence it cannot coerce the shopkeeper to sell the items at the stated price. For this case a contract is made when a prospective buyer accepts the price stated in the items and it created when the item is placed over the counter but not when the customer remove the item on the supermarket shelves. There is an acceptance in both offer and invitation to treat. For example in an offer, there must be an offeror and an offeree while on the hand in invitation to treat there must be a place or a shop where goods have been displayed together with their prices and a customer makes an offer when he present them at the cash desk. For the case of an offer, it must be communicated for a contract to arise, therefore the two parties must be of the same mind otherwise it cannot be accepted by a person who has no knowledge that an offer has been made. In invitation to treat, it does not have to be communicated as items are displayed in a supermarket and a person enters and makes an offer when he places it on the counter and not necessary that he should have had knowledge that an offer had had been made. ... took them to the cash desk where they paid for them. It was held that the customer made the offer when he presented them at the cash desk, and not when he removed them from the shelves.3 Similarities between an Offer and an Invitation to Treat There is an acceptance in both offer and invitation to treat. For example in an offer, there must be an offeror and an offeree while on the hand in invitation to treat there must be a place or a shop where goods have been displayed together with their prices and a customer makes an offer when he present them at the cash desk. Both offer and acceptance remain open for duration of time and they can be accepted only before time expires. In both offer and invitation to treat, the offeror is free to attach any condition in the offer or invitation to treat before he communicated to the target group for acceptance. There is an intention to create a legal relation. One cannot bind the other party without his consent in both offer and invitation to treat. Both offer and invitation to a treat can be revoked anytime before an acceptance is made. Both offer and acceptance may be made by a word of mouth, in writing or by conduct. Differences between an Offer and Invitation to a Treat For the case of an offer, it must be communicated for a contract to arise, therefore the two parties must be of the same mind otherwise it cannot be accepted by a person who has no knowledge that an offer has been made. In invitation to treat, it does not have to be communicated as items are displayed in a supermarket and a person enters and makes an offer when he places it on the counter and not necessary that he should have had knowledge that an offer had had been made. The following
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Organisations and thier environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Organisations and thier environment - Essay Example Mullins (2005) contends that organisations comprise 'people, objectives, structures' and 'management'. External: These are the factors which on which an organisation may not be able to exert much of its control. These include, the legal and political scene prevailing within the state/ country of its operations, number and types of competitors, suppliers in the market, terms and conditions from financial institutions, alternative products available in the market, newer technological innovations etc. Worthington (2006) places greater importance on political developments occurring at different levels - local, national and international. Organisations resort to strategic planning to take care of these factors and. Organisations learn a lot from there environment and prevailing circumstances. But the strategic intent alone cannot be planned all in advance. It has to be a continuous evolutionary process depending upon the experiences. Henry Ford said, "Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently"1 Environment Analysis: It involves studying and analyzing the surroundings to identify the competitors, the threats and opportunities. Maslow's hierarchy of needs argued that the driving force for human actions is the urge for satisfaction of one or the other need. These needs go on changing depending upon a number of factors. In fact the needs of consumer/ customer and those of the organization are inter-linked because organization too is an active component, so needs of the organization too keep changing. Similarly changing needs of the customer must drive an urge for change in the organization for it to succeed in the long run. Environment changes with; The form of government i.e. whether democratic, parliamentary or not. The market forces depend a lot on the form of government. Frequency of elections and leaning of the political party coming to power. Existing trade facilitations/ barriers amongst the partner countries. For example EU is composed of 27 member states, which help businesses to prosper within the region. In addition regional trade associations like NAFTA, SAFTA etc also lessen the trade barriers and prove to be helpful in preparing strategies for the organisation. Government's economic policies, taxation rates, rates of interests, currency convertibility, competition policy, employment policy, environment protection policies etc. PESTEL analysis provides an important tool to take a comprehensive look at the external environment affecting an organisation. PESTEL determines the factors like Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental, and Legal. Organisations are supposed to devise their strategies on the basis of this analysis. Environment analysis involves market analysis as well. In fact environment analysis tends to be unique to the strategists, because what may appear to be an opportunity to one organization may
