Friday, September 4, 2020
Stress in the Workplace free essay sample
Understand that what is unnecessary for one individual might be completely average for another. (Moorhens/Griffin 2010 peg 197) Moorhens Griffin express that a lot of what we think about pressure can be followed back to crafted by Dry. Hans Sells. Sells Is frequently viewed as one of the early pioneers of present day stress hypothesis. His logical examination assisted with forming our comprehension of stress. Sells characterized worry as : Stress is the vague reaction of the body to any request, regardless of whether it is caused y, or results In, lovely or horrendous conditions. Http://move. Delicate pressure alleviation. Com/Hans;sells. HTML) different sources, for example, Evangelical and Matheson characterize worry as the communication of the person with the earth (Lutheran 2002 peg 396) They proceed to characterize worry as a versatile reaction, intervened by singular contrasts as well as mental procedures, that Is a result of any outer (natural) activity, circumstance, or occasion that places over the top mental and additionally physical requests on an individual. We will compose a custom article test on Worry in the Workplace or then again any comparative subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Behr and Newman are additionally another source that characterize worry as a condition emerging from the association of individuals and their Jobs and portrayed by changes inside individuals that constrain them to go amiss from their ordinary working. (Lutheran 2002 peg 396) Lutheran (2002 peg 396) states that another method to comprehend what stress is, is to call attention to what it isn't: 1 . Stress isn't just uneasiness. Uneasiness works exclusively in the passionate and mental circle, while stress works there and furthermore In the physiological sphere.Thus stress might be joined by tension, yet the 2 ought not be likened. 2. Stress Is not just apprehensive pressure. Like nervousness, anxious pressure may result from pressure, however the two are not the equivalent. 3. Stress isn't really something harming, terrible, or to be maintained a strategic distance from. Signals (constructive pressure) isn't harming or awful and is something individuals should search out as opposed to maintain a strategic distance from. The key Is the means by which the individual handles the pressure. Stress is unavoidable; trouble (negative pressure) might be forestalled or can be viably controlled.Stress in the working environment can influence a people profession and thus the organization. Reasons for pressure It Is not amazing that there are a wide range of reasons for worry In the work environment today. There Is one factor that triggers pressure, yet the mix of a wide range of ones. A significant number of these components include: * Excessively high remaining tasks at hand, with unreasonable cutoff times causing individuals to feel surged, under tension and overpowered. * Insufficient outstanding burdens, causing individuals to feel that their abilities are being underused. An absence of authority over work satellites. An absence of relational help or helpless working connections prompting a feeling of disconnection. * People being approached to carry out a Responsibility for which they have lacking gathering the new jobs necessities and adjusting to potential changes involved with associates. * Concerns about Job security, absence of profession openings, or level of pay. * Bullying or provocation. * An accuse culture inside your business where individuals are hesitant to misunderstand things or to confess to committing errors. Powerless or incapable administration which leaves representatives feeling they dont have an ability to know east from west, or over-administration, which can leave workers feeling underestimated and influence their confidence. Worry in the Workplace free exposition test Examines the impacts of worry in the working environment, surveys the methods by which organizations can diminish work environment stress talks about some pressure decrease procedures. The issue of pressure is one which emerges in about all circumstances, anyway to differing levels and degrees. In the working environment specifically stress is something which not just irritates and on occasion harms the individual, yet it in like manner harms the organization. In the radiology division at Community General Hospital, the degrees of stress have arrived at where this is the truth, with the nature of work and working environment being hurt by the nearness of stress. The collaboration between representatives, the executives, and the general crucial which the office is driven either make concordance, or dissension. In the case of Community General Hospital, the absence of cooperative energy between these specific zones is restraining profitability, diminishing the nature of the general workplace and furthermore efficiency.
Monday, August 24, 2020
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Not sure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Not certain - Essay Example The scene challenges essentialist thoughts regarding sexual orientation and character issues since Merida subverts and restricts her family and network that advance the refutation of women’s choice and self-governance. The scene uncovered the double differentiation among conventional and non-customary sexual orientation standards and lead. Merida challenges essentialist standards about sex since she isn't care for run of the mill princesses, who love decorating themselves and getting ready for sentiment and marriage. She detests making herself genuinely appealing to anybody, particularly another man. She even abhors acting and dressing like a princess on the grounds that the tight attire cripples her from moving unreservedly around and doing anything she needs. Figure 1 shows her drooped on the princess’ seat, rather than having the typical amazing stance of a â€Å"real†woman, as her mom would have stressed. Merida’s poor face and stance penetrate standa rd sexual orientation decorum. Besides, Merida hates having no choice in the situations developing before her. Woman Elinor reports the objective of the bolt shooting rivalry. Whoever wins will wed her little girl. Merida shakes her head and looks gloomy and down and out. See Figure 1. She challenges that she needs a man to compete for her, which essentially implies, a man who will end her opportunity and self-sufficiency. Merida is not normal for different princesses who are cheerfully prepped to be hitched. Different princesses will be energized and anxious to meet their rulers, their future spouses. Woman Elinor gets ready Merida for this phase in her life, however the last has no tendency for a wedded life. The opposition appears to be a capital punishment to her. What's more, sentiment normally fills in as a main thrust for princesses. Merida isn't the ordinary princess at all since sentiment is the keep going thing at the forefront of her thoughts. She needs experience in the forested areas, shooting targets, and riding alone and free. As she extinguishes her irritation, a wanderer hair falls all over. It speaks to her wanderer nature, a nature that opposes heteronormativity. Heteronormativity demands that as a princess, her most prominent job in life is to be offered to a sovereign sometime in the not so distant future. She restricts heteronormativity since she wouldn't like to get hitched and lose her valuable opportunity. Merida needs to possess her life, including her choice for marriage. Figure 1: Sullen and Dejected Merida Aside from investigating the sharp differentiation among customary and non-conventional sexual orientation standards, the scene portrays a youthful woman’s battle in characterizing new sex personality relations. Merida affronts the conventional association among sex and character, where she is relied upon to be, a common lady, yet a princess who will save customary between group marriage customs. The scene shows that the n etwork by and large aimlessly follows sexual orientation standards and customary traditions. Ladies, specifically, have confidence in the sentimental thought of the opposition. At the point when the vain sovereign is appeared, some of them swoon and begin to look all starry eyed at him. These individuals speak to ladies who fortify conventional sexual orientation standards and character, where they permit their general public shaped womanhood to direct their inclinations and predeterminations. Merida is unique in relation to them. She contradicts the conventional sex character relationship by resisting customs and sexual orientation jobs. Figure 1 recommends that she isn't somebody who will acknowledge her destiny too without any problem. She won't be compelled to wed anybody, just
APA citation and zotero Essay Example for Free
APA reference and zotero Essay 1. A general â€Å"res earch s hows†sort of proclamation that is upheld by in any event three unique sources (e.g., three research articles) Zotero is an augmentation of Firefox internet browser that empowers clients to save money on books, article and different materials on which one can recover their references (Morton, 2011; Vanhecke, 2008; Lewis, 2008)   2. A reworded sentence refering to a solitary source with three to six creators Zotero recover and imports reference data from various sources, for example, paper, and business Web locales, and Web-based databases, for example, PubMed (Trinoskey, Brahmi, Gall, 2009, p. 225).  3. A resulting sentence refering to a similar source as in Step 2 that effectively utilizes et al Air contamination is low in created nations comapared to industrialized nations where it is high as confirm by specific areas in Canada (Hystad et al, 2011, p. 1128).  4. A short cited entry that is refered to effectively. Make a point to incorporate the page number and spot the accentuation accurately He contends that, â€Å"Zotero’s note-taking element is handy. Clients can enter little notes on a specific reference by just composing in an information field. These notes are spared consequently and composed related to the reference information,†(Vanhecke, 2008, p. 275).   5. A second cited section that is 40 words in length or more, which is designed accurately as a square statement and refered to effectively with the page number and accentuation put accurately He clarifies how Zotero note taking functions: Zotero’s note-taking element is extremely handy. Clients can enter little notes on a specific reference by basically composing in an information field. What's more, Zotero is incorporated with Microsoft Word and other word processors and works in all PCs groups (PC, Mac, and Linux). Highlights, for example, organized reference trade make it basic for clients to make a rundown of references in the ideal organization wanted for an original copy or other use. Clients can make a reference list by relocating references, (Vanhecke, 2008 p. 275) References Hystad, P., Setton, E., Cervantes, A., Poplawski, K., Deschenes, S., Brauer, M., Demers, P. (2011). Making National Air Pollution Models for Population Exposure Assessment in Canada. Ecological Health Perspectives, 119(8), 1128 Lewis, L. A. (2008). From the Front Lines: An Academic Librarian Reports on the Impact of APAs New Electronic References Guidelines. Reference User Services Quarterly, 48(2), 128-131. Morton, A. (2011). Computerized Tools: Zotero and Omeka. Diary Of American History, 98(3), 952 Trinoskey, J., Brahmi, F. A., Gall, C. (2009). Zotero: A Product Review. Diary Of Electronic Assets In Medical Libraries, 6(3), 225. Vanhecke, T. E. (2008). Zotero. Diary Of The Medical Library Association, 96(3), 275 Source archive
Friday, August 21, 2020
The Rise Of The Nuclear Weapon Into A Political Weapon Essay -- essays
During most recent 50 years of advancement, the atomic bomb, as a definitive weapon turned into the peacekeeping power on the earth. The atomic bomb was created in Manhattan venture during the WW II and was effectively tried in the New Mexico on July 16 1945. Now began the difference in atomic weapon from extreme weapon to political weapon. USA chose to utilize the nuclear bomb to crush Japan so as to spare around 500.000 existences of American warriors that were expected to end the war and in the mid year 1945 the USA dropped two bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The atomic weapon raised the certainty of USA yet president Truman didn't requested its large scale manufacturing in light of the fact that around then he saw no express political capacity for the bomb. USA even attempted to internationalize control of the bomb under the UNITED NATIONS however the Soviets were hesitant to help American arrangement for two reasons. To stop soviet atomic program before building up the main sov iet bomb would give Americans changeless lead in atomic weapons innovation. Soviets accepted that instruments of power consistently have political abilities. For the Kremlin weapons were political apparatuses. This drove Americans to a similar end. The start of Cold War made a few political elements of atomic weapons: atomic discouragement, collusion building, and universal renown. The Nuclear Bomb was created as the weapon of war toward the finish of the Second World War. Atomic Deterrence was than the characteristic capacity of atomic bomb. The nuclear bomb had an element of â€Å"natural deterrence†at the early start of Cold War when Soviets didn't have atomic weapons. The Soviets would not assault West Europe since they would hazard war with USA and USA had nuclear bomb that was seen by Soviets as the quintessence of discouragement. USA additionally accepted that if Soviets finish their own bomb they would not be deflected by USA and its atomic munititions stockpile in this way the West Europe would get powerless. After the Soviets exploded its own bomb in September 1949, the Truman organization relinquished its arrangement of characteristic prevention and requested the improvement of all the more impressive hydrogen nuclear bomb. Since Soviet atomic bombs discouraged US prevention, Truman looked for an approach to reestablish discouragement. He req uested an examination by the Department of State’s arrangement arranging staff and the outcome, NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL PAPER 68 (NSC-68), went to Tru... ...r weapons that would give him the authority in Arab world and he could arrange and lead a union against Israel. The expanding multiplication of atomic innovation in regions of stewing provincial clashes builds the likelihood of atomic war. During the 50 years of presence, the genuine capacity of atomic force was changed from direct use as a weapon of war through prevention device to the pass to atomic club that implies the sing of superpower. References Nuclear Archive. (1997,April 6). Course of events [WWW document]. <> Nuclear Archive. (1997,April 6). Arms Control Treaties [WWW document]. International strategy in center. (1999,November). In Focus: U.S. Atomic Weapons Policy toward the End of the Century: Lost Opportunities and New Dangers. [WWW document]. Atomic History at the National Security Archive [WWW document]. The Bulletin of Atomic Scientist. (1999,December). Where they were. [WWW document].
