Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Jealousy Interpersonal Relationship and Successful...
Jealousy Is Fearsome A famous English philosopher named Francis Bacon said that â€Å"jealousy is the devil that always secretly and quietly destroys the good things on the earth.†By that he meant that the jealousy is a negative and we get it harmful emotion which result from shame, anger, and resentment. In the book Tuesday with Morrie, Morrie, who was a professor from Brandeis University, was told that love and forgiveness can make people engage in a strong relationship. On the other hand, jealousy leads to anger, betrayal, and envy which destroys relationships established between friends. Also, jealousy could create mistrust and hatred between people which dramatically impedes a normal relationship and interpersonal relationship. If†¦show more content†¦However, the other students did not care what jack have said. Ever since, I have never seen Jack talked to Jaime anymore. How could Jack say such harmful things about Jaime? Because of his jealousy, he rese nts his best friend Jaime and accuses him for cheating on the test. Morrie says that due to stubbornness people commit horrible mistakes(164). Jack’s mistake made him lose a good friend of his and might regret it for the rest of his life. Jealousy can destroy the relationship between family members. According to the an online article, it shows that most of families have bad relationship because of jealousy between siblings. Usually, the problem is one sibling gets more attention from the parents. Parents usually likes the child who is better looking, does better in school, or has some kind of talents that other siblings does not have. Without a doubt, kids are too young to be capable to control emotions and do not know how to express themselves without harming their siblings. As a result of jealousy, they boycott and stop talking to each other. Then, they destroy things to get or creates a scene to get parents’ attention. Instead, they get punished by parents. From observations, jealousy are usually cause by lack of attention. Children want to be appreciated but they are not. Unfortunately, children will feel insecure and frustrated from getting what they want inside their heart. It does not matter how bad theShow MoreRelatedSocial Media And Its Effects On Society Essay1603 Words  | 7 Pagesbeing a widely-known issue that is prevalent in all levels of society, not everyone is aware of the main factor influencing cyberbullyingâ€â€personality. By identifying the personalities behind the cyberbullying cases, individuals will become more successful in reducing the amount of cyberbullying cases. Personality can be interpreted in many ways, but â€Å"loosely interpreted, it is a complex set of characteristics which make up an individual’s unique imprint†(â€Å"Factors of Bullying,†2015). 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