Friday, January 24, 2020
The Inspector in An Inspector Calls by J.B. Priestly Essay -- An Inspe
The Inspector in An Inspector Calls Examine the function and symbolism of the Inspector in the play – An Inspector Calls, and explain how Priestly makes him dramatically effective Throughout the play ‘An Inspector Calls’, by J.B Priestley, the audience sees the role of a mysterious investigator who interrogates a powerful and upper-middle class family: The Birling's. Priestley uses the role of the Inspector to expose the characters in the play, and to put his own views across about the Birling’s and their conservative beliefs. The play was written in 1946 and set in the spring of 1912. This means that the audience would have known the future events (the two world wars). Therefore they are in a position to judge the characters beliefs. At the start of the play, Priestley describes the Dining room, in which all of the acts in the play take place. He writes, ‘the dining room of a fairly large suburban house, belonging to a prosperous manufacturer. It has good solid furniture of the period. The general effect is substantial and heavily comfortable, but not cosy and homelike’. This tells the audience that the Birling’s are wealthy as they live in a presumably large and expensive house. It also shows that the setting of the play is very formal by saying that the effect of the room is not cosy and homelike. The description of the furniture acts as a metaphor for the family, being ‘solid’ and not loving and affectionate. Priestley writes that before the Inspector enters the lighting, ‘should be pink and intimate’, and that once the Inspector does enter the light should be brighter and harder. Priestly has written this to try and show that no one can hide secrets under the spotlight, and to try and portray ... ...e reality. They stand there guiltily as the play draws to a close. Throughout the play ‘An Inspector Calls’, JB Priestley uses the role of the inspector to try and show how the rich can abuse their position and how community should be respected so that all people can be treated equally. The inspector plays the role of a Freudian analyst, in the sense that he gets people to reveal their inner motivations that are hidden even to themselves. The inspector shows how everyone should live, and we should all respect and value one another. It is not important that he was not a real inspector; he was an example set for everyone to follow. Through the inspector we have been shown Priestley's beliefs on honesty, equality and being just. The inspector has shown that everyone lives in one big community, so we should treat one another with the respect they deserve.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Lost at Sea Exercise
Lost at Sea Exercise – Leadership & Team Building Lost at Sea Scenario Your team has chartered a yacht. None of you have any sailing experience. You hired a skipper & two-person crew. As you sail through the Southern Pacific Ocean, a fire breaks out & much of the yacht & its contents are destroyed. The yacht is sinking. Your location is unclear because navigational & radio equipment have been damaged. The skipper & crew have been lost to the fire. Your best guess is that you are approximately 1,000 km southwest of the nearest landfall.You and your friends have managed to save the following items: ( A shaving mirror [pic] (A quantity of mosquito netting [pic] ( A 19 liter can of water [pic] (A case of army rations [pic] (Maps of the Pacific Ocean [pic] (A floating seat cushion [pic] (A 7. 5 liter can of oil / petroleum mixture [pic] (A small transistor radio [pic] (186 square decimeters of Opaque plastic sheeting[pic] (Shark repellent [pic] (1. 1 liters of 160 per cent proof ru m [pic] (4. 5 meters of nylon rope [pic] (2 boxes of chocolate bars [pic] (A fishing kit [pic] pic]Also, you have salvaged a rubber life raft. In your team’s pants pockets there’s 1 package of cigarettes, 3 boxes of matches & 3 $20 bills. [pic] YOUR CHANCES OF SURVIVAL WILL DEPEND UPON YOUR ABILILTY TO RANK THE 14 ITEMS IN THEIR ORDER OF IMPORTANCE. GOOD LUCK! [pic] Lost at Sea Exercise Instructions Part 1 Participants should divide into teams of 5 and then be given 10 minutes to individually rank the 14 items. Part 2 Team members should then confer for an additional 10 minutes and decide on the team’s priority ranking of the 14 items.Part 3 Team members should then compare their individual rankings with those determined by the group as a whole, and discuss why the scores differ, if applicable. Or, if individuals would re-rank items based on the group discussion, what changed their minds? How where they influenced by the group? Lost at Sea Suggested Answers / Ra tionale According to the experts (United States Coastguard), the basic supplies needed when a person is stranded mid-ocean are articles to attract attention and articles to aid survival until rescue arrives.Without signaling devices, there is almost no chance of being spotted and ultimately rescued. Furthermore, most rescues occur within the first 36 hours and a person can survive with only a minimum of food and water during that period. So, the following is the order of ranking the items in their importance to your survival: 1. The shaving mirror would be critical for signaling. 2. The oil / petroleum mixture would also be critical for signaling. The mixture will float on water & could be ignited with the paper currency & a match. 3. The water would be necessary to replenish fluids lost through perspiration. . One case of army rations would provide basic food intake. 5. The opaque plastic sheet could be used to collect rain water and provide shelter from the elements. 6. The chocol ate bars could provide reserve food supply. 7. The fishing kit is ranked lower than the chocolate since ‘a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush’, and there is no guarantee that you will catch any fish. 8. The nylon rope could be used to secure people or equipment to prevent them from being washed overboard. 9. The floating seat cushion is a life preserver if someone fell overboard. 10.Shark repellent 11. The 160 per cent proof rum contains 80% alcohol, which is enough to be used as an antiseptic for any injuries; otherwise, it is of little value. It will cause dehydration if ingested. 12. The small transistor radio would be of no use without a transmitter. You would also be out of range of any radio station. 13. Maps of the Pacific Ocean would be worthless without navigation equipment. 14. The mosquito netting would not be necessary, as there are NO mosquitoes in the mid-Pacific Ocean, and the fishing kit would be more effective for catching fish.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Does the Media Encourage Terrorism Essay - 527 Words
DO THE MEDIA ENCOURAGE TERRORISM The news media of American society does not encourage terrorism. The only thing that the media encourages is knowledge of what is going on around the world. Unfortunately, some terrorist organizations use the news media to gain recognition for their groups causes and goals. Most of the time, the media will serve as force to gain citizen support for the government’s actions against a terrorist movement. The only problem with having the freedom of press that the United States enjoys is that everyone has a voice. When it comes down to an American killing an American, the media is not allied with the terrorist. In many cases the television and newspaper crews serve to work directly against the militia†¦show more content†¦With the help of the media, the people get all of the facts and are able to form their own opinion about what is going on, who is responsible for events, and how future events can be avoided. Explaining how future events can be avoided is beneficial if the government is planning on implementing new policies to thwart future events. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Terrorism existed before the modern day media was even able to cover its story and will continue whether the media covers it today or not. Another tool that the government uses against terrorism is to build the story and to convey the crisis situation to the American people (Bender, 109). This explanation gives more information to the American people other than just the terrorist’s goals or opinions. The real story behind most right-wing movements is exposed during the media shakedown, and when the citizens of the United States are enlightened, they are more inclined to support government policy. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;In my opinion the best way to combat terrorism is through the usage of the rights to freedom of press. Granted there is no one-way to dismantle all terrorist organizations overnight, but through education; the majority of the militant operations can be exposed, divided, and dealt with under control of the judicial system. The media of the United States does not encourage terrorism it merely reports it. WORKS CITED Bender,Show MoreRelatedDo the Media Encourage Terrorism Essay878 Words  | 4 Pages2 SEP 2002 DO THE MEDIA ENCOURAGE TERRORISM There has been a lot of thought put into finding a more effective way to build intelligence efforts to make a stronger product for decisions of national security. The use of the media and worldwide reporters can be used in the effort to build more information on the intelligence products, but the usage will be limited. 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