Thursday, July 16, 2020
Startup Hubs Around the World Singapore
Startup Hubs Around the World Singapore 1. LOCATIONWhile many people may be familiar with Singapore, few could pinpoint it on a world map. Mistakenly, many people assume that the city is a part of China. Located in Southeast Asia, Singapore is a sovereign city-state that made up of one main island (Singapore Island) and a collection of approximately 60 additional, smaller islands. Strategically positioned on the point of Malaysia, it sits perfectly situated between China, Indonesia, and India.Within range of just a short plane ride, there are approximately 500 million people. It has been estimated that half of the world’s population is accessible from Singapore in less than six hours. For any company that wants to establish a presence in the Asian marketplace, Singapore is the gateway. The push for the wealthy, young (early 20’s) demographic of consumers is growing and in that corner of the world Singapore offers the easiest and most convenient way to reach this rising market.The economy in Singapore is booming. As one of the world’s busiest ports, it has a trade dependent economy and has a large manufacturing sector. It boasts the largest collection of millionaires: there is a millionaire in one out of six households. With a population nearing 500,000, almost 40 percent of the residents are foreign transplants which brings a global perspective to the nation. In addition, the close proximity to other countries makes it easy for young entrepreneurs to make the move to the up and coming marketplace of Singapore.The combination of the location and the diverse population creates an environment that is ripe for the entrepreneurial culture that has driven Singapore to become one of the world’s leading start-up hubs.Gadget Nation: The Startup Communities in Singapore 2. TAX INCENTIVESExtremely attractive tax rates for companies and start-ups in Singapore make this city-state one of the world’s friendliest countries to start a business. An easy to understand and business friendly graduated tax plan draws start-up companies from all over the world. For the first three years, companies with income of under $100,000 pay no taxes. After that, they pay 8.5% for income up to $300,000. Continuing after the third year, the company pays 8.5% tax on income up to $300,000 and a flat 17% for income larger than that.In addition, Singapore is considered one of the most popular tax havens with a low tax rate for personal income, as well as tax exemptions for capital gains and foreign income. The Finance and Treasury Department of Singapore is working to leverage Singapore as a leading base for corporations who wish to implement growth strategies and target the Asian market. By offering corporate tax rates which are reduced on fees, interest and gains and dividends, the government is encouraging both entrepreneurial spirit and investment opportunities.Through cash grants, start-up seed investors, equity investors and business incubators the investor has multiple opportunities to benefit from their investment into the start-up market. There are multiple tax incentives for both the start-up and the investor, adding to the premise that developing a start-up in Singapore is one of the easiest methods of job creation available in the market today.3. LEGAL INCENTIVESSingapore may be one of the world’s easiest countries to begin a start-up. Incorporating a business in Singapore is open to both foreigners and citizens, and is typically completed within several days. In addition, the costs of incorporation are low â€" foreigners can expect to pay no more than $800, a majority of the costs mainly due to the requirement of using an incorporation service. There are no residency visas required. In fact, residence in Singapore isn’t even a requirement. Should the entrepreneur wish to live in Singapore, there are Entrepreneur Passes and Employment Passes available to make that possible.One of the few requirements for incorporating in Singapore is the necessity of a bank account i n the country. Banking is equally as welcoming to start-ups â€" several banks don’t require a physical presence in Singapore to open an account, although the rates may be a bit higher.Additionally attractive to the tech market is Singapore’s strong stance on IP rights protection. The strong framework to protect the rights of entrepreneurs who are doing business in Singapore has led to the country’s ranking as one of the best in the world. This safe environment is one of the leading reasons why over 30 biomedical science companies have made Singapore their home, and is why more tech companies are likely to be drawn to the Asian nation.4. AVAILABILITY OF INVESTORSHigh interest in the tech market of Singapore, combined with the immense wealth of the country has a large number of potential investors allocated within the country.Joyful Frog Digital Incubator is one of the largest accelerators in Singapore, with a 60% success rate for investments in start-ups. Through their programs , start-ups are given intensive mentorship for the first 100 days of funding and they average $520,000 in funding raised per group. They are uniquely positioned to help propel Singapore into the future with a heavy focus on tech companies.The Spring SEEDS (Startup Enterprise Development Scheme) program is a unique program funded in part by the government. Eligible new companies must have $40,000 in capital, along with a corporate investor of $400,000. The government of Singapore will then match that investment (up to $800,000) in exchange for shares in the new company.The BANSEA (Business Angel Network Southeast Asia) organization is dedicated to introducing start-ups to angel groups. High investments of up to $1,000,000 are typical of the angel groups, and the investors of BANSEA have high expectations for their returns on investments. Within eight years, the BANSEA group expects to have recouped at least ten times their initial investment.Strong governmental support and interest i n the start-up markets of Singapore help to generate not only funds but interest in the tech industry of the country. By encouraging others to invest, as well as by investing millions of dollars into the entrepreneur market, the government is leading by example and is setting the standard for innovation. Not content to wait for others to invest, the government is making entrepreneurship in Singapore extremely attractive and competitive â€" ensuring that they will remain a strong force in the business world.5. AVAILABILITY OF LOCAL RESOURCES AND WORKFORCEDrawn by the temperate climate, Singapore residents can be assured that almost every day will be like the one before, at least weather-wise. The weather remains hot and rainy year-round. There are no extreme temperatures, and the nation has one of the best air quality conditions in Asia. Typhoons, earthquakes and tsunamis are nonâ€"existent in Singapore, thanks to the country’s distance from fault lines in the earth.Highly educated citizens make up the local workforce in Singapore, making it one of its most valuable resources. Consistently ranked among the top five nations in the world for math and science, the Singapore citizen has several higher education institutions to choose from that will continue to grow the available market. A continued push towards research, innovation and design needs to be instituted to encourage collaboration between organizations. Expanding the polytechnics fields will require more focus on design, experimenting and building.There are several labs already in place that are geared towards encouraging entrepreneurs to work together to generate start-ups. One lab boasts of several floors that are each geared towards different aspects of the tech market. Different elements of design are all brought together in one location, which will encourage the general public to use the tools available, as well as establish a central hub for innovative thinking and creative work. With graphic des ign, tech shops and a sandbox type environment where designers can create, test, play and replicate their technology ideas, the tech market in Singapore is brimming with potential.In the last several years, Singapore has drawn start-ups from Australia, New Zealand, and India. The addition of foreign start-ups who move to the Asian city for the attractive start-up climate has generated additional interest in the tech industry of the country. While there has not been a ‘big exit’ of a company, recent acquisitions have indicated that one is just around the corner. The millions of dollars that have poured into the start-up ecosystem are helping to draw not only local entrepreneurs, but overseas investors.6. SPECIALIZATION Asia draws visitors from around the world. In today’s thriving marketplace, the Asian sector has re-invented itself as a pivotal player in the race to the top of the start-up hub environment. Singapore is leading the way in their corner of the world as the number one Asian start-up city and is gaining an increasing foothold into the market of biomedical science. Relatively simple start-up procedures, a thriving incubator community and friendly governmental policies all converge into what business experts have begun to call Asia’s Silicon Valley.What sets the comparatively small Singapore apart from its larger counterparts? According to leaders in the Singapore business community, Singapore has no real desire to earn the Silicon Valley comparison. Silicon Valley is a unique environment that thrives because of the elements that make up the community. In Singapore, the idea of creating a place that will partner with companies and governments in a global outreach is the primary focus . Instead of trying to outwit the competition, they’d prefer to be a part of the larger efforts to improve the world. Indeed, if a company wants to establish themselves in the Asian marketplace, they will find it difficult to do without going through Singapore. © | EkkachaiIn this article about Singapore, we look at six essential elements of a potential start-up location that must be considered: 1) location, 2) tax incentives, 3) legal incentives, 4) availability of investors, 5) local resources and workforce, and 6) specialization.1. LOCATIONWhile many people may be familiar with Singapore, few could pinpoint it on a world map. Mistakenly, many people assume that the city is a part of China. Located in Southeast Asia, Singapore is a sovereign city-state that made up of one main island (Singapore Island) and a collection of approximately 60 additional, smaller islands. Strategically positioned on the point of Malaysia, it sits perfectly situated between China, Indonesia, and India.Within range of just a short plane ride, there are approximately 500 million people. It has been estimated that half of the world’s population is accessible from Singapore in less than six hours. For any company that wants to establish a presence in the Asian marketplace, Singapore is the gateway. The push for the wealthy, young (early 20’s) demographic of consumers is growing and in that corner of the world Singapore offers the easiest and most convenient way to reach this rising market.The economy in Singapore is booming. As one of the world’s busiest ports, it has a trade dependent economy and has a large manufacturing sector. It boasts the largest collection of millionaires: there is a millionaire in one out of six households. With a population nearing 500,000, almost 40 percent of the residents are foreign transplants which brings a global perspective to the nation. In addition, the close proximity to other countries makes it easy for young entrepreneurs to make the