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Corporations and a Sustainable World Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Corporations and a Sustainable World - Essay Example It began during the Industrial Age when the machines increased the productivity of manufacturers. Before, they were a group of people who were hired by the government to perform particular functions, like building bridges for the public. It was supposed to be a subordinate entity a gift given by the people to serve the public good. But somewhere along history, corporate lawyers cited the Fourteenth Amendment (not to deprive any person of life, liberty or property). This made the corporation protection because it can now own, buy and sell things, borrow money, sue and be sued and can carry a business. Corporation starts when the government gives a charter to a group of people who want a limited liability when it comes to business. Because of the charter, incorporations are taken by the law as individuals. The movie analyzed the character of this â€Å"individual†and made the audience realize how the corporations that the majority knows, is not what it is, but rather an ideal c onstruct of the corporation so that the public would like them, thus would let them produce more money. As said before, the corporation is made up of various people. They are formed to protect the corporation itself, which means generating money for the corporation. Doing this job causes harm to workers, like: low salaries, lay-offs, union bustings, etc. These decisions are made so that the company can cut the cost of their operations yet deliver the same quality of goods to the consumers. The film put a spotlight on the sweatshops. The products sold in the department stores that are sold for $ 31 are actually being made at factories in Third World countries for 3 cents per hour. The discrepancy is obvious. But according to Michael Walker, this is a good thing, because they give opportunity to people who have â€Å"nothing to offer but their low cost labor†. Basically, they use the people’s need for employment as a resource to outsource their need for low cost labor. H owever, these people who make decisions for the corporation, which is a legal structure, just the same as a building, are moral people with moral responsibilities. Sam Gibara, a former CEO of Goodyear, Inc. states that his personality as a person is different than that of his personality as a CEO. The priorities shift when he is on the job because of the demands of the job that requires him to make certain touchy decisions, like laying off people. Even the former chairman of the Royal Dutch Shell, Sir Mark Moody Stuart stated that they have the same concerns as with the activists, as he interviewed public demonstrators who tried to rally in their house. These ideas of inequality reflect the conflict approach in sociology, specifically the conflict of class approach. Karl Marx presented this idea, which is appropriate since he also introduced the idea of capitalism, which is basically the spirit of the corporation. The conflict approach originated from Marx’s ideas and writing s on class struggles. This theory focuses on the negative aspects of the society, making a way for improvements to happen, because of shortcomings (Schaefer, 423). This film presents the shortcomings of the corporation, along with the opinions of the people who defend it. The movie pokes the sensibilities of the audience who may or may not act on the situation that demands change for the improvement of the way the corporations are being run. This is a perfect example of the
Monday, September 9, 2019
Marketing planning sos analysis for tesco Essay
Marketing planning sos analysis for tesco - Essay Example Marketing has grown by leaps and bounds today. It is a creative industry that has expanded down to various genres such as advertising, distribution and selling. Customer base is figured out, their needs and aspirations realized and the relevant product developed accordingly. In today’s international arena, Marketing is an important tool since it contributes greatly to the success of the business and its products. Productivity and sales are largely dependent on companies’ marketing strategies. On the other hand, engineering is also an important aspect as it allows innovation in an organization which aims to bring positive change to boost customer or producer value. Most often, innovation is conducted as a private activity within an organization in a series of narrowly managed steps. Keeping in mind the importance of marketing and innovation, companies must understand their product to be able to market them. According to Bill Campbell in an interview, only engineers know the information that they should get and deliver about the product they have produced and only effectively communicating that information to the customers would yield desired results. Now, this effective communication is done by our super-creative marketers. Therefore, it is important that marketers and engineers work hand in hand to effectively