move to the up and coming marketplace of Singapore.The combination of the location and the diverse population creates an environment that is ripe for the entrepreneurial culture that has driven Singapore to become one of the world’s leading start-up hubs.Gadget Nation: The Startup Communities in Singapore 2. TAX INCENTIVESExtremely attractive tax rates for companies and start-ups in Singapore make this city-state one of the world’s friendliest countries to start a business. An easy to understand and business friendly graduated tax plan draws start-up companies from all over the world. For the first three years, companies with income of under $100,000 pay no taxes. After that, they pay 8.5% for income up to $300,000. Continuing after the third year, the company pays 8.5% tax on income up to $300,000 and a flat 17% for income larger than that.In addition, Singapore is considered one of the most popular tax havens with a low tax rate for personal income, as well as tax exemptions for capital gains and foreign income. The Finance and Treasury Department of Singapore is working to leverage Singapore as a leading base for corporations who wish to implement growth strategies and target the Asian market. By offering corporat e tax rates which are reduced on fees, interest and gains and dividends, the government is encouraging both entrepreneurial spirit and investment opportunities.Through cash grants, start-up seed investors, equity investors and business incubators the investor has multiple opportunities to benefit from their investment into the start-up market. There are multiple tax incentives for both the start-up and the investor, adding to the premise that developing a start-up in Singapore is one of the easiest methods of job creation available in the market today.3. LEGAL INCENTIVESSingapore may be one of the world’s easiest countries to begin a start-up. Incorporating a business in Singapore is open to both foreigners and citizens, and is typically completed within several days. In addition, the costs of incorporation are low â€" foreigners can expect to pay no more than $800, a majority of the costs mainly due to the requirement of using an incorporation service. There are no residency visa s required. In fact, residence in Singapore isn’t even a requirement. Should the entrepreneur wish to live in Singapore, there are Entrepreneur Passes and Employment Passes available to make that possible.One of the few requirements for incorporating in Singapore is the necessity of a bank account in the country. Banking is equally as welcoming to start-ups â€" several banks don’t require a physical presence in Singapore to open an account, although the rates may be a bit higher.Additionally attractive to the tech market is Singapore’s strong stance on IP rights protection. The strong framework to protect the rights of entrepreneurs who are doing business in Singapore has led to the country’s ranking as one of the best in the world. This safe environment is one of the leading reasons why over 30 biomedical science companies have made Singapore their home, and is why more tech companies are likely to be drawn to the Asian nation.4. AVAILABILITY OF INVESTORSHigh interest in th e tech market of Singapore, combined with the immense wealth of the country has a large number of potential investors allocated within the country.Joyful Frog Digital Incubator is one of the largest accelerators in Singapore, with a 60% success rate for investments in start-ups. Through their programs, start-ups are given intensive mentorship for the first 100 days of funding and they average $520,000 in funding raised per group. They are uniquely positioned to help propel Singapore into the future with a heavy focus on tech companies.The Spring SEEDS (Startup Enterprise Development Scheme) program is a unique program funded in part by the government. Eligible new companies must have $40,000 in capital, along with a corporate investor of $400,000. The government of Singapore will then match that investment (up to $800,000) in exchange for shares in the new company.The BANSEA (Business Angel Network Southeast Asia) organization is dedicated to introducing start-ups to angel groups. H igh investments of up to $1,000,000 are typical of the angel groups, and the investors of BANSEA have high expectations for their returns on investments. Within eight years, the BANSEA group expects to have recouped at least ten times their initial investment.Strong governmental support and interest in the start-up markets of Singapore help to generate not only funds but interest in the tech industry of the country. By encouraging others to invest, as well as by investing millions of dollars into the entrepreneur market, the government is leading by example and is setting the standard for innovation. Not content to wait for others to invest, the government is making entrepreneurship in Singapore extremely attractive and competitive â€" ensuring that they will remain a strong force in the business world.5. AVAILABILITY OF LOCAL RESOURCES AND WORKFORCEDrawn by the temperate climate, Singapore residents can be assured that almost every day will be like the one before, at least weather- wise. The weather remains hot and rainy year-round. There are no extreme temperatures, and the nation has one of the best air quality conditions in Asia. Typhoons, earthquakes and tsunamis are nonâ€"existent in Singapore, thanks to the country’s distance from fault lines in the earth.Highly educated citizens make up the local workforce in Singapore, making it one of its most valuable resources. Consistently ranked among the top five nations in the world for math and science, the Singapore citizen has several higher education institutions to choose from that will continue to grow the available market. A continued push towards research, innovation and design needs to be instituted to encourage collaboration between organizations. Expanding the polytechnics fields will require more focus on design, experimenting and building.There are several labs already in place that are geared towards encouraging entrepreneurs to work together to generate start-ups. One lab boasts of several floor s that are each geared towards different aspects of the tech market. Different elements of design are all brought together in one location, which will encourage the general public to use the tools available, as well as establish a central hub for innovative thinking and creative work. With graphic design, tech shops and a sandbox type environment where designers can create, test, play and replicate their technology ideas, the tech market in Singapore is brimming with potential.In the last several years, Singapore has drawn start-ups from Australia, New Zealand, and India. The addition of foreign start-ups who move to the Asian city for the attractive start-up climate has generated additional interest in the tech industry of the country. While there has not been a ‘big exit’ of a company, recent acquisitions have indicated that one is just around the corner. The millions of dollars that have poured into the start-up ecosystem are helping to draw not only local entrepreneurs, but overseas investors.6. SPECIALIZATIONSingapore is on track to build a pipeline of tech start-ups that have a global scale. With a strategic partnership between the IIPL (Infocomm Investments Pte Ltd) and JFDI (Joyful Frog Digital Incubator), Singapore is actively working to launch 500 tech industry start-ups in the next five years. This partnership has the potential to discover, introduce, fund and mentor start-ups in the highly competitive tech market with the express purpose of launching global companies that can solidify Singapore’s position as a leader in start-up hubs. By maximizing the power of the IIPL (the Infocomm Development Authority’s investment arm) with the established community of start-ups associated with the JFDI, the success rate of this venture may revolutionize the way that start-ups are created.How Singapore Tech Startups Can Compete on Talent Recruitment Some of the innovative Singapore start-ups to keep an eye onCreoPop. This highly futuristic company has d esigned a pen that draws in solids. Using light-sensitive ink that hardens when it comes in contact with UV rays, the pen will offer magnetic ink, electrically charged ink and color-changing ink that will adapt to temperature. Safe for children, this creative company could revolutionize arts and craft time.Darma. Designed to give office workers a better seat, Darma is a seat cushion that is hard wired with sensors to regulate your posture and your comfort. With sensors that will notify you when you’ve been sitting for too long or if your posture is out of balance, the Darma seat cushion will help remind users to meditate and relax â€" even while working.GoFresh. Working to perfect the home delivery grocery service, GoFresh is developing their company to provide healthy, fresh products such as produce and meat products to the busy customer who wants to shop from home. With guaranteed freshness, overnight delivery and reminder calls, they are working to become a heavyweight in the g rocery industry. Currently focused primarily on Singapore markets, they are looking to offer global services in the next few years.ClearbridgeBiomedics. One of the first non-marker biomedic marker systems is making headlines by being the first commercially available processes to isolate as well as retrieve cancer cells in a patient’s blood.Collegify. An online platform designed to help students get into the college of their dreams, Collegify offers personalized, college readiness help through mentoring, test prep and application assistance to help students get into the top universities of the world.With such a huge push towards tech industries, Singapore is positioning itself to be a powerhouse in the tech market. The two largest industries in Singapore’s start-up marketplace right now are biomedical science and technology â€" a trend that doesn’t seem to be slowing down.Start Up, Singapore! Singapore: A Startup Destination
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
Afternoon At King Arthurs - Free Essay Example
Its Christmas Eve afternoon at King Arthurs court, and the Knights and Ladies are gathering up to celebrate the Holiday. Meanwhile, King Arthur is resisting to eat until he witnesses some excellent action, or hears about a great adventure. After everyone sits down to eat, out of nowhere barges in a gigantic Green Knight riding upon a gigantic Green Horse. The Green Knight announces to everyone that hes here to challenge the boldest legendary knight. He states, I will take a single axe-blow from the hands of one Knight, as long as that Knight agrees to meet me in a year and a day to receive an axe-blow in return.(Gardner) To be direct, he wants to specifically call out King Arthur to the challenge. Although, before King Arthur could even make the first move, his nephew, Sir Gawain volunteered as tribute. Sir Gawain says, Its shameful for the the King to participate in such a foolish game.(Gardner) The Challenge is on, Sir Gawain strikes the Green Knight with the axe, completely taking his head from over his shoulders. The Green Knight unbelievably remains alive, and picks up his own head turning to the court, and telling Sir Gawain, Meet me at the Green Chapel in a year and a day.(Gardner) As the season went by, and now that its, Sir Gawain heads out to find the Green Chapel. Along his pathway, travelling upon enchanted lands, he battled with some monsters, and took on the extreme weather. Sir Gawain suddenly rode abroad a protected castle in the enchanted forests. As he arrives, he recieves a warm greeting from the Lord and his gorgeous Lady. After Sir Gawain , and the Lord feast for Christmas, theyve come to an agreement. The Lord says, By the end of the day, we both will exchange what weve earned.(Gardner) In the morning , the Lord rides out, leaving Sir Gawain sleeping in late. Sir Gawain is awaken by the Lady of the castle, provoking him to show hes the great Knight shes heard of. The Ladys seducing actions results in the both of them exchanging kisses. Everytime the Lord returns home, Sir Gawain exchanges the kisses he receives from the Lords Lady with the different animals the lord went out to hunt, such as the deer in dressing, boar, and fox. During the last game, the Lady presents a Green Girdle to Sir Gawain saying, The Green Girdle will make you invincible against the Green Knight.(Gardner) However, Sir Gawain breaks the rules, and doesnt except the exchange. While this is occurring, the Lord is returning home for the end of the day. The next morning, Sir Gawain take his path to the Green Chapel being led by the guide. The guide is trying to get Sir Gawain to reconsider his choice because, the guards are very dangerous. As Sir Gawain reaches the clearing, all he sees is a small mound that has grass on it. With his assumptions, he believes this may be the Green Chapel. He suddenly hears the screeches of someone sharpening a blade, and with his curiosity, he calls out to them to see whom they may be. The Green Knight approaches with his axe. The Green Knight congratulates Sir Gawain for sticking to his words. In this moment, the challenge goes on. The Green Knight goes for his first hit, but he hesitates because Sir Gawain flinches. The Knight points out that Gawain is being a sissy. After Gawain promises to not flinch, the Knight goes for a second hit, but stops again just to test and see if Sir Gawain was ready. At last, the Green Knight goes for the third hit, and the axe tears Sir Gawains skin, but doesnt make him decapitate. In sudden laughter, the Green Knight finally reveals that he is Lord Bertilak behind this whole situation. He explained to Gawain that the first few blows were for the way he kissed his wife, and the last was for the negligent way of the green girdle. The Green Knight has his way and forgives Sir Gawain, leaving him with only a scar and the girdle. Hence the trickery, Sir Gawain learns that the Lord is actually Lord Bertilak, and gets his powers from Morgan le Fay, whos Gawains Aunt. She sent the Lord to test Arthurs honor of the knights, and frighten the Queen Guinevere. Sir Gawain refuses any further hospitality, and makes his way to Arthurs Court. He goes on and tell about his adventure, and makes it known he will forever wear the Green Girdle.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Marketing Plan For The Photography Industry - 962 Words
Marketing Plan Market research - Why The Photography industry has experienced several changes as digital cameras and postproduction technologies have increasingly easily used by aperture operators. While photographers are benefiting from the changes by increasing their efficiency and availability, and creativity consumers are now able to take professional-quality images without the need of a specialist. Families with children are going to be our studio’s biggest target market. For the purpose of this market analysis, these families demographics is divided into three socioeconomic categories: College Graduates High School Graduates Non-Graduates According to 2009- 2013 Census there are 29.7% of all Tulsans that retained Bachelor’s degree or higher.The census reports are 88.5% of all Tulsans have retained high school graduates or higher. The Census reports that are 11.5% of all Tulsa s residents have not retained a high school diploma. Market research suggests Families of college graduates are most likely to be professional and have the financial means and the desire for professional portraits. We will target female professional with families, because women account for 75%of purchasing decisions in these families ( We will cater toward these women with a highly personal, highly creative approach to reaching and retain clients for theirShow MoreRelatedCompany Description Of Pictures For Paws1620 Words  | 7 PagesCompany Description Pictures for Paws is currently under development as a Limited Liability Company animal photography business that provides high quality pictures of all kinds of animals- from house pets to exotic creatures. Pictures for Paws will have two options for photo shoots, on premises or at an agreed location. Pictures for Paws will have multiple methods to encourage animals to pay attention to the camera and enjoy their visit as well. This business will be located in the Sutro DistrictRead MoreMarketing Plan For Itsmetd Photography1481 Words  | 6 PagesExecutive Summary ItsmeTD Photography is a small business created in 2014 to provide its customers with stunning photography services with a focus on weddings and engagements. ItsmeTD Photography is organized as a sole proprietorship with Tarsis Matamoros as the owner and sole employee. The business will run from Plano, Texas. This marketing plan is designed to allow ItsmeTD Photography to focus on expanding its business by creating public awareness of ItsmeTD Photography and by getting its nameRead MoreAssignment 1: Kodak and Fujifilm1300 Words  | 6 Pagesvarious products for the photography sector, and medical imaging equipment two key players come to mind, Kodak and Fujifilm. History and Core Business The Eastman Kodak Company, known to many simply as Kodak was created in April 1880 by George Eastman in Rochester NY. Manufacturing dry plates for sale to various to the common consumer was where Kodak found its niche early on. George Eastman was a leader in the field of photography and was devoted to making photography available to everyone, heRead MoreBlack : Lead Business Roles, Deciding Members Green : Candidates Being Considered817 Words  | 4 PagesPhilosophy and Policies The following sums up our company philosophy: â€Å"Pictures for Paw’s strives to provide pet owners with priceless memories of their pets during their best time. It is our goal to deliver excellent customer service, a superior photography experience, and a stress-free place to bring your pets. We believe that pets are a blessing, and that families should have a way to cherish their loved ones forever.†Company policy includes but is not limited to the following: †¢ Obey all lawsRead MorePhotography : Kodak And Kodak876 Words  | 4 PagesFor a multitude of years Kodak remained synonymous with photography. Kodak developed the first handheld camera in 1900, called the Brownie (Thompson, 2014). The Brownie was inexpensive and designed for the average consumer with no professional training to take their own pictures. After capturing the pictures one would mail the film into Kodak and Kodak would develop the pictures and send return them. Kodak had created a way for people to take pictures of their lives to maintain special memories.Read MoreEssay about BUS 302 Assignment 1 Kodak and Fujifilm1547 Words  | 7 Pagesbusiness and took different paths. Though they shared similar products their management direction and company direction differed. The differences led one company to be successful and the other to struggle. The founder of Kodak, George Eastman, was a photography enthusiast and wanted to simplify the process of creating photos. Eastman established what was to evolve into the Kodak Company in 1880. The Kodak Company was built on four basic principles: mass production at low cost, international distributionRead MoreMarketing Plan For A Marketing Strategy1241 Words  | 5 Pagesathlete endorsers Viral Marketing Innovation Products Durability Weaknesses Specific products Expensive accessories and products Increased competition No flash Opportunity Global market is increasing Content delivery technologies Media hosting Viral marketing Threats Hardware company competition (Sony) Media company competition (Facebook) Note. The GoPro SWOT assessment of external and internal environmental elements. 5.0 Marketing Strategy and Goals The goal of this marketing plan is to leverage existingRead MoreEssay On Business Description796 Words  | 4 PagesBusiness Description My business would provide event photography and portrait photography services. I would have packages available with certain sized prints and digital versions as well. Clients could also purchase additional prints at an added cost. Also, I would have a website where I could have other photographs on sale always as an additional source of income. I would mostly be marketing to younger adults around twenty-five to thirty-five years of age. I would want to have a family friendlyRead MoreHidden Reasons for Kodaks Digital Revolution Essay1149 Words  | 5 Pagesbuilding their brand on a domestic and international front. They invested heavily in marketing to establish their image and realized early on that their profits would come from consumables rather than hardware. They sold their equipment at low prices in order to fuel their highly profitable film sales. This use of a razor-blade strategy, coupled with strong relationships with retailers positioned Kodak as an industry leader. Add itionally, their heavy investment in Ramp;D allowed Kodak to grow organicallyRead MoreThe Importance Of Being A Photographer By Photographer862 Words  | 4 PagesAnyone can be a photographer, as long as you zoom in on what you love. There was a girl who found a liking to photography because she enjoyed capturing the essence of nature and art. She loved being able to capture the uniqueness of objects living or not because there are so many things people should get to see as well as think about how the picture can make that person feel. Seeing a picture of a rainforest with beautiful trees and glittering water could make someone feel relaxed, they can also
Monday, May 18, 2020
Analysis Of Friedrich Nietzsche s The Hell Essay