deliver what customers want. Marketers know their customers and their goal is to create customer value whereas engineers know their product and their goal is to create producer value. Therefore, when marketers and engineers work together, they yield innovative products that are customer-oriented. In an investigation, it was found that those firms are more successful at innovative product development in which the employees are well equipped with the required skills to strategize marketing as a whole. Recently, a product-development process called Quality Function Deployment (QFD) has been adopted by U.S. and Japanese firms who promotes commun ication within the core team (marketing, engineering and manufacturing) and changes communication patterns from â€Å"top-to-bottom†management to focus more on horizontal routes where core team members communicate directly with each other and come up with better results. One of the greatest examples of integrating innovation with marketing is of Apple Inc., a multinational corporation which is ranked as the world’s most innovative company and who markets its designs and products as the customer’s need. Tesco is one of UK’s most successful super markets today. Its total market share stands at 38% and it continues to ride high. It is speculated to become the biggest super market chain of UK very soon. It is currently at number 8 amongst the top 10 grocery retailers of the world. Tesco is known for its huge variety of goods ranging across the board from groceries to fresh food to clothes to compact discs. It’s success has been a result of numerous fa ctors. It is claimed that it’s leading edge in areas like price, customer service, distribution, ecommerce, loyalty cards and own label products have been key to it’s phenomenal success. Their deputy Chairman, Mr David Reid, asserts that Tesco focuses on customer needs and delves a lot of time in understanding the customer needs and wants before translating them into plans aimed at adding value for the
Sunday, September 8, 2019
The economic crisis and the city of London Essay
The economic crisis and the city of London - Essay Example n just the financial market but it is also a hub of extraordinary financial innovation as well as the ability to evolve new ways of life in which society actually flourishes. The current financial crisis therefore has also hit hard the city of London- the first major financial hub of the world. City has remained an active participant in the overall financialization of the British economy and played major part as a market to fill the gap between demand and supply of funds. (Klimecki, 2011). This rise to the fame however, took place gradually due to de-regulation of banking sector which many interest groups are now demanding to be regulated again. The current crisis therefore is not only resulting into loss of jobs but the overall prestige of world’s first financial hub. Banks as important segment of the economy Banks play important role in economy because they serve as the intermediary between savers and consumers. By playing the role of intermediaries, banks actually serve as a link between those who want to save and those who want to borrow. This role therefore has allowed banks to become one of the most important segments of any economy. It is critical to understand that the existence of banks often serve the economic purposes of channeling the savings of those who want to save to those who want to borrow. By doing so, banks actually help other sectors of the economy to access a large pool of funds which can be used for the expansion purpose. Banks therefore serve not only as the creators of money within an economy but also provide essential economic support to other sectors of the economy. (Rubinstein, 1993) The history of banking in UK is more than 400 years old when first banks started to operate during 17th century. Over the period of time, the sector grew... This paper presents the comprehensive analysis of post-crisis role of the banking system in the UK economy. The essay also outlines the political connections of the London city’s financial district with the ruling Conservative party. What started as a simple subprime mortgage crisis slowly engulfed the whole economy and created the contagion effect on other sectors of economy also. The inter-linked nature of modern economy has created a chain reaction of events in which bad performance in one segment of the economy also affected other segments. The presence of almost all international financial institutions as well as other major financial institution. has given a unique significance to London as a major global financial hub. Banks play important role in economy because they serve as the intermediary between savers and consumers. By playing the role of intermediaries, banks actually serve as a link between those who want to save and those who want to borrow. The traditional organization of banks is based upon their links with the central banks and other regulatory organizations. In a highly de-regulated environment, banks therefore tend to focus on organizing themselves in a manner which can give them an opportunity to develop significant influence over the policy making issues. The current Conservative Government and Party are considered as one of the biggest beneficiaries of the link between the two as most of its funding comes from the financial institutions and private equity firms.
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