â€Å"For if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.†– Friedrich Nietzsche. I stare into the abyss soiling my mind with its endless chasm of white as the laptop glares its artificial light through the air. My fingers tap on the wooden kitchen table, newly stained. On my right, I have a pink notebook. Its insides are notes, scribbles, and a few dog-eared corners. Placing the ball point of my pen on the college ruled page, I glance at the right corner of the screen and jot down the date, 9/1/2015. Thinking, I look around. It’s early. The sun’s bright outside and the lake’s waves glitter, reflecting its luminosity. The kitchen is dirty. There are piled dishes in the sink, grease on the stove, and crumbs scattered all over the counter. I should fix that. I think my writing process; the brainstorming, the rough draft, and the revisions frolicking hand in hand with more polishing. I know the hardest part will be starting the r ough draft, but it is also the most important. Finally, an idea hits. My pen starts writing. Ideas pour like a waterfall out of my ears, rushing down my arms and into my fingertips. They leak into the pen and soon my thoughts are legible words, written in red ink. At first, I write down random things like the objects on the table or the stickiness underneath the fridge where my little sister spilled the lemonade and didn’t clean it right. Soon I start thinking of things related to the topic I’m brainstorming about. I write them down.Show MoreRelatedPhilosophy Are Filled With Debates, Arguments, And Theories1757 Words  | 8 Pages the term moral means â€Å"concerned with the principles of right and wrong behavior and the goodness or badness of human character†( In other words, being â€Å"a person s standards of behavior or beliefs concerning what is and is not acceptable for them to do†( In terms of this argument and my analysis, God means â€Å"the one Supreme Being, the creator and ruler of the universe†(di We need to take into consideration the ethical issue of whether God commands whatRead MoreComparison of Edgar Allen Poes The Tell-Tale Heart and Stephen Kings Misery2211 Words  | 9 Pagesnervous I had been and am; but why will you say that I am mad? The disease had sharpened my senses --not destroyed --not dulled them. Above all was the sense of hearing acute. I heard all things in the heaven and in the earth. I heard many things in hell. How, then, am I mad? Hearken! and observe how healthily --how calmly I can tell you the whole story. (Poe, 1843) Poe states that he does not know how he first acquired the idea but that once it had entered into his mind that the idea overtook himRead MoreReligion Is Poison8248 Words  | 33 Pagesset of beliefs or teachings about the deepest and most elusive of life’s mysteries. So, from this point of view, I will leave my paper to research those that have a belief in a ‘theistic god’ rather than the all-inclusive. Deprived of this belief, it s really not a viable theistic religion. George H. Smith in his book, â€Å"Atheism: The Case Against God,†1974, commented, â€Å"†¦the belief in god is irrational to the point of absurdity; and that this irrationality, when manifested in specific religions suchRead MoreCleanth Brookss Essay Irony as a Principle of Structure9125 Words  | 37 PagesMarx’s economic theories as such: we shall confine our discussion to their methodological premises and implications. It will in any case be obvious to the reader tha t the present writer upholds the validity of their content. Secondly, a detailed analysis of Rosa Luxemburg’s thought is necessary because its seminal discoveries no less than its errors have had a decisive influence on the theories of Marxists outside Russia, above all in Germany. To some extent this influence persists to this day. ForRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 Pagesand permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. To obtain permission(s) to use material from this work, please submit a written request to Pearson Education, Inc., Permissions Department, One Lake Street, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458, or you may fax your request to 201-236-3290. Many of the designations by manufact urers
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Jealousy Interpersonal Relationship and Successful...
Jealousy Is Fearsome A famous English philosopher named Francis Bacon said that â€Å"jealousy is the devil that always secretly and quietly destroys the good things on the earth.†By that he meant that the jealousy is a negative and we get it harmful emotion which result from shame, anger, and resentment. In the book Tuesday with Morrie, Morrie, who was a professor from Brandeis University, was told that love and forgiveness can make people engage in a strong relationship. On the other hand, jealousy leads to anger, betrayal, and envy which destroys relationships established between friends. Also, jealousy could create mistrust and hatred between people which dramatically impedes a normal relationship and interpersonal relationship. If†¦show more content†¦However, the other students did not care what jack have said. Ever since, I have never seen Jack talked to Jaime anymore. How could Jack say such harmful things about Jaime? Because of his jealousy, he rese nts his best friend Jaime and accuses him for cheating on the test. Morrie says that due to stubbornness people commit horrible mistakes(164). Jack’s mistake made him lose a good friend of his and might regret it for the rest of his life. Jealousy can destroy the relationship between family members. According to the an online article, it shows that most of families have bad relationship because of jealousy between siblings. Usually, the problem is one sibling gets more attention from the parents. Parents usually likes the child who is better looking, does better in school, or has some kind of talents that other siblings does not have. Without a doubt, kids are too young to be capable to control emotions and do not know how to express themselves without harming their siblings. As a result of jealousy, they boycott and stop talking to each other. Then, they destroy things to get or creates a scene to get parents’ attention. Instead, they get punished by parents. From observations, jealousy are usually cause by lack of attention. Children want to be appreciated but they are not. Unfortunately, children will feel insecure and frustrated from getting what they want inside their heart. It does not matter how bad theShow MoreRelatedSocial Media And Its Effects On Society Essay1603 Words  | 7 Pagesbeing a widely-known issue that is prevalent in all levels of society, not everyone is aware of the main factor influencing cyberbullyingâ€â€personality. By identifying the personalities behind the cyberbullying cases, individuals will become more successful in reducing the amount of cyberbullying cases. Personality can be interpreted in many ways, but â€Å"loosely interpreted, it is a complex set of characteristics which make up an individual’s unique imprint†(â€Å"Factors of Bullying,†2015). 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Furthermore, we donate to worthy causes. The most prosperous give the most to colleges, hospitals, and research organizations. In reference to the previousRead MoreMy Active Experimentation The Skills I Have Learned Through Skill Development Are Communication, Decision Making And Listening Skills1743 Words  | 7 Pages(cited from RCN 2014). Communicational skills whilst on practice are very important as these are used in maintaining the relationship between healthcare professionals and patients. (Cited from Department of health (DA) 2012). Whilst on practice, according to the Department of Health 2012, communication is used on practice for excellence in team work and in building caring relationships (Reference). One example is by showing compas sion through communication this is by empathizing of people who are sufferingRead MoreUnderstanding The Complexity Of Human Cooperation Essay1708 Words  | 7 Pagescommunication; such as intrapersonal, one-way, and interpersonal communication by these forms we acclimate ourselves to our environment and acclimate our environment to suit us (Griffin Patton, 1986). According to Griffin and Patton (2002), we negotiate with others to reduce their attempts to restrict us and to diminish their efforts to keep us dependent on them. Argyle stated, â€Å"Cooperation is acting together, in a coordinated way at work, leisure, or social relationship, in the pursuit of shared goals, theRead MoreRelationship Rules And Family Rules2420 Words  | 10 Pages Relationship Rules Theory Interpersonal relationships are an essential part of everyone’s life, like many other aspects of life. Relationships are also bound by rules in order for these to succeed. 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When it comes to domestic violence, anyone can be a victim; the violence does not discriminate as to who will suffer from it no matter their sex, age, race, ethnicity, or financial background. Behaviors used by one person in a relationship to control the other are what define this dangerous act of crime. Although no one deserves this, it is important to learn of the precautions in order to help someone you love who is going through what is known to be a repetitive pattern of ongoingRead MoreSocial And Emotional Development Of Students1831 Words  | 8 Pageschosen at random selection. 6 students who have displayed difficulty in social skills will be chosen by a random draw of names. The counselor will then evaluate each student to see if they are a fit for the program †¢ Group Meetings- The group will meet once a week every Tuesday in the library from 1-130pm. Parent Permission Form Student _______________________________ Room ___________________________ As the school counselor, I offer all students the opportunity to participateRead MoreBob Case Study3560 Words  | 15 PagesAssignment no 1 | STUDENT NUMBER | 200002859 | PROGRAMME NAME | MBA YEAR 1; OBE 501T | GROUP NAME | | DATE | 16th February 2013 | Individual Assignment Mark Sheet Course Module: Organisational Behaviour (TUT MBA, OBE501T) Due Date of Assignment: 16th February 2013 Receive Back: Lecturer: Pieter R van der der Merwe Student Surname, Initials: Manwatha, IA___________________________ Evaluation Criteria | 75%+ | 68%+ | 60%+ | 50%+ | 49%- | Understanding the course content(Has student done sufficient
The Ethics Of The Police Officer - 1827 Words
Introduction Ethics may be defined as the, â€Å"principle of honor and morality; accepted rules of conduct; the principle of conduct governing an individual or group (Maine Criminal Justice Academy [MCJA], 2002, p. 3). Trust and integrity are precious resources, easily squandered, hard to regain. They can thrive only on a foundation of respect for veracity (Bok, 1989). The need for ethical policing serves as a necessary foundation for the establishment of trust and respect between the community and those who have sworn to protect its citizens. The process of improving police conduct and addressing educational needs has been slow with recommendations as far back as the early 1900s. Commissions, such as Wickersham and the President’s Commission on Law Enforcement and the Administration of Justice suggested a link between education and ethical behavior. Recommendations were made to increase the learning of police officers through training and formal education. The common belief was education would reduce corruption and ethical abuses. As policing continues to evolve, today’s police officer is expected to be a problem-solver, a role model, approachable, and most importantly, ethical. Basic high school education, minimum age requirements, and other minimal hiring standards may not meet these mandates. These mandates bring about several questions. Can ethics be taught and if so, when and where should it be taught. What role does higher education serve? Are policies and procedures inShow MoreRelatedThe Ethics Of Police Officers967 Words  | 4 PagesPolice officers not only have to follow a set of rules and legislation, but they also must behave in a decent manner while on duty as well as off duty. Unfortunately, nobody is perfect, and police officers also make wrong decisions that could jeopardize the integrity of their police department. Often people know something they do is wrong. However, they still do it because they feel no harm will come to them or it they think nobody will ever find out. For instanc e, cheating on a test is wrong, butRead MoreEthics and Law Enforcement: Ethical Conduct for Police Officers676 Words  | 3 PagesEthical Conduct for Police Officers Ethics among police officers is critical to maintaining law and order in a democratic society. Whether responding, investigating, interrogating, interviewing, or handling evidence, police interface directly with citizens and possess a great deal of power (Borello, 2012). When they are corrupt or otherwise unethical, it compromises balance and safety in a community and in society as a whole. Ethical behavior helps instill public trust in the systems and policiesRead MoreEthics And Character Analysis Interviews1677 Words  | 7 PagesEthics and Character Analysis Interviews Introduction Many law enforcement officers in the United States are good, dedicated and committed to serving the people by protecting them and their property. In most cases, however, we hear news of police officer involvement in criminal activities or unethical behavior such as theft, robbery, abuse of authority and excessive coercion. The indication of police using force against suspects and committing crimes does not appear favorable to the public becauseRead MoreCode Of Conduct For Law Enforcement Essay1465 Words  | 6 PagesEthics in Criminal Justice Assignment 1 Sydney E Vaughn CRJU 1400 Ethics and Cultural Perspectives in Criminal Justice Professor Stephen N. Knights Jr October 22, 2016 Contents Introduction 2 Police Ethics 2 Corruption 3 Police Corruption 3 Police Discretion in Ethics 4 Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement 4 Types of Police Corruption 4 Ethics in the Courtroom 5 Prosecuting Attorneys 5 Defense Attorneys 5 Ethics in Police Training 6 Closing 6 Introduction Ethics by definition states thatRead MoreThe Ethical Dilemma of a Police Officer Essay1333 Words  | 6 PagesDilemma of a Police Officer Professions are guided by codes of ethics to aid them in performance of their duties and to ensure maintenance of high standards of conduct. Police officers are faced with a maze of obligations in the performance of their official duties. The â€Å"Law Enforcement Code of Ethics†and â€Å"Canons of Police Ethics†were created to make explicit the conduct considered appropriate for police officers and to guide them in the performance of their duties. Although police have these guidesRead MorePolice Codes Of Conduct And Police Code Of Ethics1560 Words  | 7 Pages Police officers are held to a higher standard than most members in society and the community they serve. Not only must they observe and abide by the common law of the land, there are additional rules and principles they must abide by. This is illustrated in the police officer s code of conduct and police code of ethics. Many police departments have their own code of conduct which are to be followed by the officers. Just like any other profession, there are no fool proof rules and standards.Read MoreShould A Police Officer Conduct Affected His Job?981 Words  | 4 PagesUnfortunately, nobody is perfect, and police officers also make wrong decisions that could jeopardize the integrity of their police department. Often people do something that they know is wrong. However, they still do it because they feel no harm will come to them or they think nobody would ever find out. For instance, cheating on a test is wrong, but people do it because they think they can get away without the professor finding out. There was a case where a police officer conduct affected his job. On JuneRead MoreCriminal Justice: Ethics and Integrity676 Words  | 3 PagesEthics and integrity are important to a police chief or county sheriff in a number of ways. First, ethics and integrity assist a police chief or a county sheriff to recruit the best officers who can work in their departments. It is only through application of the principles of ethics and integrity that a police chief or a county sheriff can identify these qualities in the potential applicants, and use them in the recruitment process. Second, ethics and integrity are important to a police chief orRead MoreEthics : Defining Police Ethics1455 Words  | 6 PagesPolice ethics play a major role in law enforcement today, ethics are fundamental towards helping law enforcement build trust within communities, provide public safety, and stop crime. Into today’s law enforcement, ethics is posing a major role with police corruption and poli ce brutality. Police brutality has also been amplified majorly though the force multiplier or as we better know as the â€Å"media†. Defining police ethics come down to good police officer to bad police officer, or living by theRead MoreThe Ethics Of Police Ethics Essay1631 Words  | 7 Pagesfoundations of police ethics. The reasoning following public corruption indicates an underlying social institutional structure that our country has created. In 2006, Louis Eppolito and Stephen Caracappa were convicted of racketeering, extortion, obstruction of justice, conspiracy, and murder charges. Louis and Stephen worked in the NYPD police department; however, they were actually working for the Lucchese crime family mafia. In 2001, Joseph Miedzianowski worked as both a police officer and a drug kingpin;
Dorothea Lange Free Essays
Art has always been Important to society. The art Influence and modify to society and which Is formed societys understanding and era. Especially visual arts such as paintings and photographs all important for know better. We will write a custom essay sample on Dorothea Lange or any similar topic only for you Order Now For example: Jaime Olaya’s painting La Famllla and Dorthea Lange’s photograph Migrant Mother. I am going to compare and contrast the similarities and differences between Migrant Mother and La Familia. There are some similarities between the two. The first similarity is their space. That artworks space is crowded and overlapping. Because the figures are large. Another similarity is composition. Both works are capturing a mother and her children. Although there are some similarities but there are several kinds of differences between Migrant Mother and La Familia. The first difference is their era. Migrant mother was made in twentieth century but Migrant Mother was made in nineteenth century. Migrant mother colors are muddy and cool on the other hand La familia colors are colorful and bright. Another difference Is their balance. Migrant mother balance Is the mother head is slightly proportional and level with the children’s had. La famllla balance Is Mother’s head Is not level at all not proportional. Another Important difference Is mood. Migrant mother mood Is depressing, worried, fear and very downhearted. All the same la familia mood Is happy, comforting, loving, peaceful and warm. Migrant mother message is struggling mother for her children and to overcome hard times with together. In addition to La Familia message is a mother holding her children with passion and love. Another difference is interpretation. I mean migrant mother interpretation is realistic but La Familia interpretation is artistic. Because Migrant Mother is seen reality of life. All in all I believe art should tell the truth but at the same time adduce beauty of life. So these artworks are one of best their period. How to cite Dorothea Lange, Papers
International Management Borders and Cultures
Question: Discuss about the International Management for Borders and Cultures. Answer: Introduction This essay is framed to enhance learning and knowledge about business ethics in marketing. In general, the ethics in marketing refers to principles or code of conduct, which every marketer and business entity has to follow. The essay provides the types of marketing ethics and their relevance in business. The essay will critically evaluate the significance of ethics principles and ethical values of marketing for sustainable business growth and success of an organization. Harvey Norman and McDonald are the two organizations that are selected in this essay for understanding ethical issues faced by business firms in marketing. This would be helpful to understand practical relevance of marketing ethics in corporate sector. Ethics in Marketing: Marketing ethics can be defined as the set of rules, norms, values and code of conducts, which guide in marketing decisions, instructions, actions, and strategies to ensure their ethical values and to ensure that they are ethically eligible to be implemented (Patrick et al, 2012). Marketing ethics is one of the branches of the business ethics. Marketing ethics is of two types, which are normative ethics and positive ethics. Normative ethics is the set of principles and methods, which provides justification of what is wrong and what is right in the marketing practices. As well, positive ethics explain the morality and common sense, which helps in taking the ethical marketing decisions. Ethical issues in the marketing are the situation or problem, where a company fails to meet ethical values in its marketing initiatives. Marketing ethical issues may occur in advertising, marketing segmentation and targeting, marketing research, privacy, personal selling, sales management, marketing strategy and actions, packaging, and labeling. Furthermore, the emerging ethical issues in marketing are fear appeals, distortions, false statement, false claim, and wrong information about the product or services (Ferrell et al, 2013). Apart from this, marketing research involves manipulation, deception, disguise and inappropriate information of research purpose. These are the basic issues currently emanating in the marketing research of the companies (Smith et al., 2012). Along with this, the most critical ethical issues, which are faced by Australian firms, are misleading information about product specification, quality of product, racism, cognitive dissonance, infringement, and altern ative invoice, deception, manipulation, packaging and labeling of the products. Ethical Issues of Harvey Norman: Harvey Norman is one of the largest multinational retail sector organizations having an Australian origin. The company is dealing in various products such as electronics, furniture etc. Harvey Norman came in headlines of the newspaper in 2011, when it did some unethical marketing of their products. The organization misleads the customers by the wrong way of advertisement method to buy their product. In this advertisement campaign, the organization did advertisement with the tag of 3D Finals Fever slogan. On that time there, AFL and NRL tournaments were going on. The organization used this tournament popularity to sell its 3D TVs. The organization urged the consumers to watch the final of AFL and NRL tournaments in 3D by purchasing their TV. They did this advertisement in the whole country despite of fact that there was no availability of 3D broadcasting in the whole country. In Australia, few cities were having the 3D broadcasting facility on that time. Court of Australia found Harvey Norman was guilty for misleading the consumers under its marketing strategy and imposed fine of $1.25 million on the organization. Due to this incident, the trust or reliability of the organization in the market got hurt and the organization lose its big market share. This way, the unethical marketing by Harvey and Norman affected the revenue of organization negatively. In 2013, organization also does one more unethical thing by misrepresenting the consumer rights for the warranty period. It imposed various unethical terms and conditions that impacted the interest of consumer negatively such as consumer have to inform the organization under 24 hours of damage of product, consumer also have to give some amount as a processing fee for repair and replacement of product under warranty period (Jager, 2013). Australian Competition Consumer Commission (ACCC) took the organization to court for this and urge the court to impose penalty on the organization. Sometime organizations used these types of strategies to increase the total revenue and market share despite of that these things are unethical. Sometimes, these strategies also gave negative results and due to that, organization may lose its present market share. This thing was happened with Harvey Norman in 2011 and 2013. Ethical Issues in McDonald: McDonalds is a big brand in global fast food industry. It is very famous in the world and McDonalds has many customers. McDonald sells hamburgers, French fries, Fried chicken and soda. Its products are very delicious and price is very cheap as compared of other companys products. There are some ethical issues faced by McDonalds in selling fast food (Ferrell et al, 2013). The company sold chicken wings after cooking of 90 minute, but according to rules of government, company cannot sell chicken wings after cooking of 30 minute. Furthermore, Staff of the McDonald store changed the expiry date of the products. Apart from this, staffs picked up beefs, which had fallen on the ground and they packed it in the packet. According to the rule of McDonalds, its pies should be sold in the 90 minute after fried of pies. Staff should have marked expiry date on the packet of products but staff did not mark exact date of pies (Deresk, 2011). Staff did this, because they want to reduce cost and want to earn more and more profits. According to McDonalds statement, it promised to customers the sale of only fresh products with high quality and safety, but many times in the quality testing by the respective organization it was found that the quality of food was not good. The organization was selling food after expiry date. Apart from this, it was not fair what they did for making more profit. According to ethics of marketing, McDonalds should not sell the products after expiry date. It could be harmful for customers health; many customers denied buying products of McDonald, because customer got hurt and it broke the trust of customers. It assured safety of customers health but its product was not safe for customers health. McDonalds announced that they keep cleanliness and never compromise in products cost and quality. But McDonalds did not performed, what it has promised to customers. Its staffs sold food, which had slipped on the ground from their hand. Furthermore, customers perception had changed towards McDonalds; they thought its products are harmful for health. Customers changed their brand loyalty and they purchased other companys fast food. Along with this, McDonalds should be honest to customers and it should not have broken the trust of customers it would be dangerous for both of them (customers and company). Company should have served food with high quality an d safety, and should not have broken the commitment. There is another marketing ethical issue faced by the company. McDonalds focused on children for marketing of products. It provided happy meal for kids. It became famous, because it gave toys with happy meal foods. In 2010, Monet Parham sued on McDonalds because her daughters were arguing with her for happy meals. Whenever the daughters of monet perham urged her to purchase happy meal for her and when she denied then her daughters were crying (Rucki, 2010). She fed up from the behavior of her daughters that was the reason she sued on the McDonalds. She claimed that deceptive advertising influenced her children for happy meals. Apart from this, McDonalds had developed unhealthy eating habits through their advertising of happy meal. McDonalds focused on children, because kids are unable to buy food if kids will go along with their parents, their sales will be increased because parents will also purchase the food for self with their kids. Furthermore, McDonalds made this strategy to mak e more profit Just because kids could persuade their parents and parents always fulfill wishes of kids. Conclusion On basis of above analysis, it can be concluded that ethics plays important role in effectiveness of marketing practices. Failure of organizations to comply with ethics principles may deteriorate brand image and sales of company in market. It is identified from the essay that there are two types of marketing ethics such as normative ethics and the positive ethics. Along with this, it can also be concluded from above analysis that unethical way of marketing, or companys failure to adopt ethical marketing can lead to law suits and regulatory disturbances against company. This can affect the sales and profitability of company in negative way. On basis of above essay, it can be recommended to organizations to design their marketing practices attentively. References Deresk, H. (2011). International management managing across borders and cultures. USA: Prentice Hall. Ethical issues faced by McDonalds (2015). Retrieved from: Ferrell, C. and Keig, D. (2013). The marketing ethics course: Current state and future directions, Journal of Marketing Education, 02-10. Jager, c. (2013). Harvey Norman Stores To Face Court Over Consumer Rights Violations. Retrieved from: McDonalds (2016). McDonalds launches food safety checks at all outlets. Retrieved from: McDonald's (2013). McDonald's Lawsuit retrieved. Retrieved from: McDonald's (2013). Retrieved from: Patrick, E., Gene, R. and Prothero, A. (2012). Ethics in marketing: International cases and perspective. England: Routledge. Rucki, A. (2010). McDonalds "Deceptive" Marketing to Children. Retrieved from: Smith, N. and Murphy, P. (2012). Marketing ethics: a review of the field. England: Sage. WG (2015). What is Business Ethics?. Retrieved from:
Saturday, April 25, 2020
Philippine Literacy in the Pre-Spanish Era - Position Paper free essay sample
Philippine Literacy in the Pre-Spanish Era Literacy is defined as the ability to read and write common symbols. Literacy used to be a very simple idea that only involves a person’s ability or skill to read and write his/ her country’s writing system. Today, literacy has been intertwined into many different aspects and has been branded by the evolving society as having the competence to progress continuously with globalization. Through time literacy has branched out numerously and somehow acquired a criterion that people should live up to, for them to be considered literate. Workplace literacy is having the skill to perform and understand symbols and ideas like reports, graphs, and instructions. Critical literacy means knowing how to apply one’s skill for improvements, and sometimes prevention in different aspect of life; and to be computer literate one has to know how to navigate and perform computer commands (Morgan, Walter Morgan 1999). We will write a custom essay sample on Philippine Literacy in the Pre-Spanish Era Position Paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The English language is also viewed as one factor that affects a person’s literacy because it is a common language used all over the world. It is very often that non-native speakers of English study it to become their second language. Global organizations, Governments and businesses use English to communicate information, campaigns and business deals. In the Philippines, English in an important factor in achieving a successful and comfortable life (Wikipedia: English Language 2012). To quote the Wikipedia it says: â€Å"Literacy represents the lifelong, intellectual process of gaining meaning from print. Key to all literacy is reading development, which involves a progression of skills that begins with the ability to understand spoken words and decode written words, and culminates in the deep understanding of text. (Wikipedia: Literacy 2012) Evidently, literacy has developed levels that are considered to be the standard in our society. Despite the society’s views on literacy and how important it clearly is in the progression of individuals, I still believe that it is important for citizens to value their ancestral culture and norms, and in the Philippine setting this includes the ancient writing which has been alienated for many years. Filipino ancient writing was unlike many countries. Ancient Filipinos wrote for pleasure, to communicate and to create literature. The first time that the Spaniards came in the Philippines they did not find any kind of writings, what they did not discover early on was that Filipinos wrote on bamboos and leaves. In an account by Fr. Juan Francisco de San Antonio in 1735 he said: â€Å"up to the present time there has not been found a scrap of writing relating to religion, ceremonies, or ancient political institutions†. Ancient Filipinos were not considered about politics and sciences; they were simply enjoying the pleasure of writing. To spread Christianity, the Spaniards published Doctrina Christiana in Tagalog Script. We already know what happened next, Christianity spread and the Spaniards took over the Philippine Islands. On the site I read, a couple of theories were provided on how the Tagalog script has become extinct, and mostly involves the Spaniards influence and authority over the Filipinos. It may have been the burning of the scripts, imposition of rules by the Spaniards or it could simply be because of the evolution brought about by conquerors, but the main point is, the Filipinos developed new languages from diverse influences and eventually drifted away from its own ancient language. (Santos, 1996) Ancient Filipino script may now be completely irrelevant to literacy based on how the society views literate citizens. However, it is important to emphasize the value of traditional writing to Filipinos. Knowing where we came from promotes a sense of nationalism and may increase a person’s level of self-view. Most people feel inferior when they are unable to perform certain skills or speak fluently in English or Tagalog, but if we start altering our mindset into thinking that each Filipino dialect is as good as Tagalog or English, we might have a chance at helping each other grow as Filipino citizens.
Friday, April 10, 2020
FDA Pharmacy Rotation Essay Sample
FDA Pharmacy Rotation Essay SampleIf you are thinking about taking the FDA Pharmacy Diploma (PharmD) or other pharmacists that are already working in FDA-regulated organizations, a rotation essay sample is required of you. These samples offer an insight into how the organisation will treat their new employees. You can then use the sample to help you in your own rotation.Pharmaceutical sales representatives at the FDA are members of the Advisory Committee on Food Additives (ACFA). The ACFA helps to educate the Pharmaceutical Sales Representatives (PSR) about certain subjects including alcohol abuse. It also works with the PSR on issues such as prevention and control of substance abuse, quality management and pharmacy safety. One of the biggest problems in the industry is the excessive use of prescription drugs and alcohol.Drug abuse and the over-prescribing of drugs have increased drastically in recent years. It is responsible for many deaths across the country. Over the last decade, the FDA has cracked down on the illegal sales of prescription drugs and introduced the Compliance With National Ambulatory Medical Care (CMAN) program.During this time the agency has allowed pharmacists to write personal accounts about drug abuse, especially the effects it has had on family members. These stories are used by the FDA to work with healthcare professionals on solutions to help them identify when a patient may be suffering from drug addiction. This helps prevent prescription drug abuse and can help save the lives of countless people.When you apply for a job with the FDA, you must submit a questionnaire that asks you to list all employment-related and personal experiences that may relate to the required positions. The rotation essay sample will ask you questions about your personal life and experiences.Some of the questions will cover different reasons why you want to go into the industry and why you would be interested in working at FDA. They will also ask you about you r educational background, work experience and if you have any side interests such as the medical field.The final question in the rotation essay sample is to describe a situation where you became ill and had to remain in the hospital for longer than usual. This will let the agency know what the PSR would have to deal with when dealing with patients who suffer from addiction.
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Naked Egg Drop Lab Report Essays
Naked Egg Drop Lab Report Essays Naked Egg Drop Lab Report Paper Naked Egg Drop Lab Report Paper Things we learned that was relevant to the lab were what Potential Energy and Kinetic Energy was. Potential Energy is stored energy due to objects relative position, while Kinetic energy was energy of motion; amount of energy depends on objects mass and velocity. The lab with the roller coaster showed examples of when the coaster was at the highest point that it had more Gravitational Potential energy and that by the time it reached the bottom or the lowest point of the hill it had the most amount of Kinetic Energy. The goal of the lab was to make a contraption that if an egg was dropped from about 18 Ft it wouldnt break or even crack. We tried to absorb the force of the egg so that it wouldnt hot the ground with too much energy. The contraption had a net made of yarn to catch the egg and not have it bounce too much; it was slanted slightly so the egg could roll down into a soft pile of cotton that lined the bottom of the box. The purpose of the lab was to make a contraption that would prevent an egg from breaking if dropped from about 18 feet high. The egg was to land at the highest point of the net and roll gently down into the cotton lining at the bottom of the box. Materials: * Box 22 x 45 x 29 * Net (yarn) * Cotton Balls * Large Paperclips The data does make sense. If someones data was off the way it could affect our results was it could slight miscalculations or false information. Ways we deal with this data is we do at least 2 trials and average up the data to ensure that the data would be a bit more accurate. The way the results relate to the purpose statement is it helped determine the exact height of the drop, how much kinetic energy and gravitational potential energy the egg has at a given point, and how much force and impact the egg lands with. For example I could calculate the height of the drop, too make sure the calculations are accurate, using the d=vi t+1/2 tat; I calculated that the drop should be around 6. 71 meters or about 18 Ft, which is pretty close to the actually height . Errors that could have occurred were miscalculation, incorrect information, wrong time, wrong measurement, etc. We had several timers to make sure we had the timing as accurate as possible and we compared are data to make sure we got the same data. The goal of this lab was to make a contraption that would stop the egg from breaking when dropped from about 18 Ft and to find out how much potential and kinetic energy the egg has at a given time.
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Manco Incas Rebellion (1536-1544)
Manco Incas Rebellion (1536-1544) Manco Inca’s Rebellion (1535-1544): Manco Inca (1516-1544) was one of the last native lords of the Inca Empire. Installed by the Spanish as a puppet leader, Manco grew increasingly angry at his masters, who treated him with disrespect and who were plundering his empire and enslaving his people. In 1536 he escaped from the Spanish and spent the next nine years on the run, organizing a guerrilla resistance against the hated Spanish until his assassination in 1544. Ascent of Manco Inca: In 1532, the Inca Empire was picking up the pieces after a long civil war between brothers Atahualpa and Huscar. Just as Atahualpa had defeated Huscar, a far greater threat approached: 160 Spanish conquistadors under Francisco Pizarro. Pizarro and his men captured Atahualpa at Cajamarca and held him for ransom. Atahualpa paid, but the Spanish killed him anyway in 1533. The Spaniards installed a puppet Emperor, Tupac Huallpa, upon Atahualpas death, but he died shortly thereafter of smallpox. The Spanish selected Manco, a brother of Atahualpa and Huscar, to be the next Inca: he was only about 19 years old. A supporter of the defeated Huscar, Manco was lucky to have survived the civil war and was thrilled to be offered the position of Emperor. Abuses of Manco: Manco soon found that serving as puppet emperor did not suit him. The Spaniards who controlled him were coarse, greedy men who did not respect Manco or any other native. Although nominally in charge of his people, he had little real power and mostly performed traditional ceremonial and religious duties. In private, the Spanish tortured him to make him reveal the location of more gold and silver (the invaders had already carted off a fortune in precious metals but wanted more). His worst tormentors were Juan and Gonzalo Pizarro: Gonzalo even forcibly stole Mancos noble Inca wife. Manco tried to escape in October of 1535, but was recaptured and jailed. Escape and Rebellion: In April of 1836 Manco tried to escape again. This time he had a clever plan: he told the Spanish that he had to go officiate at a religious ceremony in the Yucay Valley and that he would bring back a golden statue he knew of: the promise of gold worked like a charm, as he had known it would. Manco escaped and summoned his generals and called for his people to take up arms. In May, Manco led a massive army of 100,000 native warriors in a siege of Cuzco. The Spanish there only survived by capturing and occupying the nearby fortress of Sachsaywaman. The situation turned into a stalemate until a force of Spanish conquistadors under Diego de Almagro returned from an expedition to Chile and dispersed Mancos forces. Biding His Time: Manco and his officers retreated to the town of Vitcos in the remote Vilcabamba Valley. There, they fought off en expedition led by Rodrigo Orgoà ±ez. Meanwhile, a civil war had broken out in Peru between the supporters of Francisco Pizarro and those of Diego de Almagro. Manco waited patiently in Vitcos while his enemies made war on one another. The civil wars would eventually claim the lives of both Francisco Pizarro and Diego de Almagro; Manco must have been pleased to see his old foes brought down. Manco’s Second Rebellion: In 1537, Manco decided it was time to strike again. Last time, he had led a massive army in the field and had been defeated: he decided to try new tactics this time. He sent out word to local chieftains to attack and wipe out any isolated Spanish garrisons or expeditions. The strategy worked, to an extent: some Spanish individuals and small groups were killed and travel through Peru became very unsafe. The Spanish responded by sending another expedition after Manco and traveling in larger groups. The natives did not succeed, however, in securing an important military victory or driving the hated Spanish out. The Spanish were furious with Manco: Francisco Pizarro even ordered the execution of Cura Ocllo, Manco’s wife and a captive of the Spanish, in 1539. By 1541 Manco was once again in hiding in the Vilcabamba Valley. Death of Manco Inca: In 1541 the civil wars broke out again as supporters of Diego de Almagros son assassinated Francisco Pizarro in Lima. For a few months, Almagro the Younger ruled in Peru, but he was defeated and executed. Seven of Almagros Spanish supporters, knowing they would be executed for treason if captured, showed up in Vilcabamba asking for sanctuary. Manco granted them entrance: he put them to work training his soldiers in horsemanship and the use of Spanish armor and weapons. These treacherous men murdered Manco sometime in mid-1544. They were hoping to gain a pardon for their support of Almagro, but instead they were quickly tracked down and killed by some of Mancos soldiers. Legacy of Manco’s Rebellions: Mancos first rebellion of 1536 represented the last, best chance the native Andeans had of kicking out the hated Spanish. When Manco failed to capture Cuzco and annihilate the Spanish presence in the highlands, any hope of ever returning to native Inca rule collapsed. Had he captured Cuzco, he could have tried to keep the Spanish to the coastal regions and maybe force them to negotiate. His second rebellion was well thought-out and did enjoy some success, but the guerrilla campaign did not last long enough to do any lasting damage. When he was treacherously murdered, Manco was training his troops and officers in Spanish methods of warfare: this suggests the intriguing possibility that had he survived he many have eventually used the Spanish weapons against them. With his death, however, this training was abandoned and future rogue Inca leaders such as Tà ºpac Amaru did not have Mancos vision. Manco was a good leader of his people. He initially sold out to become ruler, but swiftly saw that he had made a grave mistake. Once he escaped and rebelled, he did not look back and dedicated himself to removing the hated Spanish from his homeland. Source: Hemming, John. The Conquest of the Inca London: Pan Books, 2004 (original 1970).
Friday, February 14, 2020
Change and Development in the English Language Research Paper
Change and Development in the English Language - Research Paper Example There has been significant evidence which suggests that Milton "tried to indicate a distinction in spelling, for instance, between the stressed and the unstressed forms of the personal pronouns - mee, hee, see, and there for the emphatic forms, and me, he, she, their, for the weaker ones." (Wrenn, 170-1) Topic Sentence 3: Milton was the greatest master in English poetic language, next only to Shakespeare, but "besides being the master in poetic diction of so many who have followed, Milton has left some notable marks on the language which go far beyond this sphere." (Wrenn, 173) John Milton enjoys an outstanding position as a molder and exemplar of English poetic diction and as the greatest master in English poetic language, next only to Shakespeare. However, he has also played an exceptional role in the change and development of the English language and he has made an exceptional contribution to the growth of the language in the 17th Century. Milton is highly regarded as a prominent figure in the development of the language through the century, mainly due to his ideas on spelling with which he experimented, his study and practice of the language, and for his contribution of a number of words and phrases to the literary vocabulary of English language. John Milton has an exceptional role in the change and development of the English language, apart from his outstanding position as a molder and paradigm of English poetic diction, and â€Å"he had ideas on spelling, with which he experimented; he was a keen student of the language and a supreme practitioner in it, and he has added a number of words and phrases to the literary vocabulary if not to the spoken.† Significantly, the first two paragraphs of his ‘Paradise Lost’ illustrate the English language of the 17th Century. His contribution to the growth English language through his epic poem ‘Paradise Lost’ includes the transformation of spelling, the contribution of a number of new words and phrases etc.
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